english unlimited advanced c1 coursebook - Matemática (2024)

Escola Politecnica De Saude Joaquim Venanci

Little Unicornios 20/09/2024

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C a m b r i d g e*CEF*★ ★AdvancedCoursebookAdrian Doff & Ben GoldsteinGoals Language Skills Explorepages6-15pages16-25pages26-35pages36-65Childhood® ta lk about adapting to different cultures ® ta lk about memory © ta lk about a personal memory ® evoke the feelings and moods of a past eventTarget activityDescribe a childhood memoryLanguage focusAdapting to another culture p7 Remembering p9 Talking about a personal memoryp10ReadingBorn everywhere, raised in Britain p6Childhood memories are fairytales p8ListeningMemory p8Childhood memories p 10SpeakingAdapting to another culture p7How w e ll do you remember things? p8Your earliest memory p9Self® ta lk about personality tra its ® ta lk about identity ® understand promotional language ® say how you met someone ® use effective introduction strategiesTarget activityPromote yourselfLanguage focusPresenting a self- image p16 Talking about identity p i 7 Promotional language p 19 Say how you met someone p 19 Introduction strategies p20ReadingYour online self p16 Dating agencies pi 8ListeningWhat defines you? p 17 Introducing yourself p20SpeakingYour online self p16 What defines you as a person? p17Writing and SpeakingSay how you met someone p i 9Language and literature© describe a book © give a personal response ® ta lk about languages and ways to learn them © describe experiences of language learning © discuss plans and prioritiesTarget activityA plan to improve your EnglishLanguage focusDescribe a book and its significance p27 Language learningp28Plans and priorities p30Speaking and ReadingLife-changing books p26 Language learning p29ListeningFarthest North p27 Language learning p28 Plans and priorities p30SpeakingDescribing books and the ir significance p27World© interpret maps and facts ® make comparisons and talk about changes ® ta lk about diet and nutrition © discuss changing trends © ta lk about resultTarget activitySay how a town or country has changedLanguage focusDifferences and changes p37 Interpreting meaning p37Types of food p38 Changes and trends p39 Result pAOReadingMaps of the world p36 Nutrition transition p39ListeningEvents and changes in Britain pAOSpeakingMaps of the world p37 Interpreting a map p37 Food for a week p38 Technology debate p39WritingMaps of the world p37Across culturesAttitudes to childrenKeywords Describing habits and tendenciesEXPLORESpeaking© te ll an anecdote effectively ® keep people interested in a storyLook again OGrammarwouldusing the -ing form VocabularyMemoryjus tAcross culturesYour cardsKeyWOrdS Describing sk ill and abilityEXPLOREWriting© w rite a cover le tter ® describe experience and abilityLook again OGrammarVerb tenses in narration Phrasal verbs; verbs + prepositionsVocabularyself-Reformulating what you sayAcross culturesAttitudes to English Keywords worth, worthwhile EXPLORESpeaking® use strategies forcommunicating effectivelyLook again OGrammarPresent verb formsAdverbsVocabularyExpressions w ith language Idioms about speakingAcross culturesRestaurantsKeywords get, become EXPLOREWriting@ w rite captions © w rite economicallyLook again OGrammarThe futureComparisons involving different verbs and times Vocabulary Changes Cause and effectGoals Language Skills Explorepages46-55pages56-65pages66-75pages76-85Concepts of space® describe spaces in cities © describe how spaces are used ® ta lk about crime and surveiltance © comment on experiences © outline problems © discuss and suggest solutionsTarget activityPlan a city squareAppearances© describe appearance and changes to appearance © discuss photos and images © ta lk about aim and intention © ta lk about fakes and forgeries © convince people and express doubt© conduct a personal interview ® describe someone's life, achievements and attitudesTarget activityInterview someone and present a profileHealth© ta lk about health problems and treatm ent © describe and comment on an exhibition or a show ® describe a process or experiment © discuss implications and significance © discuss an issueTarget activityGlobal issuesBrand awareness© discuss brands © describe effects and influences © ta lk about the image and qualities of products © ta lk about advertising and marketing © describe an advert © pass on detailed informationTarget activitySell a productLanguage focusDescribing spaces p47Legal and illegal activities p49 Commenting on experiences p49 Outlining problems p50ReadingPost-it cities p46 Surveillance p48ListeningPost-it city p47 Security p49SpeakingTalking about spaces p47 Commenting on experiences p49Across culturesPrivacyKeyword need EXPLORESpeaking© give a presentation w ith imagesLook again OGrammarPassive reporting verbs VocabularyDescribing places Solutions to problemsLanguage focusAltering physical features p57 Aim and intention p57 Fakes and forgery p58ReadingThin, pretty and airbrushed p56The master forger p58 Paulo Coelho p60Reading and SpeakingFake photos p57ListeningThe camera never lies? p56 John Myatt, the master forger p59SpeakingReal or fake? p59Across culturesPiracyKeywords aim, purpose EXPLOREWriting© use w ritten and spoken styles appropriately © appreciate w ritten and spoken genresLook again OGrammarPresent perfect simple and progressive Present participle expressions Vocabulary New crimes Verbs with -en and en-Language focusHealth problems and treatm ent p66 Descriptive particles p67Describing processes and experimentsp68Discussing issues p70ReadingCradle to grave p66 Beware w itch doctors p68ListeningAudio guide p67 Malaria p70SpeakingAn exhibition or a show p67 Mind over m atter p69Speaking and ListeningA caffeine experiment p68Across culturesHealth campaigns Keywords consist, include EXPLORESpeaking© take turns in a discussion © give opinions in an extended conversationLook again OGrammarPassives and participles Referencing and substitution VocabularyTestsA ll-purpose nounsHealth problems and treatmentsLanguage focusEffects and influences p77Image and qualities p77Marketing words p78Describing technology p80ReadingViral ads p78The air-powered car p80ListeningBrands p76 A vira l video p79SpeakingBrand images p77 Describing an advert p79Across culturesMegabrandsKeywords effect, affect EXPLOREWriting© use advertising languageLook again OGrammarMeasuring differenceswhateverVocabularyMulti-word expressions Influence and effectGoals Language Skills Explorepages86-95pages96-105pages106-115pages116-125Icons® speculate about images and objects® interpret and respond to a story ® discuss icons © identify critica l language in a text© ta lk about what something represents © present arguments and counter-argumentsTarget activityIcons for todayLanguage focusInterpreting and defining p86 Critical language p88 Saying what things and people represent p90ReadingFamily story p87Speaking and ReadingIconic: the overused adjective p88ListeningInterpreting a painting p86 Shepard Fairey p90SpeakingSymbols and associationsp86Interpreting images p86 A family anecdote p87 Iconic people and things p89Across culturesLoan wordsKeytNOrdS Describing what things representEXPLORESpeaking® give critic ism ® respond to criticismLook again OGrammarI t ’s n o ...Modifying a sentence VocabularyUses of supposeA sense of belonging® describe groups and membership ® describe feelings about belonging ® give opinions emphatically ® explore strategies for analysing authentic texts ® persuade others to take actionTarget activityPrepare a campaignLanguagefocusBelonging to a group p97 Talking about membership p97 Being emphatic p99ReadingFootball p98ListeningA sense of belonging p97Listening and SpeakingJoining a group p97SpeakingGroups p96Opinions about football p99Across culturesFootball rivalries K e yw o rd togetherEXPLOREWriting® describe an organisation ® present something in the best possible lightLook again OGrammarInversionVocabularyCollective nouns fo r people Collective adjectivesClimate® ta lk about climate change ® describe inventions and how they work ® discuss proposals ® describe an ongoing process © understand imagery in a poem ® say if actions are justified ® conduct a debateTarget activityThe Doomsday debateLanguage focusClimate change p 106 Active and passive infinitives p 107 Processes p 109 Saying if actions are justified p110ReadingThe Sermilik fjord in Greenland p1082084 p109Reading and SpeakingRadical ways to save the planet p 106ListeningRichard Branson p 106The Doomsday debate p110Listening and SpeakingCommenting on a poem p 109SpeakingProposals to combat clim ate change p 107Across culturesLiving 'o ff-grid 'Keywords Describing s im ilarities and differencesEXPLORESpeaking® report a point of view ® react to a point of viewLook again OGrammarPresent progressive active and passive Cleft sentences VocabularyAdverb / adjective collocationsKnowledge and technologv© ta lk about knowledge and technology ® discuss how to access information ® describe technological advances ® ta lk about how things develop ® explain an idea © deliver a positive messageTarget activityDeliver a confident messageLanguage focusTalking about knowledge and information p117 Developments and advances p 119ReadingThe end of general knowledge? p i 16 Hole in the Walt project p118ListeningThe Hole in the Wall projectp 118Listening and SpeakingThe role of technology in obtaining information p117SpeakingFinding out information p116 The influence of computer technology p119Activities pages 126-139 Grammar reference pages uo-us, Scripts pagesAcross culturesTechnologyKeywords sure, certain EXPLOREWriting® give w ritten advice ® write steps in a process © describe how to do somethingLook again OGrammarParticiple clauses VocabularyComputer icons and collocations knowledge and information146—1604How to use this couisebookA sense o! belongingt i l Qf t mEvery un it o f th is book is divided in to sections, w ith c lear, p ra c tica l goals fo r lea rn ing .The f irs t fo u r pages of the un it help you bu ild you r language s k ills and know ledge. These pages inc lude speaking, lis ten ing , reading, w rit in g , g ra m m a r and vocabu la ry ac tiv ities . They are fo llow ed by a Target activity w h ich w il l help you put to g e th e r w ha t you have learned.EXPIORI)Across cultures Football rivalriesThe Explore section of the un it inc ludes an Across cultures page, a Keywords page, w h ich looks at use fu l and com m on ly confused w ords, and an Explore speaking or Explore w riting page. The Explore section gives you extra language and s k ills w o rk , a ll a im ing to help you becom e a be tte r and m ore c u ltu ra lly aw are co m m u n ica to r in English.jn t The Look again section inc ludes deta iled w o rk on the advanced-leve l g ra m m a r and#■ ^ vocabu la ry you have m et in the un it, he lp ing you review and extend you r lea rn ing .® ^ S om etim es you w il l a lso find th is recycling sym bo l w ith the goals, to show w hen ap a rt ic u la r goa l is not new but is recycling language th a t you have m et before.MThe e-P ortfo lio DVD-ROM conta ins use fu l re fe rence m a te ria l fo r a ll the un its , as w e ll as se lf-a sse ssm e n t to he lp you tes t you r own lea rn ing , and Word cards to help you te s t yo u r vocabu la ry lea rn ing .You can do m ore p ractice byE n g l is h■ ■ i * • i iyo u rse lf using the Self-study Pack, | 11 Off-gnd bving — Text Q) C33HHHIHHHILJw h ich inc ludes a w o rkb o o k and pf cW m nfcTntiM Ffon, Ourtaft KWrw. > t**ti#»-«r*tf> ftmUnlim ited in te rac tive DVD-ROM. W ork you do on th is DVD-ROM can be saved to »**• Th«r» BnotMr»comlr*¥«DO«»the e -p o rtfil io .j _ w»»*»»’*»*oVi*°ut.no««WrUn*sThe DVD-ROM conta ins 1 «itHout fomf to nor*> a au th e n tic video c lip s and overK *#KM n» >i (on* to M <oo« proaucoon.280 in te rac tive ac tiv ities .1.1 goals® ta lk about adapting to different culturesChildhoodREADINGBorn everywhere, raised in Britain1 a Look at the photos of the children. Where do you think they are from? What do they have in common?b Read what the children said. Try to guess who is who in the photos.iiMauricio, aged 11 (Brazil)My dad, he decided he just want to stay here one year, because the problem is we don't have a nanny here. In Brazil we had a lot of them. On the weekend in Cambridge, I usually tidy up the house with my mum and brothers and dad, and then go to read or play video games. In Brazil we didn’t do anything at the house. People did. Nannies.ii99i i Inza, aged 16 (Ivory Coast)In Africa, if you see anyone walking around, you just say hello. But in England if you see anyone and say hello, they will not say hello back. They have to get to know you properly. When I arrived here I was saying hello to everybody but they wasn’t answering me back so I stopped. I tell myself there’s no big deal me saying it again.iiAmna, aged 15 (Bahrain)My school's really friendly. It’s easy to find somebody in common because of the diversity of the people and the nationalities. People are accepting within this whole city. I guess because everyone moves in and out of here, and it’s filled with people from all sorts of p laces.... I even hear Arabic a lot around this area and it makes me feel that I'm still connected with my culture, and at the same time I’m learning about other cultures.Indi, aged 15 (St Lucia)There are a lot of differences. In St Lucia people pray when they wake up, before they go to sleep, before they eat. Religion is a big thing. If a person's older than you, you call them madam or auntie, even if you don’t know them. It’s just respect. And in St Lucia people take education seriously. If you don't go to college, you can’t get a job. Here, if you fail, you can probably work in KFC.9999ii Luis, aged 15 (Peru)Even though racial discrimination is a crime, I still feel it’s there. Here, people take the mick out of accents, they act differently towards immigrant people. Sometimes they’re just nasty. Most people don't know I’m Peruvian because I’ve worked very hard at my accent.99i i Collins, aged 10 (Uganda)In Uganda, I spent my days playing with the dogs, chasing the chickens, watching my uncle cut a goat - which is quite gruesome, but it looks good. In London, I’ll just stay home and watch TV. 99i i Sara, aged 12 (Macedonia)I just wonder if English children need to learn to be more free, to go out, to be more kid-like. Because sometimes I get kind of tired of shopping because it’s a bit grown up.I still want to live the life of a little child, play hide and seek and stuff like that. 99vii.2 a Who comments on:LANGUAGEFOCUSA dapting to an o th e r cu ltu reE233ZE1 nosta lg ia fo r th e ir hom e coun try and cu ltu re?2 th e ir id e n tity as ch ild ren?3 pe rsona l re la tionsh ips?A d iffe rences in behav iour and a ttitude?5 dom estic life?b Are the children negative, positive or ambivalent about the changes they have to make? What specific expressions indicate the children's attitudes?c What examples of non-standard and colloquial English can you find in the quotes?Listen to Daniel and Sarah talk about adapting to life in Germany. Who finds it mostdifficult? Why?b * u i Listen again. Tick the expressions they use. Who says them and what do they say?1 f i t in 7 an o u ts id e r2 w e lcom ing 8 expats3 fe e l at hom e 9 m ake an e ffo rtA m ake fr ie n d s 10 in te g ra te5 be / fe e l accepted 11 get used to6 adapt to 12 m issA a Talk together.1 Have you, o r has anyone you know, lived in a fo re ign country? W hat w ere the firs t im press ions of th a t country?2 Do you know anyone w ho has com e to live in yo u r coun try fro m abroad? Was iteasy o r d iff ic u lt to in tegra te? W hy / W hy not?b Talk about a country you could imagine living in, or have lived in. From what you know of the country and its culture, what things in the box would / did you find:1 easy to adapt to?2 in te res ting o r exciting?3 d iff ic u lt to adapt to?va lues and be lie fs food and eating hab its m aking fr ie n d sle isu re tim e and going out the way socie ty is organised c lim a telanguage and cu ltu re fa m ily life and re la tio n sh ip s safe ty7ISPEAKINGLISTENINGREADINGoA thabasca University ^ 2012/13Student Identification & Library CardJulia Gates 1563237Stephen White. RegistrarC an ad a ’s O p en UniversityMemoryb » I O L is ten to five people ta lk in g abou t d iffe re n t aspects o f m em ory.1 Match each person with one of the images in 2a.2 Does each person have a good or a bad memory?c i C i f L is ten again and co rre c t these s ta te m e n ts abou t each speaker.1 Liam recalls where he is immediately and always has a good visual memory.2 Jane doesn't check her pockets before leaving the house because she doesn'thave time.3 Olga keeps the passwords in her head but forgets them easily.U Uri's memory is very good for his age, especially when it comes to numbers.5 Tina can't rem ember names of anything or anyone.d W hich of the five people do you m ost id e n tify w ith ? Why?3 a Look at the t i t le of the a rtic le . W hat do you th in k the a u th o r w i l l say abou t m em ory?b Read the a r t ic le qu ick ly . W hat is the w r ite r 's m ain po in t abou t ch ildhood m em ory? How do we know th is?C How does the w r ite r g rab o u r a tte n tio n in the f ir s t few sentences?12a How w e ll do you re m e m b e r th ings? Look at these photos fo r one m inu te , then look on p126.b Talk toge the r. Who seem s to have a b e tte r:• short-term memory?• memory for names and numbers?• long-term memory?• visual memory?a How do you th in k these photos are connected w ith m em ory?UsernamePasswordForgot PassESPword?Childhood meMost of us have treasured memories of the events that shaped our lives as a child. Or do we? Controversial new research claims that those recollections may be as real as fairytales. Leading psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, of the University of California, believes your memories are more likely to be dream-like reconstructions of stories told by your parents. When we think we are reminiscing, we are simply'rewriting' our memory to suit ourselves. She adds: "Our biases, expectations and past knowledge are all used in the filling-in process, leading to distortions of what we remember.” She maintains there is no evidence that perfect memories are stored by individuals.In one study, volunteers were asked to read about events that happened to them as children. One of these was made up - a shopping trip when they were five, in which they got lost and were rescued by an elderly person. Later, some participants recalled the event in detail, with self- assurance and emotion. You could argue that these people might have genuinely lost their mum in a shop at some point during childhood. But Loftus later carried out similar studies where the fake event was an attack by a vicious animal, or beingresponsible for knocking over a punch bowl at a family wedding and spilling it all over the bride. The results were the same.Dr Jaime Quintanilla, professor of psychiatry at the Texas School of Medicine, agrees that our earliest recollections are far from accurate and often complete distortions or figments of our imagination. He says: "It's a proven fact that young children take fragments of experience and build them into distorted memories. Forexample, one 40-year-old man distinctly remembers his parents once punished him by refusing to buy him shoes. In fact, when he was three, he cut his foot on a piece of glass and developed a nasty infection. For two weeks, he was confined to the house in his socks so his wound would heal. When he wanted to go out, he was told he couldn't, because he had no shoes.'These false suggestions about childhood events can profoundly change people's attitudes and behaviour in adulthood.LANGUAGEFOCUSR em em beringd Read the article again.1 W hy do we choose to 're w rite o u r m em ories '?2 W hat w ou ld you say is the 'f i l l in g - in process'?3 W hat do the anecdotes about the shopping tr ip and w edd ing reveal?A How are these fin d in gs shown to be im p o rta n t in la te r life?A a Look at the article.1 W hat synonym s can you find fo r re m e m b e r and m em ory?How are they d iffe re n t in m eaning?2 'One 4 0 -yea r-o ld m an d is tin c tly re m e m b e rs ...'.W hat o th e r adverbs could co lloca te w ith re m em ber?b Look at the script for 1.2 on p146. Explain the expressions in bold using rem em ber. / \'Jog my m em ory ' m eans som eth ing m akes o r he lps me to rem em ber.SPEAKING Discuss these questions.1 Do you have a c le a r idea of you r e a rlie s t m em ory?W hat do you th in k it m ig h t be?2 Do you th in k th is m em ory is you r own, o r was it to ld to you by fa m ily o r fr iends?3 W hy do you th in k th is m em ory stayed? How did you fee l about w ha t happened?A Do you agree th a t we tend to d is to rt o u r e a rlie s t m em ories?Target activityTASK LISTENINGDescribe a childhood memory1 a What images of childhood does the photo bring to mind?b Which moments can you most easily recall from your childhood?ho lidays / jou rneys m oving house you r g randparen ts a new schoo l your best friend a p a rticu la r day / placec What helps trigger that memory: an image? a feeling? a smell?1.3 goals® talk about a personal memory® evoke the feelings and moods of a past eventTASK LANGUAGETalking about a persona l m em orya t O Listen to Andrew, Julia and Ben describing their memories. Which topics in 1b do they talk about?b * Listen again. Try to 'picture' the scenes the speakers describe.1 W hat im ages stand out? Make notes.2 W hat fee lings o r m oods are associa ted w ith each descrip tion? Note ad jectives and nouns.3 Why is the m em ory s t i l l s ig n ifica n t fo r each speaker?a Look at the script on p146. Divide each memory into four different sections:• focusing on tim e and place.• describ ing background / pa rtic ipan ts .• re la ting a sequence of events.• giving an eva luation.b You can use different expressions to structure your memory. Complete the gaps.Focusing on time and place• I re m e m b e r1________ I w as lit t le ...• I re m e m b e r2________ to the beach ...• The th ing 13________ re m e m b e r is ...• One of my 4________ m e m o rie s is ...Describing background / participants• I 8________ ju s t s ta rted p rim a ry school.• I m u s t9________ about fo u r years old.• We 10________ in a kind of forested area.• S h e 11________ ge tting m a rried .• We 12________ stay in a cottage ...Relating a sequence of events• 5________ we got tow ards the c o a s t...• W e 're 6________ rea lly close fr ie n d s ...__ the tim e we a rrived ...Giving an evaluation• 13________ back now on th is occasion ...• That's a 14________ of m eeting som eone.• ...h a s j u s t 15 with me forever.c Why is w ou ld used so frequently in Andrew's story?4 Talk about a childhood memory.1 T h ink of a s ig n ifica n t ch ildhood event from w h ich you learned som eth ing .Decide how you w an t to te l l it.2 Divide the m em ory into fo u r c lear sections. Choose expressions from 3b to help you.3 Te ll you r story. L isten to each o th e r's m em ories and ta lk about w ha t persona l s ign ificance they s t i l l have.U Talk about the d iffe rences and s im ila r it ie s betw een you r s to ries .EXPLOREAcross cultures Attitudes to childrenThese photos accompany a feature about Norway called Babyland.1 What do you think the photos show?2 What do you think the feature will say about Norwegian society?Read the introduction to the feature.1 What, if anything, surprised you?2 Could this article be a description of your country? What would be different?BabylandA ccord ing to th e UN's H um an D eve lo p m e n t In d e x , N orw ay is th e best p lace to live on th e p lanet. I t ce rta in ly seem s to be one o f th e best places to be a baby. In c o n tra s t to m os t European co u n tr ie s , th e N orw egian b irth ra te is a h e a lth y 1 .9. N orw ay's re p u ta tio n as a c h ild -fr ie n d ly soc ie ty is p a rtia lly founded on a succession o f g o ve rn m e n t in it ia tiv e s to im p rove p a re n ts ' rig h ts and econom ic c ircum stances. M a te rn ity leave is 42 weeks w ith fu ll pay, and p a te rn ity leave is fo u r w eeks. T here is financ ia l su p p o rt fo r those w ho choose to look a fte r th e ir ch ild ren ra th e r than re tu rn to the w orkp lace . And th e baby in d u s try is boom ing , g iv ing b irth to a p le thora o f new a c tiv it ie s : baby-m assage , baby-c inem a , baby 'n ' book days a t the lib ra ry , even b a b y -a u -ta it (a te rm fo r b re a s tfe e d in g -fr ie n d ly ca fes).Talk about whether your country is 'child-friendly'.1 How much support is there for mothers or fathers and babies?2 What facilities are there for small children?3 How safe is it for children?k What are people's attitudes towards children?Do they tend to:• ignore them?• make a fuss?• expect them to behave well?• disapprove?5 Is it considered important to have children?Do most people want to have them?Has this changed in recent years?11EXPLOREKeywords describing habits and tendencies1 a Look at these examples from the unit. What meaning do w il l and w ou ld have? Could you express the same meaning in another way?1 If you see anyone and say hello, they will not say hello back.2 In London, I'll just stay home and watch TV.3 As we got towards the coast, the trees would start to thin out.4 ... and we'd pack all our things up and set off for the beach ...b In these sentences, people are talking about childhood. Add w il l or w ou ld and a verb.1 W hen he w as lit tle , he w ould s leep when you d id n 't w an t h im to!2 If you 're not ca re fu l, they on th e ir video gam es a ll a fte rnoon .3 She w ith he r tw in s is te r bu t not w ith the o ldes t one, not any m ore.4 B a b ie s . That's how they s ta r t ta lk in g , by m im ick in g us adu lts .5 As a kid, I hours on my own, I w as a rea l loner.6 He w as a very im p o lite kid. He 'p le a s e 'o r 'th a n k you'.c In which sentences could we also use used to? Would this change the meaning? d Correct the mistakes in these sentences.1 I use to ride my bike w ith my fr ie n d s .2 I w ou ld have lo ts of fr ie n d s w hen I w as little .3 I’m s t i l l re m em bering m y fifth b irthday.2 a These sentences show other ways to talk about habits, or things that often happen.Underline the expressions that convey this idea.1 Young ch ild ren have a tendency to take fra g m e n ts of experience and bu ild them into d is to rted m em ories.2 In W estern socie ties, we tend to share precious m em ories of ch ildhood and re la te these openly in public.3 I'm a fra id I'm always fo rge tting people 's nam es and faces.A As I get o lde r, m y m em ory s ta r ts to fade a bit, and I'm liab le to fo rge t th in g s I've done.5 People like me, w ho are prone to put on w e igh t, can 't eat like tha t. You're OK - you 're rea lly skinny.b Which expressions often have a negative connotation? Which means 'it's annoying' in this case?2a to talk about them.3 a What tendencies might you associate with these photos? Use expressions fromb «* n Listen to the conversations. Match them with the photos.1 W here are the tw o people?2 W hat is each speake r w a rn ing the lis te n e r about? Why?U Think of someone with an irritating or attractive habit. Describe it using w il l / w ou ld or expressions from 2a.12EXPLORESpeaking1 Talk together.Goals1 W hat are the ch ild ren doing in the photo?2 W hat is th e ir a ttitude?3 W hat m akes a s to ry captiva ting?2 a Cover the script on this page and listen.1 W hy was the s to ry not very effective?2 W hat could the speake r have done to m ake it m ore effective? T h ink about:• tone of voice.• a ttitude .• pace.• use of language.Listen to a second version of the same story.1 W hat is the d iffe rence betw een the ways theyare to ld?2 How is the second speaker's s to ry -te llin g m ore effective?3 * 0 Listen again and look at the script on thispage. The speaker uses various strategies to keep the listeners interested. Find examples of:1 rh e to ric a l questions.They say the youngest are the sp o ilt ones, don 't they?2 v isua l de ta ils .3 d ire c t speech.A addressing the audience directly.5 com m en ts w h ich are not pa rt of the story.6 repe tition .U Find more colourful synonyms in the story for these expressions.1 v is ib le in fu l l view2 sm ilin g a lo t3 d isappearedA shocked5 found it am using6 a llow ed me to do w ha t I w anted7 behaving badly5 a Work in groups. How could you make the story below more interesting?Well, my dad did a lot of public speaking for his work, and sometimes all of us - the whole family - would go and see him. I remember being told how important it was to be on our best behaviour then. So, if I started messing about, my brothers would just pretend that they didn’t know me. It was like a very formal setting with cameras and everything. At first, they would try to keep me quiet, or stop me fidgeting or whatever, but then they used to just ignore me, 'cos it was too embarrassing otherwise.Anyway, my brother Gary tells me that one day, I was sitting there with all of them and I just disappeared. So my mother asked, “Where’s he gone now? Where's that troublemaker?" One minute I was there it seems, the next minute I’d vanished into thin air. So, anyway, everyone got a bit panicky because no one knew where I’d got to. Then,I w as 10. We w ere on ho liday in Italy. We w ere w a lk in g down a s tree t and stopped to w atch som e s tre e t p e rfo rm e rs . I w en t to the fro n t of the crow d to get a b e tte r view. I w as w atch ing the p e rfo rm e rs and fo rgo t everyth ing else.W hen the pe rfo rm ance fin ished , I looked round and co u ld n 't see m y parents. I w as scared and s ta rted runn ing down the s tree t. Then I rea lised I shou ld stay in one place, so I w en t back to the s tree t p e rfo rm e rs . A fte r a few m inu tes I saw my parents. They bought me an ice cream .b Practise telling the story.suddenly ... you should have seen everybody’s faces ... suddenly, there I was in full view. I'd only got up on the stage with my dad, hadn’t I? Waving to everybody and beaming like mad in front of the cameras. Can you believe how cheeky you have to be to do that, can you?Apparently, what I'd done is edge out of the seat without anyone seeing and then crawl down to where my fatherwas speaking. At first, my dad was horrified ... but then he saw the funny side, and the audience did too. I mean,I simply couldn’t bear anyone else to get the attention!I wanted to be the star! Nothing’s changed really. Unbelievable!I’m the youngest of three. So, as I’m sure you can imagine, when I was little I was always up to no good. They say the youngest are the spoilt ones, don’t they? I suppose my parents just let me get away with it, because I was the youngest. I’d spend half the time showing off breaking my brothers’ toys, ruining their games, attracting attention to myself. You know, the usual, just terrible ... Anyway, I’d better get back to the anecdote!13Look again oGrammarwould1 a Match groups A -F with these uses of w ou ld .1 past hab its 62 po lite requests and o ffe rs3 the past of 'w ill ' in reported speech4 the 'fu tu re - in - th e -p a s t '5 hypo the tica l s itua tions6 g iving advice (soften ing)A They said th a t the re w ou ld be hundreds out ofw o rk .He said he w ou ld be back in tim e fo r the film .B In those days, w e w ou ld w a lk hom e late atn igh t w ith no p rob lem .S om etim es w e 'd go to w o rk , ju s t fo r fun.C A fte r th a t goal, it w as c le a r they w o u ld n 't w inthe m atch.She decided th a t she 'd spend the rest of he r life there.D W ithou t the land, we w ou ld have goneb a n k ru p t a long tim e ago.W ould you ever leave th is country?E W ould you m ind having a look at th is w ith me?W hich ho te l w ou ld you p re fe r to stay in?F I w o u ld n 't w o rry about it, if I w ere you.You'd be a com p le te foo l not to take th a t job, you rea lly w ou ld .b In which cases can w ou ld have a similar meaning to 'was going to' and 'used to'?2 a Change these sentences to include w ou ld .1 Open the door.2 I asked h im , but he d id n 't say a w ord.3 Do you p re fe r to go by bus?4 She never fo rgo t th a t favour.5 I w en t the re every yea r in A ugust.6 He said he m ig h t leave ea rly today.7 That's so typ ica l of he r to say tha t.b What effect, however subtle, do these changes have on each sentence?c »d Listen to check. Is w ou ld stressed in any of the sentences?3 a Complete these sentences so they are true for you.1 I w o u ld n 't be su rp rise d if ...2 I w ou ld always recom m end ...3 W hen I w as younger, I th o u g h t I w ou ld ...4 I can 't im ag ine w ha t I'd do i f ...5 I w ish people w o u ld n 't ...6 I'd r a th e r ... than ...b Listen to each other's sentences. Ask questions to find out more.Grammar reference, p140using the -ing formLook at these examples. In which is the ing form:a the sub ject of the sentence? b a fte r a p repos ition? c a fte r a verb?1 Looking back now on this occasion reminds me of how beautiful the village childhood was.2 Sometimes all of us - the whole family —went to see him. I remember being told howimportant it was to be on our best behaviour then.3 Apparently, what I'd done is edge out of the seat without anyone seeing and ...5 Look at these verbs.1 W hich of these verbs can be fo llow ed by -ing fo rm s?2 W hich can be fo llow ed by to + in fin itive?3 W hich can be fo llow ed by both?re m e m b e r fin ish m anage o ffe r reg re t decide m ind suggest im ag ine agree enjoy postpone prepare give up ris k avoid6 a Add p re p o s itio n s to these sen tences fro m theun it.1 I get kind of tired shopping.2 I've no prob lem re m em bering pin num bers.3 That's a happy m em ory m eeting som eone.4 That's how they s ta r t ta lk in g , m im ick in g us adu lts .b W hich sen tences are a lso poss ib le w ith o u t the p re p o s itio n ? W ould they m ean th e sam e?7 a C om ple te these sen tences using an -in g fo rm .1 i w o u ld n 't m ind ...2 I get re a lly fed up w ith ...3 You can 't a lw ays avoid ...4 I vaguely re m e m b e r ...5 I'm qu ite used to ...I get really fed up with receiving junk mail.b Listen to each other's sentences. Ask questions to find out more.14VocabularyM em ory8 a How m any co llo ca tio n s w ith m e m o ry can you re m e m b e r?S h o rt- te rm m em ory. ^^Jog som eone ’s m em ory.b In what context do you think you would hear these expressions? Which is the odd one out?1 They’ re the w o rs t in liv in g m em ory .2 He's su ffe ring from s h o r t- te rm m e m o ry loss, but the re 's no th ing to w o rry about.3 You've got a m e m o ry like a sieve.4 This m ode l has p len ty of m em ory .5 I th in k I can do it fro m m em ory .6 Sorry, m e m o ry 's p lay ing tr ic k s again.Listen to check.Look at these sentences from the unit. What does ju s t mean? More than one answer may be possible.only rea lly s im p ly1 My dad, he decided he ju s t w an t to stay here one year, only2 In A frica , if you see anyone w a lk in g around, you ju s t say he llo .3 I ’ l l ju s t stay at hom e and w atch TV.4 If a person 's o ld e r than you, you ca ll them m adam o r auntie , even if you don 't know them . It's ju s t respect.5 They act d iffe re n tly tow a rds im m ig ra n t people. S om etim es they 're ju s t nasty.10 a Look at these examples with the expression it's ju s t too m uch. What situations might they be used in and what would they mean?1 I can't do it, w o rk ing fu ll- t im e , it's ju s t too much.2 It's ju s t too m uch p ressu re r ig h t now.3 I'm not sure, i t ’s ju s t too m uch of a r is k .4 Living like th is - it's ju s t too m uch to handle .5 I t ’s ju s t too m uch fo r her, she's had enough.b Look again at the expressions in 10a. Decide which words or syllables you would stress.1 1 a What do you think the people are saying in the cartoons? Use It's ju s t so / Tha t's ju s t too . . . .b * «D D Listen to check.c l iS D Listen again to how the speakers stress the key words. Which is the most important information in each case?C * Listen to check.Imagine you are in one of these situations. Talk to another student about it using expressions from 10a. Then ask for advice.• You're w o rk in g very hard.• You w an t to invest som e money.• You're m oving to a new home.• You're looking a fte r som eone 's ch ild ren .Self-assessmentCan you do these things in EngUsh?|Hrcie)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.© talk about adapting to different cultures l » J f l® talk about memory 1HI ® talk about a personal memory® evoke the feelings and mood of a past event g r o w .- i© tell an anecdote effectively© keep people interested in a story g r o w• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work e-Portfolio• For more practice -» Self-study Pack, Unit 1152.1 goals® talk about personality traits@ talk about identitySelfYour online selfREADINGLook at this profile image used on a social networkingsite. Discuss these questions.1 W hat aspect of his pe rso n a lity do you th in k he w ants to show?2 Have you ever uploaded an im age to rep resent you rse lf? W hat w as it fo r and how did you choose it?3 Do you have an on line page? Do you re g u la rly update it o r com m en t on o th e r people 's?A Do you th in k these pages g ene ra lly p o rtra y an accura te im press ion of people 's cha rac te r?Read the article. Does it have similar views to yours?Social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Orkut are now estimated to have more than 700 million users worldwide. As users can create any profile of themselves they choose, you might expect them to portray themselves in the best possible light. When putting up a profile, it would be reasonable for them to present flattering images, choose sophisticated and discerning interests, and carefully express their thoughts so as to appear more intelligent thanin real life. But according to recent research, this is not the case. Far from presenting themselves in a flattering way, most users' profiles reflect their true personalities, and reveal both psychological weaknesses and natural physical flaws.Research was carried out on 250 Facebook users who filled in a personality questionnaire. Results were compared w ith the same people's Facebook profiles. The survey set out to assess not only the participants' actual personality, but their 'ideal' personality - in other words, what kind of person they would be if they actually possessed all their ideal characteristics.These results were then compared w ith the participants' Facebook profiles. W hat emerged was astonishing: far from being idealised versions of themselves, people's online profiles conformed closely to what they were really like. Their profiles accurately reflected how agreeable, extroverted, conscientious, neurotic and sociable they were in real life.It's not entirely clear why online profiles depict users' personalities so accurately. It could be that users want to portray themselves as they really are, or it could be that people attem pt to present an ideal image of themselves but in fact fail to do so. One thing seems clear: social networking sites can in no way be considered a false online world tha t is idealised and removed from reality; rather, they are simply another way in which people choose to interact w ith each other.LANGUAGEFOCUSP resenting a se lf- im a g e3 a Read the a rt ic le again. Id e n tify the p a rts w h ich m ake these po in ts .1 We are not ca lcu la ting in the way th a t we p resen t ourse lves to o thers.2 We don 't a tte m p t to hide o u r e cce n tr ic itie s o r o u r appearance.3 Online p ro files are not fan tasy rep resen ta tions , but m atch reality.A People w an t to p resen t - o r are unable to hide - th e ir tru e selves.5 In sp ite of w ha t m any people th in k , ne tw o rk ing s ites encourage us to be who we are.b Look at the opening paragraph. How does the w r ite r arouse the reader's curiosity about the differing viewpoints?U a Find eight adjectives in the article which refer to different personality traits, b Cover the article. Can you rem em ber what nouns collocated with these verbs?create p o rtra y put up p resen t choose re fle c t express revealDiscuss these questions.1 In w ha t o th e r ways can people p resen t them se lves on line (e.g. ro le -p lay ing gam es o r p ro fess iona l w ebsites)?2 Look at these on line p ro file im ages. W hy do you th in k each person chose them ?3 Can you th in k of o the r types of profile photo? W hat w ould you typ ica lly see in them ?LISTENINGLANGUAGEFOCUSTalking about iden tityWhat defines you?1 a t i n t Listen to Norman, Olga, Liam and Jane answering the question 'Whatdefines you?' What is the defining factor in each case?b t i n t Listen again and make notes on these questions.1 W hich tw o people m ention o th e r co u n tr ie s o r cu ltu res?How w ere they in fluenced by them ?2 W hich tw o people ta lk about w hen they w ere younger?How w as th e ir sense of se lf d iffe re n t then?3 W hat people do they a ll m ention as being im p o rta n t in de fin ing w ho they are?2 a Match expressions 1 -8 from the recording with sentence endings a -h .1 I th in k of m y id e n tity p a rtly in te rm s of2 I need to fe e l p a rt of3 My life is cen tred a lo t onk W hat de fines m e m ost is5 I ’m a p roduc t of6 I see m yse lf as7 I like to th in k th a t I'm re fle c te d ina m y fr iends .b m y background.c a happy person.d m y stay in o th e r coun tries .e the people I like .f m y ch ild ren ra th e r than on myself.g w here I com e from .8 W hat has also had a g rea t in fluence on me was h a close c ircu it o f fr iends , b Check the script on p147.SPEAKING What defines you as a person?1 W ork alone. T h ink about these ca tegories:• na tiona lity . • re lig ion .• language. • you r fam ily.• you r w o rk o r job. • be long ing to a group.T h ink about expressions in 2a you cou ld use to ta lk about you r identity. Com pare w ith o th e r s tuden ts . Did you define yourse lves in s im ila r ways? W hich ca tego ries do you th in k are the m ost and least im po rtan t?c lo thes and appearance, w here you g rew up. p e rso n a lity tra its .17Dating agencies2 .2 goalsEunderstand promotional languagesay how you met someoneREADING Talk together.1 Why do you th in k on line dating agencies are ga in ing popu la rity?2 Do you know anyone w ho m et th e ir p a rtn e r in th is way?Look at the three websites. What different ways of meeting people do they provide? How do you think each service works?ClubM8 is a brand-new com m unity th a t gives you the chance to chat, exchange te x t messages and in te ract w ith o ther ce ll-phone users, anytim e, anywhere. It 's 100% fun and 100% safe! How does it w ork, you ask? It's simple. You te ll ClubM8 w hat your desires and criteria are. You'll receive the profiles o f m em bers th a t match yours, while your profile is sent out to m em bers you match w ith . You'll im m edia te ly be able to exchange te x t messages w ith him or her however, whenever, w herever you want!No boring form s to fill in, o r expensive subscriptions to pay. Send a te x t message now and en te r the fun! You may find you r perfect ... cell mate!N obody understands the needs o f the s ingle tra ve lle r more than we do, w h ich is w h y you have made us the UK’s num ber 1. Established in 1969, ours is a name our custom ers tru s t, th a t’s w hy they come back to us, tim e a fte r tim e . Solo's isn ’t ju s t ano the r ho liday com pany. Solo’s is a trave l com m un ity , and we fo n d ly w elcom e new ‘m em bers’ to en joy the experiences o f solo trave l. We know th a t our success is com p le te ly dow n to ou r custom ers, and th a t’s the ethos upon w h ich ou r business has grow n over the last q u a rte r o f a century. The service we o ffe r is personal, ye t unob trus ive - g roup sizes do vary, bu t you w ill doubtless be ho liday ing w ith o the r s ingle trave lle rs w ho share a passion fo r life and d iscovering new, exc iting destina tions in the UK, Europe and around the w o rld . Love is nearer than you th ink .fMake it happen!Stop waiting around for Mr or Ms Right, and simply log on to the dating agency for professionals. It's OK to look, and w ith a million members online, you ’re sure to love what you see.Start a subscription, create your profile and start enjoying all we have to offer. If you don’t find tha t someone special in three months, we'll give you the next three months absolutely free! N ot convinced by online love? Then our Singles’ Events may be your thing. Aimed at professionals, these are a great way to find like-minded people in a relaxed party atmosphere. For the not- so-confident, we even have our staff on hand to help you mingle and make you feel at ease. You'd be a fool not to give it a try ...18W hich w ebs ite does each sentence describe?1 O ther people are ava ilab le to help you m eet the r ig h t person.2 The com pany has existed fo r a long tim e .3 It com pares its serv ices to o thers.k It ta rge ts a spec ific type of custom er.5 It s tresses the n u m b e r of people ava ilab le in the service.6 The service em phasises the ease w ith w h ich you con tact som eone.7 It co m p lim e n ts its cus tom ers .8 It m akes an o ffe r if the cu s to m e r is un lucky in love.4 a W hat devices do the a d ve rts use to s e ll th e ir p roduct? F ind exam p les of:P rom o tiona llanguage1 a prom ise o r p red ic tion .2 a boast.3 a slogan.A an exclam ation . 5 a joke o r pun.b W hat k ind oflanguage do they use? Find exam ples of these fo rm s in the adve rts .im pe ra tives rh e to ric a l questions co n d ition a l sentences positive ad jectives invers ion m oda l verbsLANGUAGEFOCUSSay how you m et som eonec What other techniques are used?How we met1 a Read th is te s t im o n ia l abou t da ting agency C. F ill in the gaps w ith th e m ost a p p ro p ria te fo rm of the ve rb s in b racke ts .We met at the London Singles' Events in July. He 1_____ (say) he (see) my photo on the wall and ju s t ' (be) there with friends - we 5____the paper and weI 7_to find me. We 9 10 (know) I(see) the advert in (decide) to give it a try, just for a laugh.(sit) in a corner having a drink and he 8 (come). (chat) for the rest of the evening and then(call) the next day and we 11(have) tons in common. We bothuever since. We 12_(work) in the media and thank you! It does work and I’m so glad I _ (meet) the love of my life!(be) together13never 16(have) an amazing time. So _ (come), or I15b t lT O L is ten to check. W hat d iffe re n t ve rb fo rm s are th e re ? Make a lis t.A re these the on ly fo rm s th a t could be used in each gap, o r w ou ld o th e rs be poss ib le? W hy / W hy not?PIW RITING and SPEAKING2 a W ritin g gam e. Invent a s to ry abou t m ee ting som eone fo r the f ir s t tim e .1 W rite a few sentences s ta rtin g w ith 'We m e t ...'. Pass it to a n o th e r s tuden t.2 Add a few m ore sentences s ta rtin g w ith 'I w as ...'. Pass it to a n o th e r s tudent.3 C ontinue, s ta rtin g w ith the expressions in the box. Pass each new section to a n o th e r s tudent.He / She w as ...We ... and then ...And since then ...We have tons in com m on. We bothb Read ou t yo u r story.W ork w ith a pa rtne r. D escribe how you m e t som eone im p o rta n t to you. Ta lk abou t:• w hen and w here you m et.• how it happened.• w ha t you f irs t ta lked about.• w ha t you had (or have) in com m on.Target activity2 .3 goals@ use effective introduction strategies© promote yourselfTASKLANGUAGEIn troductions tra teg iesHello.M y n a m e isPromote yourself1 a What do the images suggest about theway you should or should not present yourself to others?b * i f f t Listen to Uri, Sandy and Carmelo presenting themselves.1 W hat do you th in k are the s itua tions?W hat w ords helped you decide?2 W hat is w rong in each case w ith the way the cand ida tes p resen t them se lves?3 W hat advice w ou ld you give the people?c * O Listen to new versions. What has improved? i n i m i m ililllllv l2 a Match these strategies to the highlighted examples in the scripts.1 back track ing and re fo rm u la tin g b2 choosing an equ iva len t te rm fo r a w ord you can 't re m e m b e r3 se lecting an expression in o rd e r to gain tim e and keep the flo o r4 expanding and developing the po in t5 hand ling in te rje c tio n s w e ll6 cons idering the e ffec t on the lis te n e ra m a n d a So, Uri, would you like to say a little bit about yourself first, just to get the ball rolling, you know? u r i Of course, well, my name is Uri Salemi. aI have worked in the marketing ... area for many years, as you might have seen from my CV and I studied economics, so that's why working with Deutsche Bank really was appealing... bwhy it really appealed to me, I should say. I believe I have a number of characteristics that would be suitable for the job. a Such as?u cMy experience of working in a team, the need to plan strategically, and decisiveness when having to take difficult, tough decisions. I think these facets are crucial.m ic h a e l So, Ms Faber, it's nice to meet you at last!s a n d y dHi, Sandy Faber. Likewise, Michael! It's always nice to meet somebody face to face after emailing such a long time. It’s wonderful to be here! m Yes, that’s right, it's always good to put a face to a name, s Absolutely, the thing is ... sometimes you never get to meet that person and that can be even more frustrating, can’t it? m Well, I’m glad that's not the case this time. Well, it's time for you to meet the others now... come this way, please. The seminar begins in a few minutes.a m a n d a Mrs Santos, it's really nice to have you back here with us. c a r m e lo Thanks a lot. Pleased to meet you, fI don't think we've been introduced. Carmelo Santos. a Amanda Woods, c It's a pleasure, Amanda. And, well, it’s great to be back. So, I suppose the other candidates are here? Should I go through? a Oh yes, we’re keen to get started, as you can imagine. Is there anything else you need? c I was wondering if I could bonow a pen, I seem to have left mine behind for some reason. a Of course, no problem. Follow me.b How do the people introduce themselves? Who is more formal / informal? c How do the interviewers attempt to put the candidate at ease?Conduct a job interview. Together, look at this job. Then, Student A, look on p 126. Student B, look on p 134.Public relations m an ag erWe need a high-energy, motivated professional to take responsibility for external communication and growing our company’s reputation. Responsibilities. You will be the main point of contact for the media, writing press releases, presentations, customer success stories and case studies. You will be building the company’s presence online (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and driving programmes for winning awards, gaining positive product reviews in the media, and so on.Required experience. You should have 3-5 years of public relations and marketing experience, as well as a university / college degree, preferably in business or marketing.Required skills. Superior written and oral communications skills are a must. You are a creative thinker who can develop unique ideas and marketing programmes, someone who is passionate about growing our company every day.20EXPLOREAcross cultures Vour cards1 a Look at these business cards. What do you think the cards sayabout the people who own them or the company they work for?b In your country, do people use business cards as a way of expressing themselves?c What do individuals or companies need to bear in mind when designing a business card for themselves?2 a Read the article and check your answers. Where do you thinkthis article originally appeared?Business cards are som ething that we take for granted when we sh ou ldn ’t. The look, feel, and m essage on a card help people determ ine how they view you, and m ore im portandy, if they will even rem em ber you. When you leave a conversation and the other party has your business card, your identity is that piece o f paper. Because of this representation, your business card should not only state who you work for, your contact inform ation, and what you do, but it should also state som ething about you - not in a written sense, but m ore of an im pression of your overall im age. For exam ple, if I were to hand you m y bu sin ess card, you w ould probably get the feeling that I am a w arm and caring person (the card is thick, yet feels soft; the corners of the card and the typography are rounded; it’s green), becau se that’s ju st the m essage I w anted to com m unicate.b Look at the business cards again. Do you notice any featuresmentioned in the article?3 a Think about the people below. What image of themselves ortheir company might they want to convey through their card?How might this be reflected in the card itself?1 the sales m anager of an in te rn a tio n a l com pany2 a s in g e r3 an a rch ite c t4 a yoga te ache r5 a w ebs ite des igne r6 the ow ner of a fu rn itu re shopb Work in pairs. Choose one of the people and design a card for them. Think about:• in fo rm a tio n . • im ages. • co lours.• tex tu re . • un iqueness.• font.c Find other students who chose the same person. Compare your ideas.U Discuss these questions.1 Do people in you r coun try p resen t cards to each o ther? In w ha t s itua tions?2 Do you know any o th e r soc ie ties w here cards are: m ore im p o rta n t? less im p o rta n t? W hy is th is?3 Do you th in k the socie ty in w h ich you live encourages people to stand out o r f it in?4 W hat o th e r cards in you r possession com m un ica te th ings about you to o thers?(C onsider d iffe re n t cards: m em bersh ip cards, loya lty cards, iden tity cards, etc.)I’ m \ ^ a t wone o n t r21EXPLOREKeywords describing skill and ability1 a Look at these examples.1 Do you th in k they are w ritte n o r spoken?2 W here w ou ld you read o r hea r them ? W hat are they about?a Natasha is settling in very well at Lancaster and doing lots of sport, apparently. She seems to have a real talent_______________ new sports - she took upvolleyball this term .. . b We are based in Glasgow and still small, but set to expand rapidly. We need someonewho has acquired s k i l l s ________________abusiness and who would be committed to hard but rewarding work, c So United still three down, and nowhere near their usual form. But as they proved last season against Bolton they do havethis ability______________ the match in thelast minute ...b Add a preposition and a verb to each sentence. What do you notice about the verb forms?in to fo r w in learn runC How could you express each sentence using these words?a ta len ted b s k ille d c capable2 a Which of these words frequently occur before ta le n t? Which frequently occur before s k ills ?leadersh ip rea l n a tu ra l academ ic basic co m p u te r cons iderab le te ch n ica l in te lle c tu a lb Which of these words can also come before the word a b ility?C Talent can refer to people or the ability itself. Which do you think these expressions refer to?1 new ta le n t people A hom e-g row n ta le n t2 crea tive ta le n t 5 a th le tic ta le n t3 young ta le n t 6 a rt is t ic ta le n t3 a What type of talent or skill do you think is being il lustrated in the photos opposite?b • CKO Listen to check.1 W hich expressions do you hear?2 W hat are the people ta lk in g about?3 W hich of the s k ills can you easily learn?U Think of someone who has a particular talent for something. What would you say are his / her skills? Talk about this person’s achievements.22EXPLOREWritingGoals1 a You are going to read a letter applying for an MBA grant. How do you think the words in the box will be used?s k ills fa m ilia r re levant fu tu re ap titude cha llenges hesita te spec ia lty app lica tion accustom ed® write a cover letter © describe experience and abilityb Add words to the gaps.Dear Sir/Madam,I am w riting to provide you w ith some background inform ation so you can better judge my scholarship 1 for the MA in Business Administration (seeattached form and resume).Regarding my academic experience, I am currently completing my degree in Economics at the University of Stony Brook, New York, where my current_ is in Marketing. So far, I have received excellent grades in a ll subjects, and I am on course to graduate w ith distinction at the end of the semester. Enclosed you w ill find photocopies o f a l l 3 _ certificates.As you w ill see from my attached resume, I am 4 to working in the financial sector. I've worked for the last three summers for Citibank in the customer service department here in New York State, where I honed my personal 5 and became 6 w ith the banking world at firs t hand.I believe my greatest strengths lie in my ab ility to work well in a team and an7 for taking on whatever 8 th a t come my way. For these reasons, at th is stage in my life, I strongly believe I am able to take on the demandsof a fu ll-tim e Masters degree. My 9 career in banking would be greatlyenhanced by earning an MBA at your university.Should my application be successful, I am available for interview whenever i t is convenient. I f you require any further details or references, please don't 10 to contact me.I look forward to hearing from you.With best wishes,SU zrw fkrtr/dae Sharon Partridge2 a Does the w r ite r use US o r B r it is h Eng lish? How can you te ll? Do you th in k it is im p o rta n tto adopt one va rie ty o r the o the r?b How does the w r ite r p resen t h e rs e lf in a pos itive lig h t? Find exp ress ions in the le tte r w h ich show o p tim ism and se lf-co n fid e n ce .c Cover th e le tte r. How do (o r cou ld) these sen tences con tinue?1 My g rea tes t s treng th is an ap titude ... 4 I believe my g rea tes t s tre n g th s lie ...2 I am accustom ed ... 5 I am ava ilab le ...3 I becam e fa m ilia r ...d Look at the le tte r and check, e How is the le t te r s tru c tu re d ?1 D escribe the fu nc tion of each paragraph.2 W hat k ind of language is requ ired fo r each?3 W rite a cover le tte r. Choose one o f these op tions.• Apply fo r a fu r th e r education g ran t in an academ ic fie ld of you r choice.• Respond to a job advert in the p ro fess iona l fie ld of you r choice.Look again oGrammarVerb tenses in narrationCan you rem em ber the story in How we m et on p19? Which different tenses did you use?Which tenses can be used to:1 set the scene of the story?2 describe actions in progress up to a po in t in the past?3 describe the s to ry 's m ain events?U c la rify th a t one event happened before another?Put these pictures in order to make a story.Work in A/B pairs.1 Prepare to te l l you r p a rtn e r som eth ing tha t happened to you. Use one of these ideas o r you r own:• an im p o rta n t event in you r life.• an in te re s tin g tra ve l experience.2 T h ink of the background to you r s to ry and any e ffec ts it s t i l l has fo r you now.3 Te ll you r story.Grammar reference, p140Phrasal verbs; verbs + prepositions6 a Look at these examples from the unit. Which of the h ig h lig h te d expressions are:• verbs + p repos itions?• p h rasa l verbs?What is the difference between them?250 Facebook users who filled in a personality questionnaire.When putting up a profile, it would be reasonable for them to present flattering images.It gives you the chance to interact with other cell-phone users.Aimed at professionals, these are a great way to find like-minded people ...I have worked in the marketing area for many years.I am able to take on the demands of a full­time Masters degree.b Add prepositions or particles to these verbs. Underline the phrasal verbs.Read the story and fill in the gaps with the most appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.11 had spent (spend) a year off in France an d 2(look for) a partner there for months but 13 (notfind) anybody I could relate to, or who also liked me.Anyway, that allu_____ (change) the day 15(leave) France. 16_____ (wake up) early and 1 __(take) the six-hour train journey to the airport. So far, so good. I got to the airport fine, no problem. But thenchaos 8 (strike). When checking in at the airport Ifound that my flight was full and I was on standby. Theytold me that 19 (do) the online check-in wrong orsomething. 110 (travel) a long time already, wasreally tired and this was the last thing that I needed.Anyway, 111 (wait) patiently at the gate, hopingto get my place, when the pilot of the plane 12 (arrive), looked at me and asked the stewards what 13 _ ___ (happen). Can you believe he intervened andgot a seat for me in the cockpit? Well, that’s how we met. Incredible isn’t it? Funny thing is, he’s not French, and 1 14 (not go back) to France since.1 I d id n 't succeed passing the test.2 I'm lack ing_______p ra c tica l experience.3 I decidedto lo o k _______'a va ta r' on w ik iped ia .U I w ou ld b e n e f it_______liv ing abroad fo r a year.5 I re l ie d b lu ffin g to ge t th rough thein terv iew .6 W hat rea lly appea led me w as w o rk in gin a new fie ld .7 I can 't qu ite m a k e _______w ha t he's saying.8 Given the choice, I'd o p t both w o rk andstudy at the sam e tim e .9 You need to immerse yo u rse lf _ the cu ltu re in o rd e r to lea rn a new language.C Try expressing the sentences in 6b using adifferent part of speech. Is it always possible?I wasn't successful in passing the test. d Test each other.1 S tuden t A, choose a sentence and read it as fa r as the verb.2 S tuden t B, cover the page and con tinue the sentence so it is tru e fo r you.I w ou ld b e n e f it ...I w ou ld bene fit fro m exerc is ing m ore often24Vocabularyse lf-Look at these examples of s e lf used as a prefix.Can you think of other examples of each structure?• s e lf-d o u b t (se lf + noun]• s e lf-a w a re (se lf + adjective)• sense o f s e lf (se lf is a noun in its own righ t)8 a Add s e lf- to these words to make adjectives.evident conta ined centredmade susta in ing fu lf i l lin gWhich could be used to talk about:1 a system ? 4 a fla t?2 an idea? 5 a person?3 a prophecy? a self-made personb What would the adjective mean in each case?c Add expressions from 8a to the gaps. In what context would you find them?1 Th is m o te l o ffe rs 12 f u l ly un its in aw e ll-k e p t m odern bu ild ing .2 She was a ______ m illio n a ire , and now she'sle ft w ith no th ing .3 Soon a fte r independence, the coun try becam e a economy.4 The de ta ils of the case a re . The suspectis c le a rly guilty.5 His paranoia becam e a _______prophecy. Hebehaved so s trange ly , people rea lly did s ta rt ta lk in g about h im .6 He plays a , c o rru p t ind iv idua l in thefilm of the sam e name.9 a Add these words to make nouns with self-.in te re s t d isc ip line esteem confidence p ity defence1 Anorexia can be re la ted to low s e lf- _____ .2 The police c la im ed they acted in s e lf- .3 You need s e lf- to w o rk fro m hom e.4 Speaking in pub lic is to do w ith having p lenty o f s e lf- .5 His decis ions w ere m otiva ted by se lf -6 He's not rea lly depressed, he ju s t w an ts ou r sym pathy. It's a question of s e lf- _ .b Which of the nouns have a negative connotation?How many can become adjectives?self-pity self-pitying10 a Think of someone (a fictitious person or acelebrity) who you consider to be:• se lf-sa tis fie d . • s e lf-d isc ip lin e d .• s e lf- ta u g h t. • s e lf-c r it ic a l.• se lf-consc ious . • s e lf-s u ffic ie n t.b Talk about the person and explain your opinions.Reform ulating w hat you say1 1 a Look at this example from the unit. Can youthink of other expressions Uri could have used to reformulate what he was saying?I studied economics, so that's why working with Deutsche Bank really was appealing . . . why it really appealed to me, I should say.b * 1 5 3 Listen to the conversation. How many of the details in the image turn out to be incorrect?c What different ways of reformulating did younotice? Check the script on p148.12 a Work in A/B pairs. Have conversations, continuingfor as long as you can.1 S tuden t A, say som eth ing (not necessarily true ) abou t som eone in you r fam ily , a fr ie n d or ne ighbour, o r you r own past life . W henever B responds, re fo rm u la te w ha t you say. Use the expressions fro m 11c.2 S tuden t B, respond to w ha t A says, show ing in te re s t o r su rp rise .3 Now change roles.b Think about your conversation.1 W hich expressions did you use?2 W hich w ere easiest to use?Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ irc le )a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.ta lk about personality tra its(© ta lk about identity *I © describe how I met someone© understand prom otional language g — r w a© promote m yself® use effective introduction strategies K K S M X I© w rite a cover le tte r K H K 9 3describe my experiences and abilities I M — 1• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -* e-Portfolio• For more practice -* Self-study Pack, Unit 2253.1 goalsdescribe a book ® give a personal responseLanguage and literaturelife-changing booksSPEAKING and READINGhow to h e a l ^broken hearti ' A O -_Jd a tfSa What genre do you think each book cover belongs to?b e s t-s e lle r fic tio n h u m o u r au tob iography s e lf-h e lp guide c u rre n t a ffa irs adventureb What do you think the books are about? How do you know?Read each book description. Which do you think would be worth reading? Why / Why not?* A Day by Dan iuidc f o Saying Good btff and , f tn n g On w ith j Your LifeBroken heart? Finding it hard to get through the daily routine? With this easy, accessible program, your heart w ill be whole again and healed. With a wide range of exercises and insights, this book shows how you can face life again in less than a m onth-stronger and more positive than before.Celebrated Japanese author, and runner of more than 20 marathons, Haruki Murakami details his love and experience of long-distance running from the 1980s onwards. Charming and intimate, his passion comes through in diary entries, essays and memories, providing good-natured advice on life.Zahra (aged 3) and Hawra (a few months old) have lost their family in a Baghdad missile strike. Sunday Times war correspondent Hala Jaber sets her heart on doing everything she can to help. In this beautiful account, Jaber (a Lebanese and a Muslim, but at the same time working for a London newspaper) tells her compelling Iraq story, with the unique insight of a writer able to understand both worlds.J0N k r a Kacer.....F A R T H E S T 'n - o -r TN A ^-d r .jgAL2,J,0F "Septem ber 1893: Norwegian adventurer Fridtjof Nansen embarks for the North Pole. Abandoning his ship, the F ra m , he se ts off by dog- sled with his companion Hjalmer Johansen. In a race against the pack ice, surviving encounters with walruses and polar bears, Nansen’s three-year trek is one o f the finest narratives of polar exploration.It is January 1st. In the post arrives something interesting - a penguin! The next day, another penguin arrives. And then another... To start with, the new, uninvited guests are cute and funny - but who is sending them and why? As the number of penguins starts to grow, so do the family’s problems, in this heart-warming story sure to become a children’s classic.American soldier Billy Pilgrim is captured and sent to a German prisoner-of-war camp during World War II - a disused slaughterhouse named ‘Slaughterhouse- Five’. Prisoners and guards alike take refuge in the camp cellar as the nearby c ity o f Dresden is destroyed in bombing raids. One o f the few survivors o f the firestorm , Billy loses all sense o f tim e, reliving experiences in his life - both real and imagined." U - U w j t i i( f i n IIv n u m 'x f Fo, /u,00> j>lta H i of \\ur iF L Y IV fJ i('A11 PET TOB A G H D A D26LISTENINGIan McDonaldLANGUAGEFOCUSD escribe a book and its s ign ificanceSPEAKING2 a ♦ d > Listen to Ian McDonald talking about F arthest N orth . Make notes on the mainpoints.b Compare notes. Do you have the same points? c What do these statements from the interview mean?1 I w as a nerd ish lad.2 It was one of those very da ring books.3 It was qu ite a s tru g g le to read.U It m us t have been qu ite a fo rm a tive book fo r you.5 It was about the way science was done ra th e r than about science itse lTd Does Ian's description make you more, or less interested in the book? Why?3 a Here are some words used in the interview. What do you think is the differencebetween A and B?daringdetailed ° unbelievably.!£= discursive ^§ brave o k c > o ™ c obscure -5=0+1 iffo CD q STUTTo — condensed -0=5 outright c ,:l depressed I |5scinaled absolutely inleresl | a — »meant .2 ideae m b a r r a s s m e n t ab Can you rem em ber how Ian used the words? Which go together?C * d > Listen again to check.U a Choose a book that has had an important effect on you.Make two 'word clouds’ like in 3a.1 W rite w ords / expressions you could use to describe :• the plot.• a p a rt ic u la r character.• the a tm osphere .• the way it is w ritte n .2 W rite w ords / expressions you could use to ta lk about:• the tim e in yo u r life w hen you read it, and how you fe lt.• the e ffec t it has had on you r life , o r you r ou tlook on life.b Show your ‘word clouds' to other students.1 W hat can they w o rk out about the book fro m you r w ords?2 Talk about each o the r's books. Ask questions to find ou t m ore.5 Think of a book or an author you loved when you were younger. Is it true that 'the books that changed you when you were young are always going to be a disappointment when you are an adult’?learning a language3 .2 goals® ta lk about languages and ways to learn them® describe experiences of language learningLISTENINGNorman from Germany1 a What different ways of learning a language do the photos suggest?b Do people from some countries learn English more easily? Why / Why not?2 i e r n Listen to a conversation with Norman.1 How and w ith w hom did N orm an learn conve rsa tiona l E nglish?2 Accord ing to h im , w hy do G erm ans speak good English?3 W hat are the incentives to learn English in Germ any?3 Listen to a conversation with Pilar.1 W hat are the m ain d iffe rences betw een P ila r and N orm an? How are they s im ila r?2 From w ha t P ila r says, w ha t do we know about: a he r level of E nglish w hen she f irs t w en tto B rita in? b the people she spent he r tim e w ith? c he r experience of lea rn ing French?LANGUAGE A a Look at these sentences from the conversations.FOCUS Complete the gaps.Languagelea rn ing. the m ost im p o rta n t vocabu lary1 The schoo l education the re helped me to _ in o rd e r t o .2 C onversa tiona l English, I m os tly learned in the context of having had __ native English speakers.3 That he lped me a lo t t o a lit t le b it m ore.L So, te l l me about com ing to the UK fo r the f irs t tim e a n d th is c u ltu re andthe language.5 It w as very d iff ic u lt to e v e n .6 I French som e tim e ago, bu t no I d id n 't q u ite the language.b »JE> Listen to check.c Which expressions in La are about:1 lea rn ing a language?2 having con tact w ith a language?3 speaking a language?d Talk together.1 L is t the fo re ign languages you know (inc lud ing English). Then ta lk about howyou learned them , and how w e ll you speak them . Use expressions fro m La.2 Do you th in k it is im p o rta n t to 'm a s te r ' a language com p le te ly and sound like anative speaker? Or is it fine to re ta in you r own accent and m ake a few m istakes, as long as you get you r m essage across?285 a Do you think these statements are true? Why / Why not?1 Learn ing a new Language can lead you to adopt a d iffe re n t identity.2 It's d iff ic u lt to tra n s la te d ire c tly fro m one language to another.3 It's im p o rta n t to find yo u r own 'vo ice ' in a fo re ign language and express your own persona lity .b Read three extracts from novels with language learning as their theme. How do they reflect the statements in 5a?oChinese, we not having gram m ar. We saying things sim ple way. No verb-change u sage, no tense differences, no gender changes. We bosses of our language. But, English language is boss of English user.I could feel the French sticking in my throat, the new m uscles in my mouth ...I w as full of French, it w as holding me up, running through me, a voice in my head, a tickle in my ear, likely to be set off at any time. A counter language.All around me, the Babel of .American voices ... Since I lack a voice of my own, the voices of others invade me as if I were a silent ventriloquist. They ricochet within me, carrying on conversations, lending me their m odulations, intonations, rhythms.I do not yet p o ssess them, they po ssess me. But som e of them satisfy a need; som e of them stick to my ribs ... Eventually, the voices enter me; by assum ing them,I gradually m ake them mine.6 a Read the extracts again and identify where these points are made. The new language:1 obeys d iffe re n t ru les and has a d iffe re n t fo rm .2 w o rks in oppos ition to the speaker's m o th e r tongue.3 is absorbed lit t le by lit t le by the learner.4 can be tr ig g e re d at any m om ent.Learning a new language:5 can be a v io len t process.6 involves issues of con tro l.7 requ ires adopting d iffe re n t sounds and speech pa tte rns .b Do you agree with the points? Do any reflect your experiences?EVA HOFFMANSA DEEP AND LOVELY BOOK' )OSEF SKVORECKY ”29Target activityA plan to improue your English3 .3 goalsE® ta lk about languages and ways to learn themdescribe experiences of language learning© discuss plans and prioritiesTASK LISTENING What message are these language-school adverts trying to communicate?1 Are they positive o r negative? C onsider both the im age and the m essage.2 W hich is the m ost convincing? Why?3 W hat kind of person do you th in k the adverts are aim ed at?4 W hich o th e r m essages w ou ld be im p o rta n t fo r som eone s tudying English at anadvanced level?2 a Which areas of your English do you think you need to work on?id iom a tic expressions w rit in g speaking flu e n tlyp ronunc ia tion p rob lem s exam p ractice lis ten ing com prehension g ra m m a tica l accuracy w rit in g accu ra te ly active vocabu la ryb • C D Listen to Sybille talking about her English. Which of the areas in 2a does she talk about?TASKLANGUAGEPlans and p r io r it ie sa Think about your language abilities and plans for learning English. Complete expressions 1 - 7 so they are true for you.Talking about strong / w eak points1 I (don't) fee l c o n fid e n t... .2 I'm qu ite / reasonab ly happy w ith my ..., b u t ... is a n o th e r story.3 My s trong point / m ain problem is ,4 I have a hard tim e ...Talking about priorities5 My m ain a im / p r io r ity is to ... .6 An im p o rta n t area fo r me is ... .7 P ersona lly , I need to w o rk / focus / concen tra te on ....Discussing a plan8 I'd find ... a g rea t help / rea lly use fu l.9 I'd benefit from ....10 ... m igh t be the a n s w e r/s o lu tio n .11 I th in k the best way to do th is is ...12 ... w ould be w orth investigating.13 ... m igh t be w o rth w h ile / w o rth a try.14. I've considered ...15 I probably need m ore practice in /exposure to ... .b ♦ IQ ) Listen again. Which expressions did Sybille use?a Work alone. Complete the questionnaire on page 127. b Work in A/B pairs.1 D iscuss you r a b ilitie s and needs.2 Look at you r p a rtn e r's com p le ted questionna ire and m ake suggestions.3 L isten to you r p a rtn e r's response. Do you agree?c Listen to feedback from other people in class. Do you share similar concerns?30EXPLOREAcross cultures Attitudes to EnglishRead the background information on the Philippines. Then look at the advert promoting English there.1 W hich of these s ta tem en ts do you th in k are true?a Most young people in the P h ilipp ines a re n 't in te rested in lea rn ing English, b E ng lish is seen as a language o f the uppe r classes, c The s tandard ofE nglish has im proved in recen t years, d M ost young people are b ilin g u a l in English and F ilip ino , e English used to be m ore w ide ly spoken in the P h ilipp ines than it is now. f Young people are aw are of the im portance of English as an in te rn a tio n a l language.2 W hat do you th in k the reasons fo r these a ttitu d e s m ig h t be?3 In w ha t way are these a ttitu d e s unusua l?Article Discussion Log in/create accountThe Philippines, in South-east Asia, consists of over 7,000 islands. With an estimated population of 92 million people, it is the world’s 12th most populous country.Between 1565 and 1898, the Philippines were ruled by Spain. In 1898, the Spanish ceded the Philippines to the USA, which controlled the country until independence in 1946.Since independence, there have been two official languages in the Philippines: English and Filipino (a version of Tagalog). Another 170 indigenous languages are also spoken.W hat is the s ta tus of English in you r coun try? Is it:• som eth ing th a t m oves you up the soc ia l ladder?• pa rt of a lm o s t every un ive rs ity degree p rog ram m e?• considered essen tia l fo r w o rk in g in ce rta in sectors?• m a in ly a schoo l sub ject?• seen as a necessary evil?• on ly p o p u la r w ith young people?• viewed as a way of en rich ing you r life?• regarded as c u ltu ra lly th rea ten ing?In a globalised economy, English is a Ticket to the Future.Talk together.1 D iscuss the questions in 3.2 Do you th in k you r a ttitu d e to English is typ ica l of people in you r country?3 How m any of you r fr iends , fa m ily and co lleagues speak it?4 Has you r a ttitu d e to E nglish changed over the years?Look again at the information accompanying the advert. What verb is used when describing common attitudes to English?Read these questions. Find four other verbs that have a similar meaning.There is a cu ltu ra l h ind rance to the practice o f English a m o n g th e y o u th : m any lack the se lf-con fidence to speak English because th e y are afra id to m ake mistakes, and English is n o w perce ived as e litis t. In o th e r w ords: it is perce ived as ye t a n o th e r obstacle to social success and in teg ra tion , ra ther than a means to ach ieve it. There is an u rg e n t need to conv ince th e yo u th to be p ro u d to be b ilingua l.31EXPLOREKeywords worth, worthwhile1 Look at these examples from the unit. What does w o rth mean in each? What grammatical forms is it used with?1 Which do you think would be worth reading?2 It was quite a struggle ... but it was worth reading it.3 I think it's worth a try.2 a Continue these sentences with w o rth + a noun from the box. Sometimes there may be more than one possible answer. Does the noun take a definite or an indefinite article?e ffo rt w a it r is k t r y / s h o t look tro u b le / hassle v is i t / t r ip1 This takes a very long tim e to load but it's worth the wait.2 I know s te ro ids are dangerous, so is i t ...?3 Though the food's expensive, the re 's som eth ing fo r everybody, so it's ...4 I don 't expect to hea r anyth ing , bu t I th ough t it w as ...5 W hich leads to an inevitab le question : is investing overseas ... ?6 The s ite is s t i l l unde r co ns truc tion bu t it's ...7 It takes an hou r to get the re and back. It's n o t ...What is each sentence about? Are they more likely to be spoken or written? b What words could you use before w o rth to add emphasis?C Replace the noun in each sentence with a verb + -ing.7 This takes a very long time to load but it's worth waiting for.3 a What do you notice about w o rth w h ile in these examples? What does it mean in each?1 Watching films in the original version is really worthwhile, because you pick up the feeling of the language.2 If you're going to buy greetings cards, it's better to give your money to a worthwhile cause, like Save the Children.3 I could have studied for an MBA, but it wouldn't really be worth my while.4 If you can afford it, it's probably worth your while to get a computer with a bigger hard drive.b You are going to listen to four people talking about the things or people in these images. How might they use w o rth w h ile ?WWFc * 1 0 Listen to check.U a Write examples of:• a place to go out in you r tow n. • a to u r is t destina tion .• a film , play o r TV p rog ram m e. • an in te res ting food you have tr ie d .Would you recommend them or not? Think how you could talk about them using w o rth + noun, w o rth + -ing, or w o rth w h ile .b Give your examples to a partner. Ask each other about the things or places.W hat about the N a tiona l G allery? W ould you say it's w o rth w h ile ? v C '32® use strategies to r communicating effectively! • I D Listen to these extracts. Match them toways Sze communicates what she wants to say.I... when I came here, when I left China, everything was very new, very exciting for me.The sentence become longer, more complicated, the character start to use past tense and then the future tensei... and I guess, er, I mean that you do need to pay great attention to what is happening with language.... it’s wonderful to have these two sides to the novel, it’s a wonderful achievement.a Read about Xialou Guo's novel A Concise Chinese- EngLish D ictionary fo r Lovers. What aspects of the book do you think sound interesting?o ... when she writes a Chinese character, she actually, she makes an image of that word.Z is a 23-year-old Chinese language student who has come to London to learn English. When the book begins she can barely ask for a cup o f tea, but when language comes, so does love. As she gets to know British culture she also falls for an older English m an who lives a resolutely bachelor life in Hackney. It’s a m illion m iles away from the sm all Chinese town she comes from, where her parents want nothing more for her than that she should follow them into the shoe business. Z learns about hum our, com panionship and passion, but she also learns the painful truth that language is also a barrier and the more you know about it, the less you understand.Written in short chapters, each the definition o f a word, this is a brilliantly clever book that pokes fun at England and China and explores the endless possibilities for m isunderstanding between East and West, men and women.b Read the start of the novel on page 126. What do you notice about the way it is written?C * i f i j j Listen to Sze talking about the novel and the kind of English it uses. What does she say about:1 he r f irs t s ix m on ths in the UK?2 'b roken ' English?3 the d iffe rences betw een Chinese and English?a She uses repe tition to m ake h e r po in t m ore c learly. 4b She b rings in a m ore pe rsona l ang le to show the im po rtance of a point, c She paraph rases if she doesn 't know the exact te rm .d She uses f i l le rs to give h e rse lf tim e to th ink , e She em phasises ce rta in w ords and varies tone to keep in te res t.3 a - C D Look at the script on page 149 and listen again. Identify the parts where Sze best gets her message across.b Which strategies do you think you use when you speak English? Do you think you use them consciously or unconsciously?U a Prepare to talk about one of these topics:• an experience fro m w h ich you learned som e th ing im p o rta n t. W hy was it s ign ifican t?• an experience of being abroad. W hat did you find in te res ting , exciting o r d ifficu lt?• you r experience of using English. W hat has been cha lleng ing , in te res ting o r unexpected?1 Make notes on the m ain th in g s you w il l say.2 T h ink about how you could use som e of the s tra teg ies in 2 .3 T h ink of ways to 's tre tch y ou rs e lf (try to go a b it beyond you r com fo rtab le l im it in English).b Talk with a partner. Listen to each other's topic and ask questions to find out more.Which strategies from 2 did you both use?EXPLORESpeakingGoal33Look again OGrammarPresent verb form s1 a Look at these examples from the unit. Underline the present verb forms.1 ... this is a brilliantly clever book that pokes fun at England and China and explores ...2 American soldier Billy Pilgrim is captured and sent to a German prisoner-of-war camp ...3 ... the voices of others invade me as if I were a silent ventriloquist ... Eventually, the voices enter me; by assuming them, I gradually make them mine.b Match the examples to these uses:a su m m a ris in g the p lo ts of books o r film s , b w rit in g a review.c crea ting a sense of im m ed iacy in past na rra tives .Look at these examples. In what context might you find them? Are the h ig h lig h te d verbs referring to the present, past or future?1 Bad w e a th e r is se t to continue.2 Three years la te r, w a r betw een England and A rgen tina b reaks ou t over the Fa lk lands.3 The bus leaves at 10.15, we've s t i l l got an hour. U David te lls me th a t you have the date andeveryth ing . W hen is it to be?5 W e’ re a ll w a it in g fo r som eth ing to happen and then sudden ly the re w as a te r r ib le noise.6 I hea r you w en t to B u lga ria fo r you r holiday.7 I'm leav ing on the 17th and then I'm com ing back a w eek later.8 I w r ite to in fo rm you th a t you have been chosen as one of the lucky w inne rs .9 You a ttach the file like th is , then c lic k here and send it.10 Not aga in! I’m a lw ays los ing m y w a lle t.3 a Some verbs can describe states and activities, but with a difference in meaning. What is the difference in these examples?1 a I th in k I picked up m ost of my English atschool.b I never know w ha t he 's th in k in g any m ore.2 a I see w ha t you 're saying, but I don 't agree,b W e 're see ing each o th e r fo r dinner.c She’s see ing som e guy. I don 't know if it w il llast.3 a I expect you 're happy w ith the resu lt?b I expect th e y 'll w in ton igh t, they 're p layingat home.c S he 's expecting som eone to a rrive at two.A a I im ag ine she m isses her fam ily,b There 's no th ing the re - you 're ju s t im a g in in g th ings .b Compare answers.Adverbs4 a Look at this example from the unit.The stuff they did was brave.1 W hat adverbs can rep lace unbe lievab ly?2 W hat do you notice about its position in the sentence?3 W hat o th e r adverbs did Ian use?b How would you classify unbe lievab ly in terms of intensity?Add an adverb in the correct position.extrem e ly fu lly p ra c tica lly h igh ly gene ra lly1 I'd say his v iew s on language lea rn ing are questionab le .2 I'm aw are of the tim e , thank you.3 True fans w il l find the book d isappo in ting .A They are happy at w o rk , but say they d o n 't getm uch money.5 It's im poss ib le to teach som eone how to be aw rite r.6 a Match the adverbs with the verbs.viv id lys trong lytho ro u g h lydeeplyen tire lyenjoyre m e m b e ragreebelievereg re tb Make sentences with the collocations you made.I deeply regret not going to study in Australia.c Read out only the last part of your sentences. Can your partner guess how they begin?... not going to study in A us tra lia . I deeply re g r e t ...?d Make sentences using combinations of these intensifying adverbs and the verbs in 6a.d e fin ite ly com p le te ly to ta lly abso lu te lyI totally agree with you.7 a What adverbs could be used as a response?That's a fa ir com m ent, is n 't it? Yeah,b Take turns to make a comment and respond. Agree or disagree, using an adverb.1 Foo tba lle rs earn fa r too m uch money.2 M ost p o lit ic ia n s are co rru p t.3 Do you re m e m b e r you r f irs t day at school? A Isn 't life w o nderfu l?Grammar reference, p14134VocabularyExpressions w ith language Idiom s about speaking8 a How many expressions with language can you rem em ber from this unit?Think about four categories:9 a Look at this idiom from the unit.A (phrasa l) verbs+ languagetake up a languageB language used to m od ify a nounlanguage teacherC adjective + language foreign languageD o th e r expressions+ languageto be immersed in languageb Add words in the box to the gaps to m ake exp ress ions w ith language. W hich ca tego ry in 8a does each exp ress ion be long to?grasp preserve com m and m as te r s k ills get by in com m on second b a rr ie r picked up exposure1 He was a young A m erican w ith an unusua l of Farsi, a language h e fro m anIran ian exchange studen t.2 "Im ag ine how hard it w ou ld be w ith o u t a good of the language ,” she said.3 In business c irc les, English is o ften the language am ong people fro m d iffe re n tna tiona litie s .A Seeing them se lves on video, s tuden ts arem ore m otiva ted to im prove th e ir language _ because they w an t to sound b e tte r and look better.5 But the fac t of the m a tte r is, it takes a w h ile to a language, espec ia lly if you don 't getm u c h to it.6 The new US p rog ram m e w il l he lp break down the la n g u a g e .7 Many tr ib e s today use m odern techno logy to h e lp th e ir language.8 He speaks so w e ll, nobody rea lises th a t's his language, and he c a n Ita lian too!W ork in A /B pa irs . Test each other.1 A, say one of the expressions in 8b.2 B, use it to say som eth ing fro m you r own experience o r know ledge.Pick up a language.I picked up a b it o f Greek w hen I wason holiday, but I've fo rgo tten m ost of it -------------------------------------------------So the way you get your message across must be very, very different?Match these idioms with their definitions. Which idioms do the cartoons show?1 I w as rea lly to n g u e -tie d .2 He d id n 't le t me get a w ord in edgeways.3 He kept beating abou t the bush.A I c o u ld n 't s tr in g a sentence to g e th e r.5 M ake yo u r p o in t as qu ick ly as you can.a ta lk a round the top ic, not get to the po in t b give an op in ion c lea rly c speak a rt ic u la te lyd unable to have a chance to speak because som eone e lse is speaking e unable to speak because you 're nervousb ♦ Listen to the idioms in context. What is each speaker talking about?C * i O Listen again. How do speakers stress the key words?Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(fcircle)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.© describe a book B — — 1| ® give a personal response w i n[ ® ta lk about languages and ways to learn them n m® describe experiences of language learning iD K K f ln E Kdiscuss plans and priorities© use strategies for communicating effectively I C T W 1 1• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work e-Portfolio• For more practice -> Self-sttidy Pack, Unit 3354.1 goals® in te rp re t maps and facts ® make comparisons and ta lk about changesWorldMaps of the worldREADING a Cover the descriptions and compare map A (which shows land area) with B and C. What do you notice about the continents and individual countries in maps B and C? What do you think they show?b Read the descriptions of maps B and C.oIn Spring 2000, world population estim ates reached 6 billion ( th a t is, six thousand m illion). The d is tribu tion o f the earth 's population is shown in th is map. The size o f each country shows the proportion o f the world's population living there.For exam ple, Canada is s ligh tly b igger than the USA. But as the map shows, the USA has a much larger population. The map also shows th a t thecountries of South and East Asia have by fa r the largest populations re la tive to th e ir size.eThis map shows the distribution of the world's wealth in 2002, based on the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) o f each country. The region w ith the lowest wealth was Central Africa; its GDP was 0.8% tha t o f the richest region, North America. There was a vast increase in the world's total wealth in the 40 years between 1960 and 2000: wealth per person more than doubled, and the world's GDP rose by about 250% . The most significant development was the growth o f Japan, China, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan.C Talk about m aps B and C.1 W hich co u n tr ie s have the m ost d is to rted shapes? W hich are bare ly v is ib le?2 How does you r co u n try look?3 W hat conc lus ions can you d raw about the w o r ld ’s popu la tion and w e a lth from these m aps?36LANGUAGEFOCUSD iffe rences and changesSPEAKINGLANGUAGEFOCUSIn te rp re tin gm eaningSPEAKINGW RITING2 a Sentences 1 -3 are about differences and changes. What words in the box couldrep lace the h ig h lig h te d w ords? Do they change the m eaning?easily huge cons iderab ly s ig n ifica n t d ra m a tic s ig n ifica n tly m assive eno rm ous fa r and away fa r m a rg in a lly1 There was a vast increase in w ea lth betw een 1960 and 1990.2 The coun tries of Asia have by fa r the la rges t popu la tions.3 Canada is s lig h t ly b igger than the USA, but as the m ap show s, the USA has a m uch la rg e r popu la tion .b W rite one o r tw o m ore sen tences based on the m aps, like those in 2a.C Read ou t yo u r sentences. Do o th e r people agree?3 a Look a t the m aps again.1 Im ag ine a map show ing popu la tion in 2050. How w ou ld it be d iffe ren t? W hat co u n tr ie s m ig h t be b igger o r sm a lle r?2 Im agine a map show ing w ea lth in the year 1500. How w ou ld it look? Th ink about:• N o rth A m erica .• C en tra l and South A m erica .• India.• China.• Europe.• the M iddle East.b W ork in A /B pa irs . S tuden t A, look on p 127. S tuden t B, look on p 136. T e ll you r p a rtn e r w ha t y o u r m ap show s. Then le t h im /h e r see the map.♦ L is ten to tw o people ta lk in g abou t the m ap on p 136. W hat is th e m ain po in t each spe a ke r m akes? A re any the sam e as yo u r ideas?5 a The speake rs used va rio u s exp ress ions to ta lk abou t w h a t the m aps m ean.W hat did they say? C om ple te the sen tences w ith exp ress ions fro m the box.ind ica te about the s ign ificance of reveal m uch about is apparent doesn 't necessarily mean m eans th a t as the m aps showSpeaker A1 One th ing th a t______ fro m these m aps is how lit t le has ac tua lly changed.2 In fa c t , the d iffe rence betw een rich and poor has got bigger.Speaker B3 I'm a c tu a lly not rea lly sure w h a t______ the m aps is.U W hat do they re a lly w ea lth?5 It d o e s n 't lifes ty le .6 I suppose th is it w a s n 't p roducing m uch w ea lth .7 T h a t th a t they w ere poor.b L is ten again to check.6 a W ork in groups. Im agine a map show ing the w o rld 's w ea lth in 2050. W hat do you th in kit w ou ld look like? Sketch out possib le ideas, and if you like, d raw a rough 'm ap '.b P resen t yo u r ideas to the c lass. In te rp re t w h a t y o u r 'm a p ' show s, using exp ress ions fro m 2a.7 Write about a map.1 Im agine m aps th a t w ou ld show:• w h ich co u n tr ie s produce the m ost greenhouse gases.• w h ich co u n tr ie s use the In te rn e t m ost.• w h ich co u n tr ie s have the m ost and least v io len t c rim e .2 Choose one, and w rite a sh o rt desc rip tion . W hich coun tries o r reg ions w ou ld be b iggest and sm a lles t?37What the world eats4 .2 goalsta lk about diet and nutritiondiscuss changing trendsAustralia: the Browns of River View Food expenditure for one week: $376.45Egypt: the Ahmed fam ily of Cairo Food expenditure for one week: $68.53LANGUAGEFOCUSTypes of foodSPEAKING1 a Discuss these questions.1 W hat seem to be the m ain d iffe rences in the food the tw o fa m ilie s eat?2 W here do you th in k they do th e ir shopping?3 W hat kind of d ishes do you th in k they m ake?b Talk about other things that strike you as interesting about the photos.2 a Which words in the box below collocate with:• food?• d rin ks?• both?Can you see examples of them in the photos?n u tr it io u s bo ttled d ried take -aw ay loca lly produced su g a r-fre e GM packaged fizzy canned raw d ie t refined processed so ft convenience lo w -fa t w ho le m e a lb Which words have a s imilar meaning?c These words are commonly used to talk about food and diet. Which are types of food, and which are conta ined in food? Give examples.pulses fib re cerea ls da iry p roducts p ro te in ca rbohydra ted How much do you eat or drink of each type of food or drink in 2a and 2c?a Work in groups. Group A, look on p 130. Group B, look on p136. Discuss the questions.b Tell the class about the family's diet.a Imagine a photo of your (or your family's) food for one week. Make notes about what it might show.b Describe your 'photo' to other students. Which photo on this page is most similar?38Nutrition transition1 a You w i l l read an a rt ic le w h ich accom panied the photos, de sc rib in g how eatinghab its have changed in the w o rld . W hat do you th in k it w i l l say abou t these top ics?• new techno log ies • seasona l food • m a ln u tr it io n• food fo r convenience • processed foods • obesityb Read and check.Nutrition transitionEveryone eats. People around the world differ in many ways, but dinner unites us all. Throughout history, we humans have always found nourishing ways to use whatever food we could lay our hands on. The earliest diets were hunted and gathered from the foods that were available as a result of geography and climate. But as soon as people figured out how to trade foods, they did. As the photographs show, the current diets of most world populations have moved well beyond hunting and gathering. They have ’ evolved in response to changes in food production that began with the Industrial Revolution some 200 years ago. New means of preservation allow foods to be eaten long after they are grown and harvested (hence ketchup). New means of transportation - railroads, trucks and airplanes (as well as technologies such as refrigeration) - mean that foods grown in one place can be consumed ‘fresh’ many thousands of miles away. Thus, even in some place as remote as Bhutan, people eat oranges, surely grown well beyond the Himalayas. New processing technologies allow companies to make shelf-stable food products that can be transported and consumed much later (like pasta). New technologies have permitted the development of previously unknown food products like instant coffee and Cheese Whiz. New marketing methods can create worldwide demand for such products (chief among them, the almost ubiquitous Coca-Cola).But the photographs have even more to tell us. As conflicts resolve and people in developing countries become better off, they acquire more stable resources and 2change the way they eat. They inevitably 3replace the grains and beans in their diets with foods obtained from animal sources. They buy more meat, more sweet foods and more processed foods: they eat more meals prepared by others. Soon they eat more food in general. They start gaining weight, become overweight, then ^develop heart disease, diabetes, and the other chronic diseases so common in industrialised societies. Here we have the great irony of modern nutrition: at a time when hundreds of millions of people do not have enough to eat, hundreds of millions more are eating too much and are overweight or obese. Today, exceptin the very poorest countries, more people are overweight than underweight. Some socially conscious governments struggling to feed their hungry populations must also contend with the health problems of people who eat too much food. The phenomenon of going from not having enough food to overeating is now so common that it has been given its own name: the nutrition transition. To see nutrition transition in action, you need only compare the diets of families from Mali, Mongolia and the Philippines with those from France, Australia and the United States. Rates of obesity are 5rising rapidly in all countries, but are highest in the most industrialised countries. To understand why, jus t examine the shopping lists and food displays.2 a M atch deve lopm en ts 1 -5 w ith exam p les a -e . How are they connected?1 preserva tion2 tra n sp o rta tio n3 processing techno log iesA m a n u fac tu ring techno log ies 5 m a rke ting m ethodsW hat is 'n u tr it io n tra n s it io n '?Coca-Cola in s ta n t coffee oranges pasta ketchupLANGUAGEFOCUSChanges and trendsSPEAKINGa The h ig h lig h te d ve rbs in the a rt ic le a re used to describe changes and deve lopm en ts . W hich describe :1 changes in d iet?2 obesity and hea rt d isease?b W hat are the noun fo rm s of the h ig h lig h te d ve rbs?evolve - » evolu tionc T ry using nouns instead of the ve rbs in the a rtic le . W hat o th e r changes w ou ld be necessary? How w ou ld th is a ffe c t the m ean ing?You are going to have a d iscuss ion abou t the w ay techno logy has changed food hab its . S tuden t A, look on p 128. S tuden t B, look on p 135.39Target activitySay how a town or country has changed4 .3 goalsmake comparisons and ta lk about changesdiscuss changing trendsta lk about resultTASK LISTENINGTASKLANGUAGER esultYou are going to listen to Adrian talking about important events and changes in Britain. Look at the photos. What do you think he w ill say?a * Listen. How do the photos illustrate what he says? b What does Adrian say about the effect of joining the EU on:• food? • cooking? • TV cookery p rog ram m es?a Look at these expressions Adrian uses. What preposition comes next?1 This had a ll k inds o f consequences fo r2 This had an im pact ...3 This gave rise ...U Th is led ...5 Th is w as a d ire c t consequence ... b Match the expressions in 3a with these endings. Is more than one answer possible?a w ho le new sty le of B ritish cooking.people 's a ttitu d e to food.the way people live.jo in in g the EU.a new wave of TV chefs.c » < E D Listen to check.U a Prepare to talk about how things have changed where you live.1 T h ink about changes to you r tow n, region o r coun try since you have know n it. W rite tw o o r th ree im p o rta n t events th a t have taken place, such as:• changes of governm ent.• new technology.• new bu ild ings o r tra n s p o rt system s.• new trends o r fash ions.2 Make a lis t of how the changes have a ffected people 's a ttitu d e s o r lifes ty les . How are th ings d iffe re n t now?b Work with other students.1 L is ten to each o the r's op in ion and ask questions to find ou t m ore.2 If you com e fro m the sam e place, do you agree?40EXPLOREAcross cultures Restaurants1 a What kind of restaurants can you see? What type of food do you think they serve there? How do you know?b Match these restaurant names with the photos.Ben's C h illi B ow l Jade Dragon Cafe Quentinc Which was the easiest nationality to identify? Why? What does this suggest about some restaurant decor?Talk about restaurants where you live which offer cuisines from different countries. Describe their decoration and atmosphere.3 a What do you know about Mexican culture and cuisine?b Read a blogger's review of a Mexican restaurant and underline the negative words.1 W hat are the b logger's m ain com p la in ts?2 W hat do you p ic tu re w hen you read the h ig h lig h te d expressions?I had high hopes when they opened a new Mexican-owned restaurant on the next block from me. But sadly, it's comparable to the usual cardboard-tortilla fast-food outlets you get everywhere. When I first went there, I was served chips and salsa, like back home. That was a good start and, of course, I dove right in. But the chips were stale and the salsa tasted like candy! I asked my waiter if they had a hotter salsa, because the salsa was nothing but tomato ketchup with some chunks of onion in it. "We have to serve it like this, because the locals don't like the real thing," he said.I responded by telling him that if you're going to serve Mexican food, serve Mexican food.I'm tired of Mexican-owned restaurants advertising their food as autentico, only to be disappointed by how terrible our food tastes. Why don't the owners of the restaurants show off the beauty of our culture? Forget candy-flavoured salsa, and make a great-tasting one that not only makes our mouths water, but also makes us teary-eyed. But it's not just the food that they get wrong. Here, Mexican eateries play merengue, which is Caribbean. When they do play Mexican music, it's always the most stereotypical bands serenading you with deafening rancheras. Do they think everyone listens to that in Mexico? The waiters also dress in folkloric costumes which are real cliches, and serve margaritas which, contrary to popular belief, we don't drink that much at home!4 Discuss these questions.1 Do you have any idea how you r cu is ine m ig h t be represented abroad?2 W hat do you th in k m igh t be the s te reo typ ica l decor, etc.?3 Do you th in k these are m isconcep tions about you r coun try and could be dam aging? Or do you th in k th is gives a positive, a ttra c tive im age of you r country?EXPLOREKeywords ge become1 a In these examples, get is used to talk about changes that lead to a situation.NowEurope is wealthy compared to other countries.The difference between rich and poor is bigger than before.People are in the habit of eating well.People are a bit more selfish.Change leading to the situationIt got wealthier at the expense of other countries.The difference between rich and poor has got bigger. People have really got into the habit of eating well. People have got a bit more selfish.1 W hat kind of w ords can com e a fte r get?2 In w h ich exam ples could we also use becom e / becam e? Why / Why not?3 Why do th ree of the exam ples use the p resent perfect?b Think of an expression with get / got to continue these sentences.1 Come and have som e d in n e r before i t ...2 It was a long book, but fin a lly I ...3 I hated Japanese food at firs t, but a fte r a tim e ...4 Take a key so you d o n 't ...5 I usually keep up -to -da te w ith my w ork, but th is w e e k ...c Look at the examples in 1a and 1b again.Can you use any other verbs instead ofget or becom e?2 a Imagine you overheard these remarks.What do you think the people are talking about?In what context would you hear them?it w il l ge t m ore hum id ...o r it w il l ge t in fected ...%... it's easy to get overw he lm ed on you r f irs t day ...he got le ft behind on the last lap .... I got ca rried away ...3 a In these examples, we use becom e rather thanget. Why?1 We w il l con tact you as soon as a place becom es ava ilab le .2 It is only in the 20th cen tu ry th a t na tiona lism becam e associa ted w ith the p o lit ica l righ t.3 You need to be res iden t fo r ten years before you becom e e lig ib le fo r c itizensh ip .4 It soon becam e appa ren t th a t a second runw ay w ou ld be needed.5 It's given us good service fo r 10 years, bu t the pa rts have now becom e obso le te .6 H er nam e q u ick ly becam e w e ll-k n o w n th ro u g h o u t the lite ra ry w o rld .b Whatare the sentences about? Where would youfind them? Are they more likely to be spoken orwritten?U a Think of something that has recently become:• m ore availab le.• fash ionable.• apparen t to you.• w e ll-k n o w n .• obsolete.b » ! £ > Listen to check.b Compare your examples with other students.5 Look at the photos. How many ways can you describe what has happened to the things and people, using get or become?42EXPIOREWritingGoals1 Read the website about Mumbai, India.Look at the photo and the descriptions.1 W hat do they te l l you about the c ity and the way people live?2 W hy are tra n s fo rm e d and e lephan t good w ords to describe the changes tak ing place in India?3 W hy do you th in k people are bew ilde red?4 W hat does the w ord s p ra w lin g suggest about the s lum s?2 a Compare the caption with this more extendeddescription. How are they different? Compare thenumber of:• sentences.• ad jectives and tw o -w o rd expressions.• verbs.19 m illio n people live in M um bai, and it is pro jected by 2015 to be the m e tro p o lis w ith the second -h ighest popu la tion in the w o rld , a fte r Tokyo. But it is a lready a w o rld of its own. It has a f i lm indus try , 'B o llyw ood ', w ith its own film s ta rs . There are tra ff ic ja m s 24 hours a day. It has s lu m s w h ich spread everyw here and also new a p a rtm e n t b locks w h ich cost as m uch as som e skyscrape rs in M anhattan.b Why is the language in the caption more effective?3 a Read three more captions. Match them with photos A-C.Chowpatty is Mumbai's m o s t1 famous beach. During theday, it is the 2_______ of the happily unemployed who 3______under the shade of its 4_______ trees. But in the evening theatmosphere is more like a 5________: kids_4________on Ferriswheels or taking pony rides, astrologers and monkey shows.The Sassoon Docks are the main fish loading and tradingcentre in South Mumbai. Hundreds of women 7_______around 8_______ piles of tiny shrimp, shelling them one byone. Everywhere it is 7_______ and smelly, yet somehow thesewomen remain 10_______and clean in th e ir11________ orange,pink and turquoise saris.The upper class 12_______ with mineral water in a 13______tapas bar. The booming concentration of business activitybreeds a 14_______ , cosmopolitan outlook with 15_______restaurants and nightclubs.b Choose a word for each gap. What effect is achieved by the way the captions are written?fam ous g rim y squat ca rn iva l eno rm ous p ris tin e snooze hangout soph is tica ted so ftly l it c h i l lo u t exqu is ite fancy scream ing s tun tedU Work in groups. Look on page 128 and follow the instructions.® w rite captionsw rite economicallyIndia, the second most populous nation in the world, is being transformed. We have heard about the rise of Asian tigers and the Chinese dragon - now here comes the elephant. India’s economy is growing more than 9% a year, and the country is modernising so fast that old friends are bewildered by the changes. India is now the world’s fourth largest economy. At the same time, more than a quarter of India’s 1.1 billion people still live in slums and on less than $1 a day. Welcome to new India.Home to 19 million people, Mumbai is projected by 2015 to be the planet’s second-most populous metropolis after Tokyo. But it’s already a world of its own with Bollywood stars, 24-hour traffic jams, sprawling slums and Manhattan-priced high-rises.Look again OGrammarThe futureLook at this example from the unit. Underline the different ways to talk about the future.The w o rld ’s population in the year 2050"The choices th a t today's gene ra tion of young people aged 15—24- m ake about the size and spacing of th e ir fa m ilie s are like ly to de te rm ine w h e th e r P lanet Earth w il l have 8 , 9 o r 11 b illio n people in the year 2050." (United N ations P opu la tion Fund, 2005)By 2050 the e a rth 's popu la tion is due to reach 9,07 billion.- 62% of people will be living in Africa, S outhern Asia and Eastern Asia - n u m e rica lly th is is the sam e as if a ll the w o rld 's c u rre n t popu la tion lived ju s t in these reg ions. In add ition , a n o th e r 3,000,000,000 are set to spread across the rest of the w o rld .2 a Which expressions in the table talk about:1 som e th ing th a t w il l happen soon? due to ...2 som e th ing th a t w il l ce rta in ly happen?+ infinitive + noun or verb + -ingis due to is su re to is se t to is abou t to is bound to is c e rta in to is toon the po in t of on the verge of on the b r in k ofb How can you talk about the future when you are less certain?it 's like ly t o ...,- it's u n like ly t o ...3 Rewrite these sentences.• w il l happen soon.• is ce rta in to happen.• is less ce rta in to happen.b Work with a partner. Compare sentences and ask questions to find out more about each other's opinion.Com parisons involving d ifferent verbs and tim es5 a How could these remarks continue?I Iliiib » 1 E > Listen to check. Which words are repeated, and which aren't?Change these sentences to comparatives. Are there different ways to express the same idea?1 You do very lit t le exercise. You ought to do more.2 I was expecting it to be rea lly dangerous, but it d id n 't seem to be dangerous at a ll.3 The exam is usua lly not very d iff ic u lt, but th is year it w as qu ite hard.4 I had hoped to get a lo t of w o rk done today, but I've m anaged to do a bit.5 Of course, I had expected he r to be angry. As it tu rn e d out, she was abso lu te ly fu rious .6 I had im ag ined h im to be in his la te 40s, but he tu rn e d out to be nea rly 60.7 He p rom ised to help a lo t, but in fac t he hard ly helped at a ll.How could you continue these sentences with a comparative form?1 The film w as m uch m ore exciting than ...2 The p res iden t's speech w a sn 't as im pressive ...3 I'm sure the w e a th e r w o n 't be as bad ...4 D on 't w orry. W hen you m eet h im face -to -face , he's m ore f r ie n d ly ...5 She's over 80 now. She doesn 't get around ...Grammar reference, p1411 I'm sure there w il l be e lections next year, (certain) There are ce rta in to be e lections next year.2 The schedu le says th a t the p res iden t w il l a rrive here at 5pm . (set)3 Eating o rgan ic food w il l be a trend fo r som e tim e , (bound)4 The new pens w il l a rrive ve ry shortly , (point)5 The t r ia l s h a ll take place on 23 May. (due)6 I th in k I'm going to tu rn down th a t job. (verge)7 L ife m ig h t not be so d iffe re n t in 2050. (un like ly) 7k a Write three sentences about the future. Include information about something that:I was a bit disappointed by the Acropolis. It w asn’t nearly as impressive as I .I have to work or hard for exams t year. So I don’t g out as much as INew York has really changed. It’s much safer than i t ...44VocabularyChanges8 a In these sentences from N u tritio n trans ition onp39, what other adjectives or adverbs could you use to replace g ra d u a llly ! and ra p id (ly)?1 a People's d ie ts have evolved g ra d u a lly inresponse to changes in food production , b People's d ie ts have undergone a g ra d u a l evo lu tion in response to changes in food production .2 a Obesity is r is in g ra p id ly in a ll coun tries .b There has been a rap id rise in obesity in a llcoun tries .b Look at sentences a -h and discuss these questions.1 W hat is each sentence about, and w here m igh t you read it? How do you know?2 W hat noun m eans 'change ' in the sentence? Does it mean a s low o r a fast change?3 Do you th in k the w r ite r sees the change as being fo r the b e tte r o r the w orse?a N oth ing sym bolises the rem arkab letra n s fo rm a tio n of the c ity fro m th ird -w o rld cap ita l to centre of g loba l finance m ore than its g lit te r in g new shopping m a lls , b He em phasised the im po rtance of m aking asm ooth tra n s it io n to dem ocracy, c If you are in te rested in the h is to rica l evo lu tionof the tem p les , stop o ff at A janta, w here som e caves are fro m the 2nd cen tu ry BC. d A fte r a w eek of m ass de m o n s tra tio n s tha thave paralysed the cap ita l, the coun try is on the verge of to ta l co llapse, e W hat we are w itness ing is a techno log ica lrevo lu tion in the record ing indus try , one th a t is qu ie tly tak ing pow er away fro m the big stud ios and pu tting it d ire c tly in the hands of a rtis ts , f To p ro tec t you r pea rls fro m g radua ld e te rio ra tio n , d o n 't le t ha irsp ray o r pe rfum e touch them .g M ost pa tien ts trea ted w ith the d rug showed ad ra m a tic im p rovem en t w ith in m onths, h A fte r being top of the league, U nited soon w en t in to rapid decline.c Notice the adjectives with each noun. What other adjectives could you use in the same context?9 a Think of a change you know about. Choose oneof these topics and write sentences giving your opinion.• a place • the e nv ironm en t / the w o rld• s p o rt • a person you knowSince the Wall fell, Berlin has undergone a rem arkable transformation. In less than 3 0 years, it has developed from being a regional backwater to being one of Europe’s most dynamic cities.b Read out your sentences. Do other people agree?Cause and effect10 a In these sentences, which means:• A caused B? • B w as caused by A?• A in fluenced B?1 B ritish food becam e cosm opo litan . This gave rise to a w ho le new sty le of B ritish cooking w h ich w as in fluenced by the M ed ite rranean .2 Th is has had an im pact on peop le ’s a ttitu d e s to food and cooking.3 People have rea lly s ta rted eating w e ll. This w as a d ire c t consequence of jo in ing the EU.b These expressions could replace thosehighlighted in 10a. Could they be used in sentence1, 2 or 3? Would they change the meaning?led to 1 genera ted had an e ffect on resu lted in b rough t about in fluenced resu lted fro m stem m ed fro m w as caused by triggered had its o rig in in had an in fluence on11 Choose the best exp ress ion . W hy is it be tte r?1 C e leb ritie s have a huge e f fe c t / in fluence on young people. Look at the way people copy Paris H ilton , fo r exam ple.2 The co n flic t has its o rig in s i n / led to tr ib a l feuds between nom ad ic herdsm en.3 You w an t to be ca re fu l w ith th is vaccina tion . It could tr ig g e r / b ring about an a lle rg ic reaction.4 It was m a in ly the irrespons ib le behav iour of the banks th a t had an e ffect on / b rough t about the c ris is , so they shou ld pay fo r it.5 The p rob lem stem m ed from / resu lted in the fac t th a t she never received his em a ils .12 a C om plete these sentences so they are tru e fo r you.1 M y s tem s fro m m y fa m ily background.2 ______ had a big im pact on me.3 ______ in fluenced me a lot, because ...4 ______ had an im p o rta n t e ffec t on m y fu tu re .b C om pare yo u r sentences.Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ircle)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can't do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.I® in te rp re t maps and factsmake comparisons and ta lk about changes© ta lk about diet and nutritiondiscuss changing trends9 ta lk about result® w rite captions© w rite economically• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work e-Portfolio• For more practice -» Self-study Pack, Unit 4455.1 goals® describe spaces in cities ® describe how spaces are usedConcepts of spaceREADING 1 a The photos are fro m an e xh ib itio n ca lled 'P o s t- it c ity '.Which cities do you think they are? Why?• Hanoi, V ie tnam • B arcelona, Spain • W arsaw, Poland • Cairo, Egypt b What does each photo show? What do they seem to have in common?Read the captions and check. Which photos do they match with?Once held around the edge of an abandoned football stadium , Ja rm ark used to be Europe’s biggest open-air m arket. For many years, it b rought a sense of com m unity to tra d e rs and shoppers from d iffe ren t nationalities who o therw ise would have been on the stree ts. It was closed in 2 0 1 0 , to be replaced by a new National Stadium, one of the venues fo r the Euro 2 0 1 2 football tournam ent.Every day in Hanoi, m ore than 2 ,0 0 0 women take to the s tree ts selling a kind of noodle soup - P hd Bo, a m ixture of soy, noodles, vegetables, pork o r beef in a hot broth.Each of these soup-sellers carries a pole balanced across her shoulders: hanging from one side is a soup pot w ith chopsticks, plates and w hatever else you m ight need fo r eating; on the o ther side, stacked in order, are tiny, coloured stools. This complex a rrangem ent quickly becom es an improvised outdoor res tau ran t fo r up to ten people.In an overcrowded city, living anywhere will do - even a cem etery could be called home. Described by politicians as a refuge fo r crim inals, chosen by film m akers and novelists as locations fo r s to ries of m arginalisation, o r declared as areas in need of pro tection by UNESCO, these m akeshift homes rem ain a sign of real poverty.Reclaimed as provisional allotments, these no-man’s lands found along rivers and railway lines now serve a real purpose. Here, retired citizens build precarious sheds from waste and grow fru it and vegetables where they can. Making use of waste ground in an original way, the project gives these elderly people a function in life.Read the cap tions again. W hich p lace:LANGUAGEFOCUSD escrib ingspacesLISTENINGSPEAKING1 has now disappeared?2 is viewed d iffe re n tly by d iffe re n t people?3 gives a pa rt of the popu la tion som eth ing to do? k is the re su lt of a despera te s itua tion?5 is viewed the m ost positive ly?6 b rough t d iffe re n t k inds o f people toge the r?7 has to be set up again every m orn ing?U a F ind ad jec tives in th e cap tions th a t m ean:a fu l l of people. d ex is ting outside,b le ft em pty. e unstab le ,c im prov ised . f used fo r a lim ite d tim e .b Do the ad jec tives have a negative o r n e u tra l conno ta tion in the cap tions? How does th is a ffec t the w ay we read them ?5 a W hich of these ad jec tives can d e scribe : spaces in c itie s? b u ild in g s? both?c laus trophob ic qua in t re s tfu l ru n -d o w n g litzy deso late im posing bus tling v ib ra n t fu tu r is tic p ic tu resque sty lish sou lless seedy ram shack leb W hich do you th in k have a pos itive o r a negative conno ta tion?c W ork w ith a pa rtne r. Choose a p lace o r b u ild in g in yo u r tow n. T h in k how to describe it using one o r m ore of the ad jectives.d D escribe yo u r p lace to the c lass. Can o th e r people guess w h a t it is?6 a M atch these w o rd s to m ake as m any co llo ca tio n s as possib le de sc rib in g spacesand places.p roperty o rgan ismurban developerspub lic d w e lle rsc ity needsbasic p lanningliv ing spaceb * 1 3 L is ten to a le c tu re abou t 'P o s t- it c ity '.1 W hich co lloca tions do you hear?2 W hat is the speaker's m ain po in t about: pub lic spaces in genera l? 'a lte rn a tive ' u rban spaces?3 In w ha t way are 'a lte rn a tive ' u rban spaces like P o s t-it notes?U W hat is the le c tu re r 's a ttitu d e to u rban p lann ing? W hat does he say th a t m akesyou th in k th is?c W hich ad jec tives did the sp e a ke r use to describe the w ay people use urban spaces? A re any the sam e asin the captions?d > 0 L is ten again to check.Talk abou t spaces in the area w he re you live.1 Make a lis t of spaces w h ich have been rec la im ed o r tra n s fo rm e d , o r areas w h ich now serve an a lte rn a tive purpose. T h ink about:• squa tte rs . • teenagers. • to u rism .• m a rke ts . • m usic events. • festiva ls .• soc ia l g roups. • green spaces. • bu ild ing deve lopm ents.2 Do you agree w ith the changes? L is ten to each o the r's op in ions and ask questions to find ou t m ore.SurveillanceREADING 1 a What do the images show? b Talk together.1 W here can you find su rve illance cam eras in you r tow n? W hat do you th in k is th e ir m ain purpose?2 Do you th in k they have helped to reduce crim e? If so, how?2 a Read the article.1 W here is the w r ite r and w hy is he there?2 Does he th in k CCTV cam eras are use fu l, use less o r s in is te r? W hat evidence can you find in the a rt ic le to su p p o rt th is?3 How does his a ttitu d e change in the second paragraph?U Who runs the opera tion? W hy does th a t seem to be a good idea?IN Manchester, I watch the man as he fumbles in his pocket, rolls a cigarette and lights it. He is young, thin, and seems nervous. He also seems oblivious to the camera through which I am watching him. He is outside, in the city centre; I am in front of a bank of screens, at the NCP car park. This is the control centre for Manchester's CCTV camera surveillance operation: five operators controlling over 250 cameras, covering public spaces throughout the greater Manchester area 24 hours a day. One of the operators had noticed something unusual about our man, but his suspicions, honed by hours of watching street activity, were soon allayed, and his attention turned elsewhere. At one end of the screens, an operator is observing the car park. A police officer is on shift for referrals for action. The operation has had its successes: nearly 50 football hooligans rampaging in the city centre before last year's UEFA cup final between Rangers and Zenit St Petersburg have been identified; mobile wirelesscameras have assisted in a successful police operation against gangs in Moss Side.It is not always so exciting. The operator showed me his computerised log of recent incidents: a man on a garage forecourt looking at the camera, a group of youths on bicycles, someone acting suspiciously here, a shoplifter being brought out of a shop there. The centre's manager is keen to stress that CCTV is there "to improve the quality of life, not just to catch criminals". The cameras are alert to fly tipping, traffic congestion, illegal street traders. "We want to be the fourth emergency service, watching out for the people of Manchester," the manager says. She also thinks this collection of functions and separation of powers between council and police is the proper model for CCTV, allowing checks and balances. Certainly, to the observer, the operation smacks more of the familiar British piecemeal pragmatism than any sinister desire for control.b What do you think the highlighted words mean? How else can you express the same idea?1 as he fu m b le s in h is pocket U honed by hours of w a tch ing2 seem s o b liv io u s to the cam era 5 ram pag ing in the c ity3 his susp ic ions w e re a llayed 6 sm acks m ore o f ... p ragm a tism3 Read two more paragraphs from the article on p 129. Then answer the questions.© talk about crime and surveillance5 .2 goals48LANGUAGEFOCUSU a These words are used to describe things people do in streets or in buildings. Explain what they mean.Legal and ille g a lac tiv itie s m ugging burg la ry vandalism rio ts p ick-pocketing squatting w ritin g g ra ffiti busking robbery p ro tes t m arches sh o p lifting s tree t trad ing hoo ligan ism begging de m o n s tra tio n s s leep ing rough gang w arfa reb Which words have a different verb form? Is there a noun for the people who do these activities?m ugging -h> m ug -> m ugger w ritin g g ra ff it i —> g ra ff it i a r t is tC Choose five of the activities you find interesting.1 In you r country, w h ich are legal, w h ich are illega l, and w h ich can be e ithe r?2 W hich do you th in k shou ld be lega l / ille g a l? Why?3 Do you th in k any could [o r shou ld ] be con tro lled by su rve illa n ce cam eras?4 A re any a p a rt ic u la r p rob lem w here you live?LISTENINGLANGUAGEFOCUSC om m enting on experiencesSPEAKINGSecurity1 Look at the photos. What forms of security do they show? What is their purpose?Listen to Jane, Uri, Patrick and Tina talking about security measures.1 W hat se cu rity m easure do they ta lk about?2 A re they in favou r of them , aga inst them , o r do they have m ixed fee lings?3 a The speakers comment on things that happened to them. Try to complete the gaps.j a n e I did th in k it w a s , as, you know, I w a sn 't rea lly doing anyth ing tha tdangerous.j a n e any schoo lch ild ren w ere a c tu a lly crossing the road.u r i I th in k they s e rv e .u r i Then they speed up again - i t 's .Pa t r i c k I th in k , but som e tim es I th in k it's ju s t a b i t .123456 Pa tr ic k But at no po in t did they a c tu a lly ask to see my passport - it w a s . ge tting p rio r it ie s w rong !7 t in a I do th in k t h e y ' r e I m ean, if you th in k about it, it does m ake it sa fe rto buy th ings .8 t in a There w as a huge queue of people stand ing behind me - it w a s .b ♦ M S 3 Listen again to check.a What do you think are the pros and cons of the four security measures? b Comment on an experience you have had.1 T h ink about an experience you have had w ith se cu rity m easures.• W hat happened?• How do you fee l about the experience?• W hat com m en ts w ou ld you like to m ake about it?2 Talk about you r experiences and how you fee l about them . L isten to each o th e r and ask questions to find ou t m ore.49@ describe spaces in cities© outline problemsliscuss and suggest solutionsTarget activityPlan a city square5 .3 goalsTASKPREPARATION1 a These photos show a square in Munich, Germany. Imagine living on this square. What would be the advantages and disadvantages?b Read the report. Did it mention any of the things you talked about?The square at Harras is situated on a major intersection of two main routes, one going south from the city centre and the other branching west towards the ring road and motorway. It is also the centre of the Munich district of Sendling and is the main shopping centre of the area. On the east and north-west sides of the square there are shops, offices and a library, with residential flats on the upper floors. On the south side is the main post office and other, smaller shops and flats. The centre of the square is kept free of traffic and is used as a bus station. There is also access to the underground from various points on the square, including the central area. At present, there is constant heavy traffic on all three roads which pass through the square, and they are separated from the buildings only by narrow pavements.The main aim of the redevelopment is to improve the quality of life in and around the square, and to make it an attractive centre for Sendling which will be well used by residents and visitors to the area.TASK LANGUAGEO utlin ingprob lem sListen to a town planner outlining the problems.W hat does she say about:• the shops? • the square in the m idd le?• the tra ff ic ? • the bu ild ings?W hat needs to be done? Make a lis t of po in ts she m entions. Then com pare answ ers.3 a Look at these two ways of outlining problems. Add words to the gaps.a sho rtage ofinadequateno access toovercrowdedinaccessib lecongestedThere ’s / There are + noun is / are + adjective1 T he re 's a lack o f com m un ica tion betw een the d iffe re n t pa rts of the square.2 T h e re ’s the post o ffice.3 T h e re 's ______ park ing spaces.4 T here 's no flo w of tra ff ic th rough the s tree ts .5 There are too m any people in the square.6 The d iffe re n t pa rts of the square a re c u to f f fro m each other.7 The post o ffice is8 The pa rk ing spaces a r e ______ .9 The s tree ts a r e ______ .10 The square i s ______ .b Which sentences apply to the square at Harras?c Which sentences in 3a could you rephrase beginning with There's a problem? What words can come after problem?U a Try to find a solution for the square at Harras. Follow the instructions on p129. b Present your ideas to the class.C • 0 Look on p 138 and listen to the town planner's solution.EXPLOREAcross cultures Privacy1 a These im ages w e re a ll posted on F lick r.com . M atch th e m w ith these tit le s .1 Invasion of privacy2 D efin ing m in im u m privacy3 Privacy is deadA R especting beauty and privacy5 A lit t le privacy please!6 Privacy vs. se cu rityb How a p p ro p ria te do you th in k each t i t le is? W hy / W hy not?! H I T I‘ i 4n?U±\ H !1 Hj HBllilliniHi ™ 1 • m m ’ *n) w A 1 ]mm" pi ;!*iarP ! f ! ,iM ' if l I I !* ii i i __f K B *II f i | • ig > !<T i u n u ■■ f'L ! ! |« ! r f « ■ " !P > ' is IWhat do you understand by 'privacy'? Is there an equivalent word for it in your language?♦ 8 Q Listen to David talking about privacy.1 W hat is 'p r iv a c y 'fo r h im ?2 W hat can you te l l about:• his re la tio n sh ip s and fr iends?• his free tim e?• his life up to now?3 How was Egypt d iffe re n t fro m England? Is the im age he conveys of England positive?U How important is privacy to you? Discuss these questions.1 Do you w o rk b e tte r w ith people around, o r on you r own?2 If you w en t to a park o r beach, w ou ld you try to find a place away fro m o th e r people?3 If you had a day com p le te ly on you r own, w ou ld you enjoy it, o r w ou ld you p re fe r to be w ith o th e r people?A W ould it b o th e r you to share a ho te l room w ith a fr iend?Think of a country you know.1 Is the re m ore o r less o f a sense of p rivacy than in yo u r country?2 How does th a t show itse lf?3 W hy do som e cu ltu re s a ttach m ore im portance to privacy?51EXPLOREKeyword need1 a Look at this example from the unit. What words could go in the gaps?In order to turn this square into an urban space of high quality it needs _̂______ ,and it needs ^_______ for the whole layout of the square. First of all, the road,the spaces taken up by the road need _______ , but enabling the flow of traffic forthe same amount of vehicles and without causing traffic jams.b « O Listen to check.C Notice how you can use need as a verb or a noun.Verb Nouna The traffic needs to be completely dre-organised.b We need more discussion before we can reach a edecision. fc The whole building urgently needs redecorating.There's an urgent need for more qualified staff.It's OK - there's no need to panic.Many people in the area are in desperate need of financial support.1 W hat w ords and pa tte rns fo llo w need?2 W hat ad jectives / adverbs com e before need? Can you th in k of any o thers?3 Could you say each sentence d iffe ren tly , using need o r a n o th e r expression?2 a These words / expressions often follow in need of. Which could be about: people? a building? a system?a com ple te overhau l m ed ica l tre a tm e n t a changere p a ir a break assistancerenovation food and s h e lte r an upgradeb Talk about these photos using expressions in 2a.C Listen to four news items. Which expressions from 2a do you hear? What is each item about?3 a How could 1 -6 continue? Add sentences with need (as a verb or noun).1 The w indow s are ro tting away. They u rgen tly need replacing.2 D on 't w o rry about the loan.3 Thousands of fa m ilie s have now here to live.U A t the m om ent, the square doesn 't fu l f i l its func tion .5 The a n ti-sm o k in g law s a re n 't very sa tis factory.6 I can hea r you very clearly.b Read out one of your answers. Can other people guess what the first sentence was?U a Work alone. Write down:• a bu ild ing th a t's badly in need of re p a ir o r renovation.• som eth ing th a t needs reo rgan is ing o r im proving .• a group of people w ho you th in k need m ore help.• som eth ing the re is an u rgen t need for.b Compare your ideas with other people.52EXPLORESpeaking1 a These photos are from a slideshow presentation. What do you think it is about and who is it for?b i B l Listen to Len Griffiths giving the presentation. At every beep' he shows a new slide. In what order do you think he shows the slides?c What do we know from the presentation about:1 Grenada?2 the hote l?the beach? the food?a Think about the way Len:1 in troduces the presen ta tion .2 m oves from one top ic to the next.3 fin ish e s the p resen ta tion .iiTry to complete the gaps.IntroductionWell, good afternoon. My name's Len Griffiths, I’mthe manager of Petit Bacaye, and _you very much for coming this afternoon.thank99ii Opening descriptionSo, an idea what the hotel is like and whatit's like to stay there.3 in a minute. Buta general idea about where we are99ii TransitionOK, so 5___ Petit Bacaye itself, the hotel.ii ConclusionSo, that’s it, really. 16 7 _ any questions, 899what the hotel is like, answer them.99b ♦ Listen to check.a Look at these ways of presenting visual information. What other words could be used instead of the h ig h lig h te d words?Showing a viewThis show s you ... Here 's a v iew o f ... Here's a c lo se r v iew . Le t's ju s t zoom in onR eferring to a slideAs you can see from th is photo ...... w h ich you can see here. You can see t h a t ...b Choose one of the slides. Which expressions could you use to talk about it?c Look at the script on p151. Did the speaker say the same as you?Give a short presentation.1 Im agine you spent som e tim e at the Petit Bacaye hote l. P repare to ta lk about you r ho liday using the photos on th is page.T h ink of o th e r de ta ils you w ou ld like to expla in. Give you r p resen ta tion to o th e r s tuden ts .© give a presentation with images53look again oGrammarPassive reporting verbs1 a Look at these exam p les fro m the un it.CCTV is reckoned to operate in around 500 British towns and cities, as against 50 in Italy, II in Austria, and one in Norway. i During the 1990s, roughly 75% of the Home Office crime-prevention budget is said to have been spent on installing CCTV.: It has also been shown that improvingstreet lighting "is a rather more effective form of prevention".1 The exam ples show tw o ways of usingim p e rso n a l repo rting verbs. W hat o th e r verbs can be used in the sam e way? Make a lis t.a Choose a photo and imagine a news item to go with it. Write one or two sentences using reporting verbs.Milan a r t r t p o r t t d to havt Sicjntd a n to j m id —f i t l d t r 1 / is b th t v td to b t th t h ig h ts t- p a id t r a n s f t r in t h t h i s to ry o f t h t dub.it + passive verb + th a t ...It is reckoned t h a t ...It is said t h a t ...It has been show n t h a t ...passive verb + to + infinitive... is reckoned to ...... is said to ...... has been shown t o ...2 W hich exam ples re fe r to:• the present?• the past?How is th is re flec ted in the g ra m m a tica l s tru c tu re s used?3 The expressions are typ ica l of news re p o rts o r academ ic w rit in g . How could you say them in a m ore conve rsa tiona l style?b Rewrite these sentences. Use a suitable passive reporting verb.1 People sayth a t CCTV cam eras in shops don 't a c tu a lly d e te r c rim in a ls .2 People ca lcu la te th a t the re are over 4 m illio n CCTV cam eras in the UK.3 Many experts believe th a t the use of CCTV h asn 't had a s ig n ifica n t e ffec t on c rim e .4 They say th a t speed cam eras have reduced road accidents.5 R eports show th a t m ost se cu rity checks at a irp o rts are ine ffic ien t.6 Many people fee l th a t se cu rity checks at a irp o rts are reassuring .c How are these impersonal constructions expressed in your language?b Read out your sentences. Can other people guess the photo?Grammar reference, p142VocabularyDescribing placesLook at this example from the unit. What two ways does the town planner use to describe the square? What other shapes could a town square be?The square itself is a very unusual shape. It is a triangular shape, and it is surrounded by some very fine buildings.U a What do the h ig h lig h te d expressions mean? Which sentences best describe the photos?1 The square is su rro u n de d by fine old bu ild ings, da ting from the tu rn of the century.2 The ce n tra l m osque, da ting from the 12th cen tu ry , is the foca l po in t of the city.3 The road is bo rde red by shopping cen tres and re ta il ou tle ts .k The m ain s tre e t is lined w ith res tau ran ts .5 The tow n is dom ina ted by a c itade l.6 The ne ighbourhood is bounded by 35th S tree t and 7th Avenue.7 There are room s o ve rlook ing the square fo r about $10 a n ight.8 Several s m a ll cafes look ou t over the river.9 You can find good food at V ik to r's , ju s t o ff the m ain square.b What do you imagine the other places to be like? Try to form a 'mental picture’ and describe it to your partner.5 a Think of a square, street or neighbourhood where you are now. Write a few sentences describing it.b Read out your sentences. Can other students guess which place it is?Think of a place which you think doesn’t fulfil its function well and could be improved. Discuss:1 w ha t is w rong w ith it.2 how it m ig h t be im proved.Solutions to problem s7 a • f 5 D Listen to these extracts from presentations.Which person is talking about:• a w ar?• im m ig ra tio n ?• redes ign ing a c ity square?• an in d u s tr ia l d ispute?b All these adjectives collocate with solution.Which speaker uses each expression?d ip lo m a tic g loba l p ra c tica l lo n g -te rm p a rtia l proposed in te rim m u tu a lly agreeableC Which expression in 7b means:1 they d o n ’t fu lly solve the prob lem partial solutions2 it involves the w ho le w o rld3 we s t i l l need to find a b e tte r so lu tionk it w o rks5 it avoids figh ting6 i t ’s w ha t we suggest7 it w il l solve the p rob lem fo r a long tim e8 both s ides agree to itd What verbs collocate with solution? come up with a solutionListen again. What verbs did they use?8 Discuss a problem.1 T h ink of a w o rld p rob lem , a p o lit ic a l issue o r a p rob lem in you r area.2 Prepare to ta lk about it. Make a few b rie f notes and try to use expressions fro m 7b.3 T e ll o th e r s tuden ts about the prob lem . D iscuss possib le so lu tions .Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ irc le)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.© describe spaces in cities I W 1© describe how spaces are used@ ta lk about crim e and surveillance@ comment on experiences w w© outline problems w w© discuss and suggest solutions D Q Q D Q© give a presentation with images m m• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -» e-Portfolio• For more practice Self-study Pack, Unit 5556.1 goals® describe appearance and changes to appearance@ discuss photos and images© talk about aim and intentionAppearancesThe camera never liesPLISTENINGREADINGa The left-hand image has been changed in ten different ways. What changes do you think have been made? How?b * Listen to check.c Read the script on p151. What do you notice about the verbs?1 What g ra m m a tica l fo rm do m ost of them have? Why do you th in k th is is?2 Find examples of verbs wh ich are fo rm ed from adjectives.a Read an article about digital manipulation in the fashion industry. What do you think these highlighted words mean?1 the a rsena l of fashion photography2 great bone s tru c tu re3 f law less on the page k w i th abandon5 everything gets re touched to death6 doesn 't pretend to m i r r o r rea l life7 poo r body image8 void of any kind of hum an ity9 readers are savvy enoughThin, pretty and airbrushedClick ing the shutter is just the beginn ing of model beautyThe arsenal of fashion photography has always included teenagers with great bone structure, chic clothes and a good make-up job. But with computer graphics, these models look even more flawless on the page. Since the advent of Photoshop, the fashion and advertising industries have been airbrushing pimples, removing wrinkles and shaving off thighs with abandon. “Everything gets retouched to death,” says Eric Feinblatt, a photographer and professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Chelsea. “There’s nothing you see on any fashion magazine cover that hasn’t been manipulated.”Though the industry does not pretend to minor real life, many are critical of the way that photo manipulation removes life from people’s faces and hence contributes to poor body image. Michael LaMount, a freelance photographer in Los Angeles, objects to digital manipulation, because by removing lines, chins and shadows, retouchers are erasing people’s individuality. “Once you start airbrushing, it becomes void of any kind of humanity,” he explains.But even the models know the point of the picture is to create an image, not a portrait. By the time a photo is taken, the model has already been heavily made up, her clothes pinned and tucked to her body. “How real is it anyway?” asks model Candy Frisbe.Colleague Megan Shoemaker says readers are savvy enough to know fashion photographs do not represent real life. “I think that most people know that the images can be manipulated; consumers are aware,” she says.56LANGUAGEFOCUSAlte r ing physical featuresLANGUAGEFOCUSAim and intentionb Look at these expressions which describe the aim of the alterations. Complete them with words from the box.to 1x3) of as w ith in that1 ... th is com posite may have been created s o address that.2 ... _ _ _ _ _ o r d e r give the im press ion of a s h a rk attack ...3 ... s o the c la im w ou ld seem m ore genuine ...4 ... h o p in g convince people tha t the photo was r e a l ...5 ... _ the a i m enhancing his s ta tu re ...c Which photo do you th in k each express ion descr ibes?W ork in A /B pairs. Read about the photos in 1a. S tuden t A, look at p 127. S tuden t B, look at p 136.3 a Read about these o the r fakes. Match the a im s (a-d) to the desc r ip t ions (1-4), adding an expression f ro m 1 b. W hat changes do you need to m ake to the sentences?1 in 2007, N ational Geographic showed a p ic ture of the Giza pyram ids, Egypt on its cover. The pyram ids were moved c loser to g e th e r ...2 In 1994, Time magazine showed American foo tba lle r OJ Simpson short ly a f te r his arrest fo r murder. They changed his face to make it da rke r than it really was ...3 A Reuters pho tog rapher covering an a ir raid on Beirut, Lebanon, usedPhotoshop to add extra sm oke ris ing f rom the bu i ld ings ...4 In 1994, the Univers ity of W isconsin doctored a photograph on a brochure by insert ing a b lack s tuden t in a crowd of w h ite foo tba l l fans ...a look m ore d ram aticb fi t the ve r t ica l fo rm a t of the magazinec emphasise the e thnic d iversity of th e i r s tudentsd look more menacingb To w h a t ex ten t do you th in k these changes are une th ica l, and why?READING and SPEAKINGb Discuss the article.1 Is the w r i te r 's opinion cri t ica l, positive o r neutra l?2 Four people are quoted. What is each person's a t t i tude to d ig ita l m an ipu la t ion?3 Who do you m ost agree w ith? Why?a Find six words in the article that refer to physical features, b What other physical features can be altered in photography? Make a list, c Compare lists. Use these verbs to talk about them.enhance lengthen shorten l ighten darken reduce add remove a l te rSpots can be removed, cheek bones can be enhanced.Fake photos1 a These photos both have fake elements. What are they? How were they achieved?576 .2 goalsGenuine fakesLANGUAGEFOCUSFakes and fo rgery© talk about fakes and forgery© convince people and express doubta What do you understand by these expressions?1 a forged b ir th cert i f ica te2 an inves tm ent scam3 a fake Rolex4 cred it card fraud5 a con t r ic k6 co un te r fe i t cu rrency7 cheat the 'sys tem8 a com puls ive l ia rb Look at the highlighted words. What verb, noun and adjective forms do they commonly have?forge, forgery, forgedC Discuss these questions.1 W hat o the r th ings can be forged?2 W hat th ings are often fake?3 In w ha t ways do people often cheat the system?4 Th ink of examples of a con t r ic k or a scam. Have you (or people you know] ever been the v ic t im of one?READING 2 a One of these Picassos’ is a fake.1 W hich one do you th in k it is?2 If you were an a r t dealer, how wou ld you f ind out?3 How m uch do you th ink each painting is w o rth?b Find out which painting is the fake on page 128.3 a Read an article about John Myatt, who painted the fake 'Picasso' in 2a. Which of these statements do you think are true? Why / Why not?1 John Myatt doesn 't have a high opinion of his own painting style.2 He took great care to make his fakes look as genuine as possible.3 He w o u ld n ' t have succeeded w ith o u t John Drewe's help.4 It is su rp r is ing ly easy to deceive a r t experts.5 His prison sentence was unduly harsh.6 He deeply regre ts w ha t he did.7 He always had a na tu ra l ta len t fo r painting fakes.b What kind of person do you think John Myatt is? Why?devious daring c lever modest ashamedCadaques IPablo Picasso, 19101The master forgerJohn Myatt was responsible for the biggest art con of the 20th century, and ended up going to jail for it. Now his story is being turned into a Hollywood movie - and a prestigious gallery is showing his 'genuine fakes'. He tells all to Mark Honigsbaum.John Myatt is showing me some of his recent creations. "That's a Giacometti," he says, pointing to an abstract in swirling whites and greys entitled Apples on a Stool (1949). "I'm not sure it's quite finished yet." Next, Myatt walks me to another wall of The Air Gallery, in London's Mayfair, hung with a Modigliani, several Picassos and, in the centre, a large Ben Nicholson.For a painter who is celebrating his first London opening, Myatt is disarmingly honest about both his working methods and his failings as an artist. But then, this is not the first time that Myatt's versions of works by Giacometti and Nicholson have found their way into the West End.Between 1986 and 1994, Myatt churned out more than 200 new works by surrealists, cubists and im pressionists, passing them off as originals with the help of an accomplice, John Drewe, an expert at generating false provenances. Despite the fact that many of Myatt's paintings were laughably amateurish (they were executed in emulsion, not oil), they fooled the experts and were auctioned for hundreds of thousands of pounds by Christie's and Sotheby's. It was, said Scotland Yard's art and antiques squad when they finally caught up with Myatt in 1995, "the biggest art fraud of the 20th century". Indeed, to this day, some 120 'Myatts' are still said to be in circulation.Now, having served his time - Myatt was sentenced to 12 months in prison in 1999 but was released for good behaviour after four months - he feels he has nothing to apologise for.Instead,he is seeking to forge anew career, so to speak, as a purveyor of what he calls 'genuine fakes'. These are works by the very same artists he used to imitate when he was a criminal - not only Giacomettis and Nicholsons, but Monets, M atisses and Renoirs. They even come with the artists' signatures. The only difference is that on the back of the canvas is a computer chip and the legend 'Genuine fake' written in indelible ink.Myatt didn't set out to be a faker. As a young art student, he had high hopes of establishing his own artistic style. But whenever he turned his hand to landscapes or portraiture, he says the result was invariably "academic" and "dull". Instead, he taught evening classes and began selling the odd fake to friends and colleagues ...c Can you think of verbs to replace these phrasal verbs from the article?1 chu rned ou t more than 200 new w o rks2 passing th e m off as or ig ina ls3 d idn 't se t ou t to be a fakerA they f ina l ly caught up w ith Myattd How do these phrasal verbs add to the meaning? What 'mental image' do you associate with each?e Look at this sentence. Why do you think the w r iter says 'so to speak’? At what otherpoints in the text does the w r ite r reveal his own attitude?... he is seeking to forge a new career, so to s p e a k ...» C 5 D Listen to John Myatt talking about how he started forging paintings.SPEAKING Role play.1 S tudent A, you are an a r t dealer.You w an t to se l l B th is painting.Look on p 130.2 S tudent B, you like the painting,but you're not convinced it's genuine. Look on p 138.123AHow did John Myatt s ta r t producing fake paintings? How did he get to know John Drewe?How did he s ta r t forg ing pain tings i l legally?Why d idn 't he copy paintings?59Target activity6 .3 goalsTASK READING® describe appearance@ conduct a personal interview® describe someone’s life, achievements and attitudesinterview someone and present a profile1 a What do you know about the Brazilian author Paulo Coelho?b Read the interview.1 W hat does the prof ile te l l you about:• Coelho's physical appearance? • the way he presents h im se lf?• his personality?2 Which parts of the in terv iew:• quote th ings he said? • describe the sett ing? • ta lk about his past life?• discuss his ach ievem ents? • re fe r to the p rom otion of his books?3 W hat verb tenses are used fo r each of these purposes?A W hat o rde r are these parts in? What effect is achieved by th is?5 What facts about his life and career su rp r ised you? Why?W hen Paulo Coelho w as 17, his p aren ts sent him to an asylum because th e y th o u g h t he w as psychotic. N ow h e ’s th e w o rld 's b ig g est-se lling novelis t - but, he says, som e people still d on 't understand h im .Paulo Coelho is dressed entire ly in black, as befits a spiritual sage whose books take as the ir subject the eternal human enigma. He is small, delicately proportioned and his soft grey hair has been grown into a rat's ta il, o f the kind one sometim es sees on Buddhist monks. He sits in the lobby of a plush London hotel - all clean m in im alis t lines and strangely placed m irrors - looking entire ly a t home, the black o f his clothes contrasting decoratively w ith the beige upholstery."Every day I try to be in comm unication w ith the universe in an unconscious way," he smiles, staring at me w ith big, brown earnest eyes and speaking in heavily accented English.Paulo has never had any problem com m unicating w ith o ther people. In fact, he's phenomenally successful at it. Since the publication o f his firs t work, The Pilgrimage, in 1987,he has sold 65 m illion books, making him the best-selling au thor in the world - above John Grisham, Tom Clancy and the seemingly unassailable J.K. Rowling. He has been translated into 59 languages and collected an impressive portfo lio o f lite rary prizes - among them ,the French Chevalier de I'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, the ir m ost prestigious literary gong. His m ost famousbook, The Alchemist, te lls the story o f an Andalusian shepherd boy in search o f treasure in a fa r-o ff land, and has sold more than 30 m illion copies since its publication in 1988.Despite, o r perhaps because of his success, Paulo Coelho is a strong advocate o f spreading his books through peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. A fter a fan had posted a Russian translation o f one o f his novels online, sales of his book jum ped from 3,000 to one m illion in three years, w ith no additional prom otion or publicity from his publishers. His blog Pirate Coelho provides free translations and downloadable versions of many o f his books. Due to the openness regarding his content, au thor Jeff Jarvis named Coelho "the Googliest au thor" in the world.Work in A/B pairs. Prepare for an interview.1 S tudent A, you should be you rse lf in the interview. You can choose a sett ing 'w here you w ou ld l ike to be in terv iewed (at home? at w o rk? in some o the r place tha t says som eth ing about you?]. Decide w ha t you w i l l wear.2 S tudent B, m ake notes on the sett ing and A's physical appearance.Conduct the interview.1 S tudent B, ask questions to find out som e im po r tan t th ings about A:• A's past life. • w ha t A is doing, and w ha t has led up to it.• ach ievements. • belie fs and att itudes.2 Make notes, inc lud ing one o r two in te rest ing quotes.Now change roles.60EXPLOREAcross cultures Piracy1 a Look at the images and the news headlines.What do you think they are about?b Read the whole news items. Which do youthink is the most or least serious offence?Why?Which of these do you think should beallowed? Say why or why not, and underwhat circumstances.1 Downloading f i lm s from the Internet.2 F ile -sharing m us ic on the Internet.3 Making copies of DVDs.U Photocopying sc ien ti f ic o r academic art ic les.5 Sell ing p irate edit ions of published books.3 a Which opinions do you agree with?1 A u tho rs put a lot of w o rk and know ledge into w r i t in g a book. In effect, photocopying a book is stea l ing money f rom the person who w ro te it.2 The f i lm and m us ic indus tr ies make such huge prof its that they can easily afford to lose royalties from people m aking i l lega l copies.3 Il lega l dow nloading ac tua l ly helps unknown m usic ians: it enables more people to get to know th e i r work , so they a tt rac t b igger audiences to th e ir concerts.b Discuss these questions.1 How s tr ic t ly is copyright enforced in your country?2 W hat are the dangers of, fo r example, i l lega l downloading in your country?3 Are you l ike ly to get caught if you download som eth ing i l legally?Illegal downloaders threatened with Internet cancellationThe governm ent today proposed new laws to stop illegal downloading of music and films. Those found swapping copyrighted material could have their Internet connection cut off.&Oil company faces copyright chargesA court in Washington has found one of the world s biggest oil companies guilty of encouraging its employees to ph °tocopy research articles from scientific journals without paying royalty fees. The oil giant may be liable to pay damages to thp owners of the material for breaching copyright.Group jailed for illegal copyingOfficials have arrested three women and two men, and have captured more than ten photocopies and 300 copied books in a crackdown on illegal copying.61EXPLOREKeywords aim, purpose1 a Add these expressions with a im to the gaps.is a im ing fo r a im s to is a imed atThe course will run fo r two weeks, and 2 teachbasic skills in digital image manipulation. Students should have basic computer skills, but need no previous experience in graphic design.23-year-old Anna Vovk, though still surrounded by controversy, 3 a goldmedal again this year.“I’m in the clear and I’m confident about w inning again th is year," she told reporters.b In the first two gaps, you could add these adverbs below. Where could you insert them? How would they change the meaning?spec if ica lly p r im a r i ly solely m a in ly c learly apparent lyc In this sentence from the unit, aim is used as a noun. Who and what is being talked about?j ... carried out with the aim of enhancing the president's stature.d Add an expression with aim.1 the law is to proh ib it using m obile phones in vehicles.2 S u m m e r courses w i l l be arranged, w ith _ _ _ bring ing new s tudents up to the required level in English.2 a How do you think these sentences might continue?1 We need to be there by six, so w e 're a im ing ...2 Women's Pages is a broadly focused, popu la r magazine aimed ...3 The average the a tre -g o e r is aged between 55 and 85, but o u r new play is a im ing ...4 The to u r s ta r ted w ith a v is it to Beij ing th is weekend, aimed ...5 She made the m is take of m a rry ing a man w hose sole a im in life ...b * E D Listen to check. Were your answers similar?3 a These sentences all contain the word purpose. Which do you think is:a part of a b rochure? d part of a lecture?b part of a report? e part of an opening speech?c part of a conversation? f part of a news report?1 Thank you a l l fo r com ing th is a fte rnoon. The purpose behind th is meet ing is rea l ly twofo ld.2 The purpose of th is paper is to analyse trends in the m in ing sector.3 Actually, w e 're gett ing quite w o rr ied about h im - he ju s t doesn 't seem to have any purpose in life.4 They are believed to be enr ich ing u ran ium fo r the purpose of developing nuc lear weapons.5 The p r im a ry pu rpose of the c lub is to encourage young people to do sport.6 As S traczinski says in The Essence o f A rt, a r t exists fo r the purpose of putt ing real events into perspective,b How could you express the sentences in 3a using a im ?The purpose behind this m eeting is ... —> The aim o f th is m eeting is ...4 Talk about your future aims.1 Th ink of th ings tha t you a im to do in the fu tu re [work, studies, fam ily and leisure).2 Make notes, using expressions from th is page.3 Discuss you r aims.Although the film with its 3-D effects and rather predictable p lo t1 a popular audience, it also touches on profound historical themes. Indeed, it can be seen as an indirect comm entary on the destruction of Native American Indians by white settlers from Europe.62EXPLOREWritingGoals1 What kinds of writing and speaking do the images represent? What kind of style would you need toadopt in each case? How do you think spoken and written styles vary, in general?2 a Look at the two extracts from the John Myatt interview, and the same information expressed inwritten form (e.g. an autobiography). How are the spoken and written versions different? Think about:1 the n u m b e r of main verbs.2 the use of expressions like you know, rea l ly , so r t of, anyway.3 the n u m b e r of t im es and is usedU the underl ined expressions.5 the use of reported speech and questions.Spoken versionIt started about 1983, 1984, when I was a single parent,I had two very small children. I was a school teacher at the time, but my wife had left home and she wasn’t coming back, and there were two very young ones to take care of. So I was trying to find a way of working from home, and, you know, keeping the family together really. And one of the things that cropped up was this idea of putting an advert in the back of PrivateEye magazine, which is a sort of satirical magazine we have in England. And it just said ‘Genuine fakes. Paintings from 150 to 250 pounds'.But if you had a study by Leonardo da Vinci on the wall of your house, you know, and it was a tiny bit of ripped paper and it was all beaten up and all that, well, it's much more credible if not necessarily believable. Anyway, to cut a long story short, he said to me would I be interested in having half of the 25,000? And I said yes, and I took the money, and proceeded, really, to go into a career of art fakery with this man over the next six or seven years.b Compare answers. Do you agree?3 a Look at the notes you made for your partner's profile on p60. Write out these facts in three separateparagraphs in a fairly formal style, as if writing part of a biography.b How would the same information be conveyed in a spoken, conversational style?1 Th ink about the fea tures in 2a.2 In how m any ways can the text become 'spoken'?U It has been said that the gap between spoken and written English is getting smaller.Why do you think this might be? Is the same happening in your language?W ritten versionIt started in about 1983 or 1984, when I was a single parent with two very small children. I was a school teacher at the time, but my wife had left home for good and I needed to take care of two. young children, so I was trying to find a way of working from home and keeping the family together. One idea I had was to put an advert in the back of P riv a te E y e , an English satirical magazine, saying ‘Genuine fakes. Paintings from 150 to 250 pounds’.But if you had a study by Leonardo da Vinci on the wall of,your house, in the form of a tiny piece, of torn paper'in very bad.condition, it would be much more credible, if not necessarily entirely believable. So briefly, he asked me if I would be interested in having half of the 25,000.1 accepted, took the money, and proceeded to go into the business of art fakery with this man over the next six or seven years.63Look again oGrammarPresent perfect sim ple and progressive1 a Look at these examples from the unit. Matchthem with uses a -c of the present perfect simple.1 The lips have been reddened, so now they're^ a brighter red.2 Customs officials have arrested three men and two women.3 T h e A l c h e m i s t has sold more than 30 million copies.a to describe a recent event, w ith o u t saying when it happened b to describe a recent change (som eth ing is d if fe ren t now from before] c to describe events happening over a period up to nowb Look at these examples of the present perfect progressive. Match them to uses a and b.1 Since the advent of Photoshop, the fashion and advertising industries have been airbrushing pimples, removing wrinkles and shaving off thighs with abandon.2 I've been waiting for this day for so long - and now it's come.a to refer to an activity or feeling continuing up to now, but which has now stopped b to refer to an activity that started in the past and is still continuingc Look at exam p les a -d .1 Has the activity / feeling stopped, or is it continuing?2 How might each sentence continue?a I've been waiting for you for ages. Where ... ?b I've been trying to get hold of her, b u t ...c It's been snowing for ages, but thankfully ...d Over the last hour, I've been discussing ...d C om ple te these sentences so they are t ru e fo r you.I've been m eaning to w rite to you since ou r m eeting, b u t ...1 I've been meaning to ...2 I've been hoping ...3 I've been wondering w h a t ...4 I've been planning to ...Grammar reference, p142Present particip le expressionsWe often use participles to describe appearance. Look at these examples from the unit. Notice that there are two patterns:1 same subjectHe s its in the lobby of a p lush London hotel.He looks entire ly at home.He s its in the lobby of a p lush London hotel, look ing entire ly at home.2 different subjectHe s its in the lobby of a p lush London hotel. The b lack of his c lo thes con tras ts decoratively w ith the beige upholstery.He s its in the lobby of a p lush London hotel, the b lack of his c lo thes con tras t ing decorative ly w ith the beige upholstery.3 a Here are some examples of descriptiveexpressions from novels. What do you think they are about? Match them with the topics in the box.1 ... spa rk l ing w ith exc item ent2 ... g low ing d im ly th rough the fog3 ... leaning on the counter, cha tt ing to the c le rk4 ... gazing at a com pu te r screen5 ... s tro l l ing along the beacha man at an a i rp o r t the l igh ts of a fa rm housepeople by the sea a w o m a n ’s eyespeople in an off iceb What 'mental picture' do you see for each example? Compare ideas.c i Q S Listen to the original contexts. Do they change your 'mental picture' in any way?U a Look at these sentence beginnings, and try to imagine a 'mental picture' for each one. Add a participle expression to describe what the person was doing, or what they looked like. Use either of the two patterns in 2.1 He lay on the beach, ...2 She cantered along the p a th , ...3 He was s i t t ing on a park b e n c h , ...4 He p a u s e d , ...5 She stood by the w in d o w , ...b Compare what you have written with the sentences on p 130.5 Work in pairs.1 W rite a descrip tive expression l ike in 3a on apiece of paper. Pass it to ano the r pair.2 W rite w ha t you th ink m igh t come before thepart ic ip le expression. Pass it to ano the r pair.3 Add ano the r sentence, e i the r before o r after. Pass it to ano ther pair.4 Read out you r sentences.64VocabularyNew crim es Verbs with -en and en-How many 'new crimes' (crimes which did not exist 50 -100 years ago) can you rem em ber from this unit?a What crimes are these images associated with?y O J R S P A C E fSCAtCH PIb Match these 'new crimes' with pieces of advice 1 -4 and images A-D.phishing hacking card the f t identi ty frauda Look at these sentences from the unit. You can use verbs ending with -en or beginning with en- to talk about changes.The teeth have been whitened. (= made whiter)The lips have been reddened. (= made redder)The skin has been enhanced.(= made better, clearer)b What do these verbs mean? How are they formed?blacken s treng then lengthen w iden soften en large enliven darken weaken shorten deepen harden endanger enclose l ighten toughen th icken s tra igh ten1 Be sure tha t no one else can see the PIN n u m b e r tha t you key in. Thieves can copy card deta i ls tha t way and c lone cards.2 Be susp ic ious of a l l unso l ic i ted em a i ls you receive, even if they appear to o r ig ina te from a re l iab le source such as a bank.3 Always th ink before you give away your personal details, and dispose of documents w ith any personal in formation on them securely.4 Keep f i rew a lls , an t i -v irus so ftware and an t i ­spyware p rog ram m es up -to -da te to help p rotect your computer.C Match 1 -4 with a -d to make sentences written byvictims of the crimes in 7b.1 Jus t wanted to apologise fo r the random em ai l you received from me.2 I checked my c red it card s ta tem en t and saw a purchase tha t I hadn 't made.3 The em a i l said 'verify ' o r 'update ' you r account, but I knew what it was.4 I don 't know who knew I had tha t property.a Fraudsters who cheat the system and w an t to take on y ou r identity, I guess.b It was one of those phishing scams, and I was ju s t being conned.c I d idn 't send it - it appears my em a i l account w as hacked into.d It tu rn s out somebody had cloned my card.c Which adjectives could you use to talk about:• a road? • a bridge? • a room? • a sk ir t?• a canal? • a sauce? • a photo?• you r health? • your feet?9 a Thinkof contexts for these sentences.1 They tr ied to blacken my name.2 They're an endangered species.3 I enclose my CV.4 It s trengthened ou r de te rm inat ion .5 Can you en large the p icture?6 He tr ied to soften the blow.b 4<E39 L is ten to check.10 a Choose two verbs from 8a or 8b. Write truesentences about something (or someone) that has changed recently, but do not give a context.b Read your sentences to another student. Can they guess what you are talking about?65READINGCradle to grave1 a The photos show an art installation at the British Museum, London. What do you think the installation is? Try to describe it from the photos.b Read the description and check.1 W hat kind of m ed ic ines are, and are not inc luded in the ins ta l la t ion?2 W hat do we know about: the man's l ife? the w om an 's life?3 W hat do you th ink the exhib it ion says about ou r approach to health?Cradle to grave by PharmacopoeiaCradle to grave explores our approach to health in Britain today. The piece consists o f a lifetime supply o f prescribed drugs knitted into two lengths o f fabric, illustrating the medical stories o f one woman and one man.Each length contains over 14,000 drugs, the estimated average prescribed to every person in Britain in their lifetime. This does not include pills we might buy over the counter, which would require about 40,000 pills each. Some o f the treatments are common to both: each starts at birth w ith an injection o f vitam in K and immunisations, and both take antibiotics and painkillers at various times. Other treatments are more specific. The woman hasa relatively healthy life, but suffers from arthritis and diabetes in middle age. The man has asthma and hay fever when young, but enjoys good health until his 50s. He fina lly stops smoking after a bad chest infection when he is 70. He is treated for high blood pressure fo r the last 1 0 years o f his life and has a heart attack and dies o f a stroke in his 70s. He takes as many pills in the last 10 years o f his life as in the firs t 66.Cradle to grave also contains fam ily photographs and other personal objects and documents. The captions, w ritten by the owners, trace typical events in people’s lives. These show that maintaining a sense o f well-being is more complex than ju s t treating episodes o f illness.LANGUAGEFOCUSHealth p rob lem s and tre a tm e n t2 a Read the description again. Find eight words / expressions which refer to illnesses. Find six which refer to trea tm ents .b « E D Which words in 2a are s im ilar in your language? Listen to the recording. Are they pronounced differently?C Discuss these questions.1 Which of these health prob lem s are com m on in you r country? Which are less com m on? What about the fo rm s of trea tm en t?2 How wou ld the ins ta l la t ion change if it represented the lives of people from : your own country? ano the r part of the w or ld?66Audio guideLISTENINGLANGUAGEFOCUSDescriptivepart ic ip lesSPEAKING1 a ♦ E D You will hear an audio guide to the exhibition. What add itiona l information doyou hear about these topics? Listen and make brief notes, then compare answers.1 the people who created the ins ta l la t ion2 the people w hose lives it shows3 the text i les4 the p il ls5 the photographsb Here are some of the things the audio guide mentions. Who or what do they relate to? Put them in order of 'age'.syringes a li lac foo tp r in t a C hr is tm as tree a k itchen cupboard a gas and a ir m ask a coff in a s i lver blade ro l led -up fabr ic an ashtrayC ' E D Listen again to check.2 a Do you think the audio guide focuses mainly on:• the ins ta l la t ion as a w o rk of art?• its s ignif icance?• how it was produced?b Read the script on page 152. What features of language and style support your view?3 a The audio guide uses passive forms and participles to describe the installation.Look at the sentences. Add words from both boxes in the gaps.sewn in terspersed a rranged in 1x2) w ith (x2)wrapped in te rm ing led into1 The piece com pr ises a l i fe t im e 's supply of p rescr ibed drugs, two lengths of textile.2 There are large and s m a l l ta b le ts _____________ foil.3 The tab le ts fo rm s solid b locks of one colour, vivid geom etr icpatterns.4 Photographs in b lack and w h ite and co lou r are . o rde r of thesubjects ' ages.5 the photographs are persona l objects tha t relate to the course ofthe man's o r w om an 's life.b Check in the script on page 153.Add expressions from 3a to make these sentences more descriptively precise.1 She sat c lose to the fire w ith a b lanket round her.2 The old houses in the s tree t have new er houses between them .3 They discovered tha t he had an ID card in the l in ing of his jacket.4 Many th i rd -gene ra t ion im m ig ra n t fam il ies are now mixed w ith o the r groups.5 The main standing stones of S tonehenge are in a circle.5 a Discuss these questions.1 The 'Cradle to Grave' ins ta l la t ion obviously involved a lot of w o rk . Do you th ink it is w o r th spending t im e and money on a r t of th is k ind? Why? / Why not?2 Why do you th ink the B r i t ish M useum in London decided to show the ins ta l la t ion? Is a m useum an appropr ia te place fo r it? Why? / Why not?b Describe an exhibition or show you have seen.1 Th ink of an exhib it ion o r show tha t you have seen and re m e m b e r w e ll . What made it m em orab le? Make notes describ ing it as precisely as you can.2 W hat was your opinion of the exhib it ion / show? W hat com m en ts w ou ld you like t to make about it?3 W ork w ith o the r s tudents . L isten to each o ther 's descr ip t ions. Do you th in k the exh ib it ions you heard about w ere w o r th seeing?SPEAKING and LISTENINGMind over matter1 Discuss these questions.7.2 goalsdescribe a process or experim entdiscuss implications and significance1 Do you consum e m uch caffe ine? In w ha t fo rm ? Are you dependent on it?2 W hat physical and m en ta l e ffects do you th in k caffeine has on you? Does it:• help you concentra te?• improve your cognitive ab il i t ies?• make you m ore a lert?• improve you r m o to r sk i l ls?• improve you r reaction t im es?• make you j i t te ry?3 W hat is the 'p lacebo effect'? W hat connection do you th in k it has w ith caffeine?Lis ten to an in te rv ie w about P ro fesso r Irv ing K irsch.1 Why do you th in k coffee was chosen fo r the experim ent?2 W hat were the fo u r main stages of the experim ent?3 W hat does the expe r im en t seem to show?4 Are you convinced o r su rp r ised by it? If so, why?IDescrib ing processes and exper im entsU a These words were used in the documentary to talk about Professor Kirsch's research. Which words go together in pairs?devise ab i l i ty m easured co rre la t ion expe r im en t prove co-o rd ina tion task perfo rm ance effect s k i l ls report concentra te placebo s ign if ican t pe r fo rm assess testP rofessor K irsch devised an expe rim en t.b Summarise the experiment, using as many words from the box as possible.READINGThe nocebo’ effect1 What do you think the images show? How are they connected with these words?w itch doc to r spe l l do l l curse protection voodoo evil eye2 a Read the article. Which of these points do you think it is making?1 Jus t believing you are i l l can make you ill.2 The 'nocebo' effect is l ike the placebo effect, but w ith a negative result.3 Doctors should be very ca re fu l w ha t they te l l patients.4 Doctors are the w itch doctors of the m odern w or ld .5 We don 't really know how the 'nocebo' effect w orks .The interview was from a TV report. How do these images relate to what was said?68BewarewitchdoctorsLate one night, 80 years ago, in a smallAlabama cemetery, Vance Vanders had a run-in with the local witch doctor, who wafted a bottle of unpleasant-smelling liquid in front of his face, and told him he was about to die and that no-one could save him.Back home, Vanders took to his bed and began to deteriorate. Some weeks later, emaciated and near death, he was admitted to the local hospital, where doctors were unable to find a cause for his symptoms or slow his decline. Only then did his wife tell one of the doctors, Drayton Doherty, of the 'hex'.Doherty thought long and hard. The next morning, he called Vanders' family to his bedside. He told them that the previous nighthe had lured the witch doctor back to the cemetery where he had forced him to explain how the curse worked. The medicine man had, he said, rubbed lizard eggs into Vanders' stomach, which were now inside him.Doherty then summoned a nurse who had, by prior arrangement, filled a large syringe with a powerful emetic. With great ceremony, he inspected the instrument and injected it into Vanders' arm. A few minutes later, he began to be sick. In the midst of it all, unnoticed by everyone in the room, Doherty produced his piece de resistance - a green lizard he had stashed in his black bag. "Look what has come out of you, Vance," he cried. "The voodoo curse is lifted."Vance did a double take, lurched backwards to the head of the bed, then drifted into a deep sleep. When he awoke the next day he was alert and ravenous.He quickly regained his strength and was discharged a week later.The facts of this case were corroborated by four medical professionals. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about it is that Vanders survived. There are numerous documented instances from many parts of the globe of people dying after being cursed.Cases such as this may be extreme examples of a far more widespreadphenomenon. Many patients who suffer harmful side effects, for instance, may only do so because they have been told to expect them. What's more, people who believe they have a high risk of certain diseases are more likely to get them than people with the same risk factors who believe they have a low risk. It seems that modern witch doctors wear white coats and carry stethoscopes.The idea that believing you are ill can make you ill may seem far-fetched, yet rigorous trials have established beyond doubt that the converse is true - that the power o f suggestion can improve health.This is the well-known placebo effect. Placebos cannot produce miracles, but they do produce measurable physical effects.The placebo effect has an evil twin: the 'nocebo' effect, in which dummy pills and negative expectations can produce harmful effects. The term 'nocebo' (which means 'I w ill harm') was not coined until the 1960s, and the phenomenon has been far less studied than the placebo effect.What we do know suggests the impact of nocebo is far-reaching. "The voodoo curse, if it exists, may represent an extreme form of the nocebo phenomenon," says anthropologist Robert Hahn from Atlanta, Georgia.b U nde r l ine any five w o rds in the a r t ic le th a t are new and th a t seem use fu l to you.1 Compare them w ith ano the r student. Did you make a s im i la r choice?2 Would you need to use these words o r ju s t be able to recognise them ? Why?C In the a rt ic le , the w r i t e r exp lo res the im p l ica t ions and s ign if icance of w ha t happened. Find exam ples w h ich express tha t som eth ing :1 is certain.2 is su rp r is ing .3 is possible o r probable.4 seem s unlikely.3 a Can people convince them se lves th a t they are su f fe r ing som e th ing w hen they are not? Rank these scenarios f ro m 1 (= very un l ike ly) to 10 (= very l ike ly).a You read about dam aging effects of m obile phones. Soon, you notice tha t you get a headache when using you r phone, b Someone te l ls you it is r isky to sw im a fte r eating. You ignore the advice and im m ed ia te ly develop ser ious stom ach pains as a result.. c Halfway th rough eating seafood, you notice it s m e l ls odd, and you th in k you m igh t have food poisoning. Quickly, you s ta r t to fee l sick.b Have you (or people you know) had s im i la r experiences to these? Do you th in k they are exam ples of the nocebo ’ effect, o r w e re o th e r fac to rs involved?SPEAKING69Target activityGlobal issues7 .3 goals® discuss im plications and significance© discuss an issue1 W hat do you th in k is the message of the a n t i -m a la r ia cam paign advert?Discuss these questions about m a la r ia . Then check on p131.1 In w ha t parts of the w o r ld is it a prob lem?2 How dangerous is it?3 W hat kind of d isease is it? How can you catch it? What are the sym ptom s?4 How can it be treated? How can you protect you rse lf against it?5 W hat is being done about m a la r ia? What needs to be done?3 a »S O Lis ten to a doc to r ta lk ing about m a la r ia . W hat does he say about:1 m isconceptions?2 people at r isk?3 cu rren t trea tm en t?4 w ha t needs to be done?b W hat does he see as the m ost im p o r ta n t issue connected w ith m a la r ia?4 a ♦ E D The d oc to r uses express ions to ta lk about p rob lem s and so lu t ions . L isten again. W hat w o rds go in the gaps? Use these w o rds to he lp you.Discussingissues a health issue the only lo n g - te rm so lu tion don 't necessari lya question of fac to r in th is a tt i tudes are changingthe main prob lem a lot to do w ith a big issueTASKLANGUAGETASKPREPARATION1 A n o th e r_______ is the lack of available medicines.2 Malaria is p a r t ly but it's pa rt ly an economic one.3 This i s providing education.4 T h e y _______know how m a la r ia is caused.5 It's also g o t providing in fras truc tu re .6 C orrup t ion i s .7 ______is the p rob lem of resistance.8 ______ involves developing a vaccine.9 There are signs t h a t .b » E D Listen to check.a The d oc to r says th a t m a la r ia is an economic issue and a lso a po l i t ica l issue. W hat does he mean by th is?b Look at som e o th e r types of issue. Match them w ith the examples.health cu l tu ra l socia l m o ra l g lobal env ironm en ta l conservation po l it ica l economic educationa l1 ch i ldhood l i te racy2 the des truc t ion of ra in fo rests3 using English as a w o r ld language4 banning sm ok ing in public places5 the spread of fast-food chains6 a Together, choose one in te res t ing and im p o r ta n t issue f ro m 5b.b In g roups discuss the issue. Decide the main po in ts to discuss, and w h a t you th in k about them . Then d iscuss the m ain p rob lem s and possib le so lu t ions .Choose one person f ro m each group to sit on a 'panel'.1 M em bers of the panel: in tu rn , give you r group's opinion.2 The o thers: make co m m en ts o r ask questions a fte r each person has spoken.70EXPLOREAcross cultures Health campaigns1 a * You w i l l hear Percy, a research sc ien t is t f ro m Ghana, ta lk in g about using m osqu ito nets to prevent m a la r ia .1 What's the prob lem w ith m osqu ito nets?2 W hat do people in v i l lages often do? Why?3 W hat new idea does he ta lk about? How does it w o rk?Why is it better?b i L is ten again and com p le te the gaps.1 Average hom es ha ve venti la tion.2 Mosquito nets are q u i te to s leep in.3 That's w here _ _ comes in.4 There are a lot of p rog ram m es w h ic h sponsors.5 Mosquito nets a r e in the v i l lages.6 People d o n ' t properly.7 People leave them ___ loosely.8 This is a pe rm anen t n e t a l l the walls .9 You don 't have t o every night.10 You get b e t t e r .c From w ha t you have heard, do you th in k Percy is a native speake r ofEnglish, a b i l ingua l speaker, o r has lea rned English as a fo re ign language? Why?Look at these campaign posters to raise awareness about swine flu and malaria.What message are they trying to make? What steps do they suggest taking to alleviate the problem?b Which poster do you think would be the most effective where you live? Why?c Discuss these questions.1 Which health p rob lem s in your coun try are in the public eye?2 How does the popula t ion find out about them ?3 Is there enough in fo rm ation?4 W hat kind of cam paigns are estab l ished to make the popula t ion aware of these health issues?Do you th in k they are effective?71EXPLOREKeywords consist, ineluile1 a Look at the examples. Which h igh l igh ted verbs mean:1 th is is the w ho le of it?2 th is is only part of it?3 it has th is inside it?1 Each length contains over 14,000 pills, tablets, lozenges and capsules, the estimated average number prescribed to every person in Britain during their lifetime.2 The piece consists of a lifetime supply of prescribed drugs knitted into two lengths of fabric.3 So the experiment involved testing people's responses before and after drinking ...4 These activities tested the volunteers' co-ordination. That included the ability to concentrate, remember strings of numbers.5 People generally use traditional treatments, comprised of herbal remedies.b Look at these sentences f ro m the un it. W hich verb do you th in k was used in each case? Why?1 This does not inc lude / contain p il ls we m igh t buy over the counter, w h ich wou ld require about 40,000 p il ls each.2 The 'Cradle to Grave' ins ta l la t ion included / involved a tot of work .3 'Cradle to Grave' conta ins / com pr ises fam ily pho tographs and o the r persona l objects.2 a Look at these new spape r ex trac ts . How do you th in k they continue? Th ink about the k ind of in fo rm a t iontha t w ou ld be needed in each case.1 The m a jo r i ty of people who attend m o to r racing events are male. This is s ta r t ing to i rk the car com panies tha t organise them , as w om en com pr ise ...2 For decades, t rave l between A m erica and Europe involved ...3 Near the centre of Old Havana lies the Casa de los Arabes, a Moor ish-s ty le , 17 th -cen tu ry build ing tha t now c o m p r is e s ...4 M inneapo lis -S t. Paul In te rna t iona l A irpo r t was in the m ids t of a construct ion p rog ram m e tha t inc ludes ...5 For B r i tons try ing to en te r the US, the s itua tion is about to get worse. From the end of October, a l l B r i t ish sub jects w i l l need a visa or a passport con ta in ing ...b • <E 3 L is ten to check. W hat are the news re p o r ts about?3 a W r i te com p le te sentences f ro m these notes. Use verbs f ro m 1a.1 Hobbies: cycling, rowing, sk i ing My hobbies inc lude cycling, row ing and skiing.2 UK: England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland3 Return f l igh t New York - Paris, $695: in - f l igh t meals, insurance, taxes4 Threats to w i ld l i fe in Danube Delta: drainage, new build ing projects, po l lu t ion5 My job w ith PR company: sending out press releases, organis ing events, contacting jo u rn a l is ts6 Placebo effect' expe r im en t: giving coffee to vo lun teers (no caffeine), conducting co-ord ina tion tests7 Chess: two players, a 64-square board, 16 pieces (king, queen, bishops, rooks, kn ights, pawns)b L isten to check. Were the answ ers s im i la r to yours? c Look at the photos. Im ag ine you are 'se l l ing ' these products .1 How wou ld you do it?2 What could they conta in o r inc lude wh ich w ou ld make them more appealing to consum ers?d What verbs would you use in your own language to express the same ideas? How similar are they?72EXPLORESpeaking1 Look at the cartoon.1 What's the point of the joke?2 Why are ch i ld ren often asked to ' take tu rn s ’? In w ha t contexts?3 In w ha t o the r s i tua tions do you need to take tu rns in l ife? Why?4 W hat is the opposite of tak ing tu rns in conversation?2 a Read these conversa t ions . W hat are the peopleta lk ing about?oa Well, I think it’s been quite successful, because, you know, it's done what it set out to do. It’s made cafes and restaurants places where you, I can, well, we can all now go without having to breathe in everyone else’s smoke ...b {Find a way to interrupt and stop A talking)1______ .What about the terrible effect it’s had on small businesses. Right? I mean, some of these places have actually had to close down because of it. Now how is that, how does that help non-smokers?c (Support what B said) 2_____ . There’s just no point inhaving all these nice clean bars if there’s nobody going into them.©a I think it hasn’t worked. Quite honestly. People have started buying drinks to take home just so they can smoke, so bars and cafes have gone out of business.b (You disagree with A) 3_____ . I mean, how many barshave actually gone out of business?c (Support what A said) u ___ . Not many bars have,have actually had to close, but a lot of places are struggling. Especially ones that don’t have any outdoor space for smokers.©a Well, I’m on the side of smokers on this one. I, they quite rightly see it as an infringement of their personal liberty. You know, their freedom to smoke if they want to.b (You think A is missing the point)5___ .. I mean, I see itas a health issue, I don’t want to be forced to breathe other people’s smoke, so it’s not really about personal liberty.c (You strongly disagree with B) 6______ . No-one's forcingyou to breathe their smoke, you can always go and sit in a different room, really. b Why should I have to?o —a The way I see it, the solution would be to provide separate rooms for smokers, right? Not just ban smoking altogether. Why couldn’t we let smokers smoke if they want and non-smokers could have their own room?b (You think A is over-simplifying)7____ _. I guess it’sfine if you have a big restaurant with separate rooms, but what about just a small cafe?c (You strongly agree with B) 8______. It's discriminationagainst small businesses - so the big businesses, well they’re fine, and the small ones, they're the ones that are having to close.b In groups, look at the s tra teg ies fo r in te rrup t ing , agreeing and d isagree ing (in ita lics}. For each one:1 make a l is t of possible th ings the person m igh t say in the gaps.2 in each case, wh ich re m a rk wou ld achieve the speaker's a im m ost successfu l ly? Why?3 t ry out each conversation, and see how you r chosen re m a rk sounds.C * < E 3 Lis ten to the conversa t ions.1 Were the speakers ' re m a rks s im i la r to yours?2 Who was be tte r at m aking th e i r point?3 Why do the speakers in te r ru p t each other? Would you do th is in everyday conversation?3 W ork in g roups. Choose an issue f ro m p70 o r you r own topic. Try out conversa t ions. Practise each conversa t ion m ore than once, u n t i l you can ' take tu rn s ' f luently .Conversation 1A, give an opinion about the topic.B, in te r ru p t A. C om m ent on w hat A said.C, support w ha t A o r B said.Conversation 2B, give an opinion about the topic.C, say B is m iss ing the point o r is exaggerating. Give your opinion.A, s trong ly agree w ith B o r w ith C.Conversation 3C, give an opinion about the topic.A, s trong ly d isagree w ith C.B, support what C o r A said.U W ork in the sam e groups.1 Have an unrehearsed d iscussion about a d if fe ren t topic.2 O ther students : how successfu l was the conversation?© take turns in a discussion® give opinions in an extended conversationGoalsOh, isn 't tha t lovely. It's so nice when ch i ld ren take tu rns .Vhen we were kids, ny b ro the r and I vould take tu rns l i t t ing each other.73Look again OGrammarPassives and participlesLook at these examples from the unit. You can often use passives and participles to describe the appearance, position or arrangement of things.1 They are laid side by side in a long glass case2 Laid out in groups, the tab le ts fo rm solid b locks of one colour, in te rspe rsed w ith vivid geom etr ic patterns.3 The end of the fab r ic is ro l led up and empty.Notice that you can use a passive form, or just a participle. Find other examples in the script on page 152.2 a What do you think each example below is about?a ... s tuck on the w indscreen ...b ... stacked against the w a l ls ...c ... pinned on a w h ite cupboard ...d ... spread out a long the valley ...b Match each example with an image and write a complete sentence.d Think of synonyms you could use in each case.stacked —> p iledMake participles from these verbs. Add them to the sentences to make them more precise.ga ther a rrange s t ick bury hide park parked1 The car is/I at the back of the hotel.2 It's dangerous to w a lk on the beach as there are m ines in the sand.3 The sign is part ly behind a tree, so you can't see it very clearly.U We may be a bit late. We're in a t ra f f ic jam .5 In chess, each p layer's pieces are in two rows.6 There are huge crowds of p ro tes ters in fron t of the bank.U a Write a sentence including a participle as in 3. Then write it again, leaving out the participle.b Show your sentence to another student. Can they guess what the missing participle is?Referencing and substitution5 a Look at these examples from the unit. Do yourem em ber what they refer to?1 ... though it doesn 't k i l l as many as it once did.2 Some of the t re a tm e n ts are com m on to both.3 This has been tr ied in certa in coun tr ies and has been proven to s ign if icantly reduce m a la r ia cases there.k One tha t could show tha t w ha t people believed could affect th e i r bodies?5 Only then did his w ife te l l one of the doctors, Drayton Doherty, of the hex.b Match extracts 1 -6 with a-f.a Well, m a la r ia is in fact preventable by s im p ly providing m osqu ito nets, b Some w eeks later, emacia ted and near death, he was adm itted to the local hospita l, where doctors w ere unable to f ind a cause fo r his sym ptom s o r s low his decline, c So how did Professor Kirsch devise th is test?d The f i rs t th ing to say is tha t m a la r ia is a verydangerous disease, e ... i l lus tra t ing the m ed ica l s to r ies of one w om an and one man.6 a Which of the h igh l igh ted pronouns in 5a referback to previously stated ideas?b Which other words substitute and avoid repetition of previously used information?7 a Look at this conversation. Rewrite it, so that nowords are repeated.a So w hat did the doc to r say?b He said I m igh t have to have an operation.a Oh, I hope you don 't have to have an operat ion ... fo r you r sake. b I hope I don 't have to have an operation, too!a Well, if you don 't have an operat ion, w ha t 's theo the r option? b I don 't know, I th in k convalescence is muchlonger. I have to go to the c l in ic to m o rro w and w a it in the c l in ic a l l m o rn ing fo r tes ts and then h e ' l l te l l me the resu lts of the tests.b Compare your conversations.Grammar reference, p14374VocabularyTests8 a Think about the caffeine experiment. What kinds of test did the participants do? Here are some other kinds of test.1 In w ha t s i tua t ion m igh t you do each one?2 W hat wou ld be its purpose?3 How many are re lated to health?a p lacem en t tes t an eye test a l i te racy test a driv ing tes t an IQ test a typing test a hearing test a D N A te s t a persona lity testb We can say do a test, have a tes t or take a test.1 Which of the tes ts in 8a are m ore l ike ly to be used w ith do / take? Which are more l ike ly to be used w ith have? Why?2 Can you th in k of o the r verbs that could be used w ith the expressions in 8a?c Which of these tests have you done (or had) in your life? Tell your partner what happened.A ll-purpose nounsOn p70, the doctor referred to prob lem s and so lu t ions , nouns which can serve many purposes in different contexts. Look at this news extract and underline five all-purpose' nouns.The three party leaders' speeches have received m uch a tten tion in th is e lection campaign, but one of th e i r m ost in te rest ing qua l it ies is the debt they owe to the anc ient Greeks and Romans. For the Romans, po l it ics was a l l about oratory. For the Greeks, big questions such as w h e th e r o r not to go to w a r were decided by d iscussion and debate. Oratory, therefore, was very sophisticated, and closely scru t in ised.There have been many su rp r is ing aspects to th is e lection, but one th ing is c lear: the leaders' s k i l l in public speaking has been an im po r tan t concern - and may possibly become the m ost im po r tan t fac to r - in the end result.10 a Choose the best all-purpose noun.1 As fa r as personality tra its go, Carl has one characteristic / feature that I part icu larly dislike.2 Why don 't you change your approach / a tt i tude and tack le the p rob lem from th is angle?3 The process / m anne r of counting votes is ex trem ely t im e -consum ing .4 The issue / context of w h e th e r to publish the news o r not should have been decided beforehand.5 Easy navigation is one of the key e lem ents / devices in successfu l webs ite design.b What other nouns could be used?H ealth problem s and treatm ents11 a How many different words referring to illnessesand treatments can you remember?b Look at the sentences. Who or what could the pronouns in ita lics refer to?a doc to r a surgeon a patient medic ine a wound / an in ju ry an i l lness / a disease1 It's tak ing a long t im e to heal.2 She’s s t i l l convalescing.3 I 'm sure h e ' l l recover OK.4 I decided to opera te on him.5 He w i l l need to undergo heart surgery.6 U n fo rtuna te ly there 's no way to cure it.7 I trea ted he r fo r shock.8 She p rescr ibed me som ething called Anti f lax in .C Answer these questions about the h igh l igh ted verbs in 11b.1 How many mean ' improve ' o r 'get better '?2 Which is fo l lowed by a preposit ion?3 Which have equivalent noun fo rm s?W hat are they?4 How could you rephrase the sentences using these nouns instead of verbs?12 a * E D Listen to three short conversations. Howmany words from 11 did you hear? What other words related to health problems and treatments were there?b * f E D Listen again.1 W hat i l lness / m ed ica l condit ion are the people ta lk ing about in each case? How do you know?2 Have the patients recovered? If not, w hat sym p tom s do they s t i l l have?topic qua l ity techn ique system featureSelf-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ircle)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.© talk about health problems and treatment© describe and comment on an exhibition or a show© describe a process or experiment@ discuss implications and significance f — 1® discuss an issue® take turns in a discussion® give opinions in an extended conversation KKMKM1• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -» e-Portfolio• For more practice -> Self-study Pack, Unit 7T O M M Y 3 H I L F I G E RBrand awarenessBrandsThierry Henry and Tommy Hilfiger. Together for THe One 4 All Foundation.1 a Discuss these questions.1 How 'brand conscious' do you th in k you are? Th ink about:• c lothes.• shoes.• cars.• household appliances.• d r inks.• e lec tron ic goods.2 How m uch im portance do you attach to the brand?Why do you th ink it is o r isn 't im portant?3 Would you avoid p a r t icu la r brands? If so, why?U For w h ich k inds of p roduct w ou ld you w o rry about the brand you buy? Why?b Talk about the adverts .1 W hat ' im age ' do you th in k they are sel l ing?2 Are they effective?3 W hat do the m ode ls them se lves add to the message?76* < E D Listen to Lydia talking about brands.1 H o w 'b ra n d consc io us ' is she?2 W hat does she say about:• top des igne r labels?• ind iv idua li ty and belonging?3 How is the in te rv iewer 's point of v iew d if ferent?4 W hat kind of person do you imagine Lydia is? Why?LANGUAGEFOCUSEffects and in fluencesa The interview contains expressions for saying what effect things have. What did the two people say? Add one or two words from the box in each gap. Make other changes if necessary.enhance d ifference have effect make define in f luence people1 If I w e a r a Boss suit, it doesn 't to my personality.2 It w i l l see you in a d i f fe ren t way.3 Your appearance w i l l by the cut of the garm ent.4 B ra n d s also your a tt i tude tow ards life.5 If you have som eth ing tha t a_p o s i t iv e _______on you, then your wholepersona lity is m ore positive.6 I ' m by brands at all. I don 't care about them .b Listen to check.c Do you agree with the statements in 3a? Think of examples from your own experience.LANGUAGEFOCUSImage and qual it iesSPEAKINGBrand images1 a Three people say what words they associate with three international brands. What kind of product are they? What brands do you think they are?spo rt trendy am b it ion com fo rt fash ionable keeping fitsuccessinnovativere l iab i l i ty perfectionsound qual ityfast dynamic fun speedy re tro good design sm a l l•s, _ ,b » E D Listen to check.C Which words in 1a are nouns? Which are adjectives?d * m w a Listen again. Write two more words or expressions each speaker uses.Which are about:• the product?• l ifestyle?a Think of a well-known brand (internationally or in your country). Make a list of words associated with it, like those in 1a.b Read out your list. Can other people guess the brand?a Think of advertisements for soft drinks in your country. What images and qualities do they usually present to encourage customers?b Work in groups. Look at the advertisements for Pepsi on pi 32. Follow the instructions.778 .2 goalsViral ads1 Cover the article. Do you know what a viral ad is?• If not, w ha t do you im ag ine it m igh t be?• If you do, te l l o the r people about v ira l ads you know.2 a Read the article. Why are marketing companies excited about viral ad campaigns?b Discuss these questions.1 The a rt ic le says v ira l ads are ' in fectious '. Why is th is a good descr ip t ion? What o the r th ings can be infectious?2 Cover the art ic le . Can you re m e m b e r any o th e r adjectives to describe v ira l ads? Why do you th ink these qua l it ies are im portan t?3 Look at these h igh ligh ted words from the art ic le . What do they mean? What m en ta l image do they suggest?a dedicated to un rave l l ing b a new indus try has sp ru n g up c 's e e d in g 'c l ips on the In ternet d taps into popu la r cu l tu re e p r io r to launchf businesses w an t to em brace v ira l m arke t ing g s te l la r grow th ratesC In what sense is the user 'in control' of a viral ad?Discuss these questions. The h igh l igh ted words are all connected with marketing.1 Th ink of a large com pany in you r country.• Does it have a p a r t ic u la r s logan?• Do they use a p a r t icu la r kind of m a rke t in g cam paign o r sales p itch?• How effective are they?• Who is th e i r ta rge t aud ience?• Do they have the biggest m a rk e t share?• Who are th e i r com pe t ito rs?• W hat brand image do they present?2 'There is no such th ing as negative pub l ic i ty . ' Do you th in k th is is true?Marketing words • How does it p rom o te its products?78LISTENINGA video clipWhat product(s) do you think this video clip shows?2 a * <E£D Listen to someone talking about the video.1 Why was it so successfu l?2 How is it d i f fe ren t f rom a conventiona l advert?3 Look at the fea tures of a good v ira l ad ment ioned in the art ic le . Which (if any) ofthem apply to th is video?b The speaker uses these words. What does he say?planned - fizzes - geyser - f i rew o rk d isplay - g lobal ly - use r-genera ted e rup t ion v ideos - hype - le tha l - pub l ic i tyc »CE3 Listen again to check.Imagine you are telling someone about the clip. Describe what happens and why it became viral'. Use the words in 2b.Look at the quote. How do you think it applies to the viral video you heard about?The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.Eric Schmidt, CEO of GoogleThink about an advert that you have seen. It could be:• an advert on a hoarding o r in a magazine.• an on l ine video cl ip.• a TV o r f i lm advert.1 Prepare to ta lk about it. Th ink about:• how to describe it.• w h e th e r you th ink it's successfu l, and why.• w ha t its message is.• why you like o r don 't l ike it.• w ha t audience it was intended for.2 Tell o the r people about the advert.79Target activitySell a product8 .3 goalsTASK READING The photo shows the AIRpod, an air-powered car.1 How do you th ink it w o rks?2 What o the r k inds of 'eco-car ' are possible? W hat do you know about them ?a Read the article. Check your answers to 1.b According to Guy Negre, what are the advantages of air-powered cars?On the road with the AIRpod air-powered carHow would you react to someone who tried to sell you a car that runs on fresh air? Perhaps you would think he was peddling potentially planet-saving technology. More likely, you would dismiss him as a conman or a fantasist. Yet, that is precisely the pitch being made by French auto engineer Guy Negre, a good-humoured man in his mid-60s who claims to have developed a state-of-the-art car powered by compressed air: one that produces a fraction of the carbon emissions of a standard engine, reaches speeds of more than 30mph, travels 65 miles on a one-minute recharge and, best of all, costs just over £3,000.Negre is quick to point out the drawbacks of existing eco-car technology. “Whatever people may tell you about hybrids, they are only marginally less polluting than the most efficient combustion engines,” he says. “ Hydrogen power is expensive and impractical. Fuel cells are expensive and unproven and electric cars are reliant on expensive, unreliable battery technology.”Given the number of false green-auto dawns, you might wonder why air-powered cars should be any different. While Negre’s air cars have similar carbon emissions to electric cars (it all depends how the electricity to power the pumps that fill their air tanks is generated), he argues that air power is a superior technology. “ Compared to electric cars, air-powered cars cost a fraction of the price to buy, they don’t need expensive batteries to be replaced every five years or so, and crucially they take only a fraction of the time to recharge.”I confess I was so sceptical that I reserved judgment until I had driven one of his cars. The version I drove was an early prototype, a three-wheeler with no bodywork, steered by a joystick. OK, it d idn’t deliver the smoothly upholstered power so beloved by conventional car enthusiasts. And it possessed all the glamour of a souped- up lawnmower. But it worked, easily reaching speeds above 25mph in the limited space of the factory car park, which doubled as my test track.llTASK LANGUAGEDescrib ingtechnology3 a Make a list of adjectives in the article which refer to cars or technology. Which are: positive? negative?neutral?b What other adjectives could describe the AIRpod?compact, fu n , ...U a Student A, look on p 132. Student B, look on p135. Read more about the AIRpod. b Work in A/B pairs. Prepare a marketing campaign based on what you read.1 Choose you r ta rge t audience [e.g. young people, fam il ies , people who w an t a second car, city dwellers).2 Th ink of 'brand images' and slogans.3 Plan a brochure, h igh ligh ting the car's main se l l ing points. Or, th in k of v isual ideas fo r a TV, c inema or In te rne t advert.Present your campaign ideas to the class.80EXPLOREAcross cultures Megabrands123a You will read w r iter Naomi Klein's views about the growth of 'megabrands' and how they may be shaping cultures.1 W hat do you th in k a 'm e g a b ra n d ' is ?2 In w ha t way do successfu l companies se l l ideas as w e l l as products?b Read her views and discuss these questions.1 W hat is the main deve lopm ent in m arke t ing brands tha t Naomi Klein describes?2 What are the ' l i festy le ideas' tha t these com pan ies se l l?• Coca-Cola • Walt Disney • Nike3 She says the measure of a successfu l brand more and more is not w h e th e r it's t ru ly a m a rk of qua l ity on a product, but how w e l l it s tre tches. W hat does she mean by th is? Can you th in k of examples?Discuss these questions.1 Which of the brands Naomi Klein m ent ions are w e l l -k n o w n in you r country?Which of them have you bought yourse lf?2 Do you th in k large com pan ies can influence people 's cu l tu re? Do you th in k they are genera l ly benefic ia l o r h a rm fu l in th e i r effect on people 's l ifestyle?a Work alone.Some people object to the in f luence of g lobal com panies and the way they operate, and campaign to boycott th e i r products. W hat reasons do they give fo r this, and do you agree w ith them ? M ark you r position on the line.I agree. I d isagree.b Find other students who have a similar view to yours. Find out if you think exactly the same, and discuss the reasons for your opinion.C Now talk to students who have a different opinion. Discuss your ideas.The process of branding in its simplest form is just the process of marking a product with a consistent logo, image, mascot, that sends a m essage to the consumer - a m essage of consistency, a m essage of quality. How did we get from this fairly simple role of the brand to these brand tribes that we have now, where we almost follow brands like we would follow rock stars? We organise ourselves into brand tribes, we are a Nike type of person or a Tommy Hilfiger type of person. How did that happen?There were a handful of brands that understood that marketing could play a larger role than simply branding their product as a mark of quality. They understood that they could sell ideas, that they could sell lifestyles. Coca- Cola, Disney, McDonalds - these core American brands became powerful precisely because they understood that they were selling ideas instead of products, that they were selling an idea about family. Coca-Cola was selling the youth lifestyle - in the 60s they started selling peace and love - they were selling something way more profound than their fairly generic product, which was this black fizzy liquid. Walt Disney understood that he was selling the American dream, he was selling a nostalgic vision of the small-time American town that people felt sad about - they felt it had disappeared. The CEO of Nike, Phil Knight, says that he had a kind of an epiphany in the mid 80s where he realised that he didn’t want to compete in a commodity marketplace any more, that he did not want to be a sneaker company, or, as he said, a fashion company. He wanted to be a sports company. And that their core image or their core idea was not about their sneakers being better than Reeboks but was an idea about the nature of sports, and that pure athletic ability - the raw ability of truly superstar athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan - is a metaphor for the American dream, and so he decided to sell that idea. The measure of a successful brand more and more is not whether it’s truly a mark of quality on a product, but how well it stretches. If it's a successful cola, can it also be a line of clothing? If it’s a line of clothing, can it also be a house paint? So you have this stratosphere of warring megabrands that want to be everywhere and be everything. PI81EXPLOREKeywords effect, affect1 Look at these examples.1 Many experts believe that the use of CCTV hasn't had any significant effect on crime, unit 52 The film, with its 3D effects and rather predictable plot, is aimed at a popular audience, unit 63 He showed that this could significantly affect people's co-ordination skills, unit 74 If you have something that has a positive effect on you, then your whole personality is more positive . Unit 81 Change th is sentence using effect.• Did the advert a ffec t you? Did the a d v e r t...2 What preposit ions can fo l low effect?Complete the gaps.• We need to reduce the e f fe c ts a d v e r t i s i n g the genera l public.3 Continue th is sentence w ith the adjective fo rm of effect.• The m arke t ing campaign was very ...2 a Look at these news re p o r t ex trac ts . Add the co rrec t fo rm s of the verbs in the box p lus effect.take produce come into reduce1 Tough new laws w i l l _____________________next year.2 Much of th is advert is ing takes t im e t o ______________- it's sub l im ina l.3 Any change in l ifestyle, however s l ight, c a n a n e g a t ive on you r sense of w e l l -be ing .A Taking certa in o the r p rescr ip t ion d rugs can _ t h e of the medication.b *C E D L is ten to check. W hat are the news repo r ts about?3 a Look at the example .• The news had a s ign if ican t effect on he r life.These o th e r ad ject ives could rep lace s ign if ican t. Which of th e m w ou ld change the m ean ing?m a jo r positive profound d ram atic great devastating lasting im po r tan tb Which words could be used as adverbs with affect?The news s ig n ifica n tly a ffec ted h e r life .U a What things have:1 a ca lm ing e ffec t on you?2 a cum u la t ive e ffect?3 an energ is ing e ffec t on you?A a d e t r im e n ta l e ffec t on you r health?5 a bene fic ia l e ffec t on you r ne ighbourhood?6 a d isp ro p o r t io n a te e ffec t on poor people?7 an adverse e ffec t on the env ironm ent?8 a devasta t ing effect?9 an im m ed ia te effec t on you?10 a fa r - re a ch in g e ffec t on the fu tu re of the w or ld?b Work in pairs. Using expressions from 2 and 3, talk about:• som eth ing tha t had a m a jo r effect on you r life.• som eone who affected you positively.• som eth ing o r someone you th in k is effective.5 Match these expressions with the images. What do they mean and when would they be used?a snow ba l l e ffect a r ipp le effect a dom ino effect the bu tte r f ly effect the greenhouse effect the pla82EXPLOREWritingGoalBoasting a specially commissioned mural, currently James Aldridge’s Cold Mouth Prayer, The Tate Modern Restaurant offers guests the opportunity to be entertained alongside a magnificent piece of art, while also enjoying unrivalled evening views of the London skyline and the River Thames.With unparalleled views of the London skyline and the River Tham es, The East Room is a dramatic and versatile space which can be enjoyed during the day and evening.Surrounded by sheer glass walls, daytime events are bathed in natural light, while an intimate setting is evoked for evening events against the spectacle of London by night.The impressive M em bers’ Room, with exclusive balconies on both its north and south sides, provides uninterrupted views of the London skyline and the River Tham es. The balconies also offera unique opportunity for outdoor evening receptions.b Which room would you choose for these events? Give reasons.1 a lunch fo r 40 guests2 a s u m m e r evening reception fo r 150 guests3 a ce lebration d inner fo r 200 guests2 a What do you understand by the h igh l igh ted words? What would be more common ways of expressing the same ideas? Why do you think the w rite r chose to use these words?shee r glass w a l ls bathed in na tu ra l l ight un r iva l led views1 an iconic bui ld ing 52 a backdrop 63 a vista 7U boasting a m u ra lb Discuss these questions.1 Are there more verbs in the texts, o r more adjectives? Why do you th ink tha t is?2 Look at the verbs. How many are active verbfo rm s, and how many are passive? Why do you th in k tha t is? What do you notice about the active verbs?3 How many adjectives can you find tha t mean 'very good' o r 'very beauti fu l '?c What impression is the w r iter trying to give of anevening spent at this venue?Work in groups.1 Choose a place you know or have been to, w h ich m igh t be suitab le fo r a reception, a m ea l o r a party.2 Plan a descr ip t ion like those above.• W hat fea tures wou ld you emphasise?• Which of the adjectives in you r l is t could you use to describe it?• Th ink of sentences you could w r i te using the verbs o f fe r o r provide.3 W ri te the descr ip t ion in pairs o r sm a l l groups. U Try to 'sell ' you r venue to o the r people. Werethey convinced by you r p rom otion idea?83use advertising languageEntertain at the top of one of London’s most iconic and best-loved buildings with the City’s stunning skyline as backdrop. The Tate Modern Restaurant, East Room or M em bers’ Room all capture an unforgettable vista of London.1 a Read the advert for London's Tate Modern Art Gallery as a venue for dining, events and entertainment. Then match the pictures of the three rooms with their captions.Look again oGrammarMeasuring differences1 a Look at th is sentence abou t the AIRpod.Compared to electric cars, air-powered cars cost a fraction of the price to buy, they don't need expensive batteries to be replaced every five years or so and crucially they take only a fraction of the time to recharge.The recharging time of air-powered cars is two minutes. The recharging time of electric cars is about five hours. How else could you express this difference? Use these expressions. You may need to change the order of the sentence.m uch less several hours about 150 t im esb Think about how the comparisons might continue. Which could use:• than? • as? • of? • that?c How can you measure these differences? Express the comparison in as many different single sentences as you can.1 Vegetable o i l costs €2 a l itre. Extra v irg in olive oil costs € 8 .2 Our old f la t had 3 rooms. Our new f la t has 6 .3 We used to live about 2 km from the university. Now we live about 4.5 km away.4 She looks 35. She is 45.5 The painting was ac tua l ly w o r th $50,000. He managed to buy it fo r $5,000.6 There were 60,000 burg la r ies f rom homes in London last year. Only 5,000 of the homes had b u rg la r a la rm s .7 The average B ri t ish schoo lch i ld spends 22 hours a week at school and 30 hours a week watch ing TV.whatever2 a Look at these exam ples . W hat does w ha teve r mean in each?1 It's your perfect travel companion, whatever your journey.2 Thousands of people contributed their own eruption videos, with groups of bottles together, or people running about, or on bikes, or whatever ...3 Whatever people may tell you about hybrids, they are only marginally less polluting than the most efficient combustion engines.b These sentences include w ha teve r, or an expression with whatever. Match them with a-f.1 Mainta in ing a balance sheet is abso lu te ly essentia l, w h a te v e r business you're in.2 I had a ta lk w ith h im w h ich left no doubt w h a te ve r in my mind.3 W hatever do you w an t to do tha t job for? It's so badly paid.4 a What w ou ld you like to d r ink? b Oh, w hatever. . .5 a Come on! You know I'm right...!b Oh, a l l r igh t then. W hatever you say...6 Web 2.0, w ha teve r tha t is, was m ent ioned a lot.a at a l l b I don 't know it c it doesn 't m a t te r d it 's your decision e anything, I don 't mind f I've no idea whyC * Listen to the remarks, paying attention to the intonation. Are the speakers:• being em phatic?• expressing lack of in terest?• show ing d isbelie f?• agreeing unw il l ing ly?3 a The words w hatever, w he reve r, w hoeve r are commonly used in marketing language. Look at these phrases from advertising slogans. What type of product do you think they might go with?w ha teve r the w ea th e r w ha teve r the occasionw ha teve r the t im e w hoever you 're w ithw herever you go w ha teve r you likeb Choose a photo. Write a caption for it, including one of the phrases in 3a.C Say your sentences to other people. Can they guess which photo you chose?Grammar reference, p14384VocabularyM ulti-w ord expressionsa Look at these sentences from the unit. What part of speech are the highlighted expressions? How else could you express the same idea?b Complete the gaps using a verb from the box.exert use fa l l unde r lose haveAgainst this too-good-to-be-true backdrop, though, is the reality: viral marketing only works when the user is in control.Guy Negre claims to have developed a state- of-the-art car powered by compressed air.b Compare these examples. How are the expressions different? Why?1 He got a phone ca l l out of the b lue, asking h im to give a TV interview.2 Predictably, th e ir o u t -o f - th e -b lu e m arr iage only lasted 20 m onths.C What do the h igh l igh ted expressions mean?1 Unti l Wednesday we are giving away a pa ir of t icke ts a day to a l low 16 readers a once- in -a l i fe t im e opportun ity to watch w ha t p rom ises to be the game of the season.2 One indication of changing a tt i tudes is a l l the d o - i t - y o u rs e l f stores and how -to classes spr ing ing up across the coun try as people adapt to hard times.3 Keep ready - to -ea t foods away from raw products or o the r contam inated products.4 Successfu l app l ican ts w i l l have a can-do a tt i tude to th e i r job and be prepared to w o rk long hours.5 The p r im e m in is te r w i l l set out to s i lence his cr i t ics in a d o -o r -d ie conference speech.6 It's l ike ly to be th is year's m us t-have gadget fo r teenagers.a Look at these other multi-word expressions. Match the adjectives with the nouns. In what context might you hear them being used?no-w in ca l lw ake -up experiencep e e r - to -p e e r s i tuat ionhands-on ne tw orkb Listen to check.Think of two or three questions to ask other people, using any of the expressions in 4 or 5.Influence and effect7 a Look at this example from the unit.But you see it as a positive influence on people, do you?1 What p repos it ions can appear a fte r in f luence?2 What verbs com m on ly combine w ith influence?1 Gospel m u s ic a m a jo r in f luence ono the r m us ica l styles, especially sou l music.2 Ramsey w i l l be rem em bered as a leader who his in fluence to improve schools.3 We don 't realise to w ha t extent wethe in f luence of advert is ing, especially s u b l im in a l ads.4 I hate those art ic les like 'How to in fluence over o thers and get w hat you want'.5 The new spaper used to be hugely im p o r ta n t inshaping public opinion, but h a s a lot ofin f luence in recent years.c Transform sentences 1-5 using in f luen t ia l . You may need to change or add words.Gospel m usic was very in fluen tia l, a ffec ting o the r m usica l s ty les ...Choose the best adjective. In what cases could both be used?1 The campaign was very in f luen t ia l / effective in persuading people to buy the product.2 Each year, the magazine awards prizes fo r the country 's m ost i n f lu e n t ia l / effective people.3 Is the th rea t of pun ishm en t an in f luent ia l . / , effective c r im e 'de te rren t?4 Any diet w i l l only be t ru ly in f luen t ia l / effective along w ith exercise.9 a Complete these sentences in any way you like with in f luence or affect.1 The f i lm had a very pow erfu l message. I ...2 The news of the earthquake was te r r ib le . His re latives ...3 That b lunde r was a l l im p o r ta n t to the e lection campaign. I t ...4 The fire destroyed everything. Even the ...b Write three sentences about someone or something you have been influenced by.Self-assessmentCan you do these things in Engtish?(^ irc le)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.® discuss brands® describe effects and influences® talk about the image and qualities of products® talk about advertising and marketing @ describe an advert © pass on detailed information © use advertising language• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -* e-Portfolio• For more practice -» Self-study Pack, Unit 8859.1 goals® speculate about images and objects© in te rp re t and respond to a storyIconsAmiesTwo young men ICrispin van den Broeck)SPEAKING 1 a When you hear the w o rd 'app le ', w h a t comes to m ind? W r i te down any assoc ia t ions you have. Then com pare w ith o th e r s tudents .b Now, p ic tu re an apple in yo u r m ind. W hat k ind of apple do you see ( th ink about size, tex tu re , co lour, taste, type)? Th ink of ad jectives to descr ibe it.Look ca re fu l ly at the pa in t ing. W hat e lem en ts do you notice? Do you th in k it rep resen ts o r sym bo l ises anyth ing?LISTENINGLANGUAGEFOCUSIn te rp re t ing and defin ing3 a « d L is ten to fo u r people in te rp re t ing the pa in t ing . Which de ta i ls in the pa in ting do they m en t ion and w h ich do they leave out?b » 0 Listen again and com p le te the sentences accord ing to the sp eake rs ’ analysis.1 Generally speaking, the apple represents ...2 The two men could be ...3 There are a n u m b e r of o the r deta ils such as ...4 The overa l l analysis suggests tha t the painting is ...U a The speakers used var ious expressions to ta lk about the painting. What did they say?1 Also, the a p p le _______to have a sym bolic value ...2 I t 's w ha t the pa in te r intended.3 W hat me are the expressions on th e i r faces.4 I t they know each o the r very we ll .5 I t ' s w h e th e r he's offer ing it o r ...6 I t _______ there 's a w ho le lot m ore going on here.7 The ow l and crow sym bols of death.8 The p a in t in g tha t behind the happiness of youth l ies ...L is ten to check.SPEAKINGb tc W hat o th e r express ions could be used to rep lace those in 4a?It appears tha t they know each other.-» They appear to know each other. -> It looks as i f they know each other. W ork in g roups. Look at the im ages on p 131.Family storyREADING 12Look at the c ity in the photo. W hat connection does it have w ith apples?a Read th is e x trac t f ro m a fam ily anecdote.^ ̂ My sisters and I loved to listen to a simple story about an immigrant’s mistake in our own family. My grandfather's first cousin, who my sisters and I called Uncle David, left Norway when he was 22 years old to make his way alone to America. He arrived at Ellis Island in August 1902. He spent his first day in New York City and was flabbergasted by the chaos, colour and crowds. Somewhere in the city, he saw a man selling apples, the most gorgeous, red, perfect apples he had ever seen. He had almost no money, but he lusted after one of those apples, and, overcome by desire, he splurged and bought one. The story goes that he lifted the apple to his mouth, bit into it and spat it out in disgust. It was a tomato. Uncle David had never seen or heard of a tomato. Ifb Ask and answer.1 W hat does th is anecdote say about ou r hopes and expectat ions?2 Why is it s ign if icant tha t the story happens in New York?3 ‘ Why do you th in k the n a r ra to r loved to l is ten to th is story?A Why do you th in k th is anecdote has a un iversa l s ignif icance?c Read the next pa r t of the anecdote and check you r answ ers .^ ̂ My sisters and I roared with laughter at this story. It encapsulates so neatly the lesson of expectation and reality that it could serve as a parable. The fact that tomatoes are good is beside the point. If you’re thinking you’re getting an apple, then it’s no use getting a tomato instead. That New York should be nicknamed the Big Apple, that an apple is the fruit of humankind's first error and the expulsion from paradise, that America and paradise have been linked and confused ever since Europeans first hit its shores, makes the story reverberate as myth.IId Read both pa rts again m ore carefu lly .1 How does the w r i te r give the impress ion tha t she is te l l ing a story?2 When does she begin the 'analysis '? How does she do this?3 When does she address the reader d irectly? Why do you th ink she does so?A What sty l is t ic touches give the story m ore im pact (e.g. a l l i te ra t ion ]?5 Do you agree w ith the w r i te r 's opinion?3 a You are going to te l l the s to ry f ro m m em ory . W r i te down ten w o rd s f ro m the f i rs t pa r t wh ich you th in k are im po rtan t.b Te ll the story.1 Cover the anecdote and recons truc t it only using the w ords you wrote.2 W ork in groups. Take tu rn s to te l l the story. L isten carefully. Which e lem en ts do each of you m ention and leave out?3 Choose the sto ry you th in k was m ost successfu l and te l l it a second t im e to the who le class.A Tell an anecdote about yo u r family.1 Th ink of a sto ry you can te l l about:• you r parents when they w ere young.• you r g randparen ts o r great grandparents .• an im p o r ta n t event in the h is tory of your family.2 Tell it to ano the r student.3 Can you r p a r tn e r see any specia l o r sym bolic s ignif icance in you r story?87SPEAKING and READINGIconic1 a Look at the magazine cover. Who does it show? In what sense do you think she was an icon?b What other icons do you think appear in the person’s face?2 a Look at the article and the images on the opposite page. In what way do you think they are iconic?b Read the article and check.TheEconomistTHE INVISIBLE MOGUL MEETING JAMES MURDC©discuss icons© identify c ritica l language in a textLIFE. CULTURE. STYLEC Do these s ta te m e n ts s u m m a rise the w r ite r ’s a rg u m e n t in each parag raph?If not, c o rre c t them .Paragraph 1 Words easily become over-used and so lose th e i r t ru e meaning. Paragraph 2 Nowadays, everyth ing can be te rm ed ’icon ic ’ because the word no longer means w ha t it did.Paragraph 3 People have a tendency to honour o r w o rsh ip others.Paragraph U A lm os t any arte fac t can become iconic.Paragraph 5 Famous people often reach iconic s ta tus when they are s t i l l alive.9 .2 goalsAndhew M atron M agna C artad a n g e r , w h y w e LOVE IT -The jo y o f Tate Modem by Anthony HorowitzKING O f THE BLOGGERS GAY, TORY AND PRO-OBAMALeonardRoss/ter by bis daughterPHOTO ESSAY: SLAVE#NOW A nd zi'by P arisians are not really ruded What do you think the w r iter means by these expressions?1 a lexicon of invasive usages w ords used in ways which cou ld be considered overused and inappropria te2 the ja rgon of the l ingu is t ica l ly unfeeling3 m arg ina lly l i te ra te w ord -opera t ives4 the props of th e i r desperate trade5 the sense acquired th rough recent abuse6 s tad ium -rock stage sets3 a Read the first two paragraphs again. What is the w r ite r ’s attitude to the topic?b The w r ite r uses many words with negative connotations. Make a list, then think of a C rit ica l language more neutral alternative. What connotations do the negative words have?c Replace the highlighted neutral words with negative words from the box. How does the choice of word change the meaning?LANGUAGEFOCUSbrusque a r ip -o f f i r r i ta t ing mobbed packed inescapable d ism iss ive d ism a l seeth ing overpr iced con tem ptuous hem m ed in d reary craw ling ub iqu itous sm othered invasive m in im a l1 At the exit, the rock s ta r was su rrounded by fans asking fo r autographs.2 The m obile phone has become a com m on fea ture of m odern life.3 He sent me a s h o r t reply by email.A We d idn 't enjoy ou r holiday much. The place w here we stayed was expensive,it was crowded w ith tou r is ts , and the w ea th e r was cloudy.d Compare answers. Which words do you think are most critical? xSPEAKING1 Every era suffers a lexicon of invasive usages. Words are as subject to fashion as politics and popular music - today’s tiresome coinage is tomorrow’s ubiquitous cliche. It is the jargon of the linguistically unfeeling whose job is to smother page upon page with words. And there are more pages than ever, and more screens, and thus more marginally literate word-operatives struggling to smother them. Where would these people be without the following cliches, the props of their desperate trade: genius, guru, legend, cool, multi-cultural, post-modern? Where, above all, would they be without the word iconic?2 Here are some nouns that have been prefixed by this most dismal of vogue words: iconic art, iconic brand, iconic building, iconic film star, iconic cocktail, iconic shampoo. This suggests that there is nothing that cannot be deemed iconic. Iconic, that is, in the sense acquired through recent abuse, not in its original meaning. According to one dictionary, ‘iconic’ in this newer sense means “very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time”.3 Implicit in the modern use o f ‘iconic’ is the perhaps unconscious aspiration to invest things and people with properties which render them miraculous and superhuman, magical and godlike. It is an expression of humankind’s tendency towards worship of objects and other humans. That tendency lives on in the stadium-rock stage sets for alternative gods such as The Rolling Stones.4 Conditions for an artefact to become truly iconic may be the fact that: 1) it is recognised at once (think of the Taj Mahal or a Vespa); 2) it has an unchanging quality (again like the Taj Mahal or the Mona Lisa); and 3) it embodies strong values, like the US flag. The Coca-Cola bottle has it all!5 Iconic status is less common in humans, unless, of course, they are dead. However, recent attempts have been made to make the living equally iconic. Los Angeles street artist Shepard Fairey provided us with an example for our age. He was the creator of the Obama Hope poster - surely the most celebrated image of a political leader in recent memory.U a Make a list of five people or five things that you think are 'iconic'. Think about:• bu ild ings. • people. • products. • songs o r pieces of music. • objects, b Discuss your list.1 Explain your choices.2 Talk about som eone o r som eth ing tha t is considered iconic, but you th ink does not fu l f i l the condit ions ment ioned in the art ic le.Madonna. She’s supposed to be an icon of pop music,but I th ink s h e ' l l be fo rgo tten in about 10 years. ----------------------------------89Target activityIcons for today1 a Look at the pos te r of Barack Obama, w h ich was used in his e lection cam paign of 2009.1 How is it d i f fe ren t f rom o the r images of po l it ic ians?2 How is it d i f fe ren t f rom :• the photo?• the way Obama looks now?b L is ten to a jo u rn a l is t ta lk ing about the poster.1 W hat did the a r t is t w an t to say about Obama in th is poster?2 What kind of public did the a r t is t w an t to a ttrac t?3 W hat was his chief objective?A W hat did he do w ith the moneymade from the poster?5 What was his a t t i tude to people who copied the image? Why?a Look at these ex trac ts . W hat ve rbs go in the gaps?1 He fe l t tha t he should make som eth ing t h a t Obama as having vision andthe ab i l i ty to lead ...2 He fe l t tha t he wanted som eth ing tha t he fe l t was going to .. _ the coun te rcu ltu re .3 A l l the knockoffs and parodies say how m uch the image h a s and becomea reference point.b Check in the sc r ip t on p156. For each sentence, th in k of a n o th e r verb o r express ion tha t w ou ld have the sam e m eaning.3 a Which icons in the un it do these s ta tem en ts re fe r to?1 She ep i tom ises the g la m o u r and vu lne rab i l i ty of ce lebr ity cu ltu re .2 To some people it s tands fo r f reedom and democracy, but many people associate it w ith power.3 It's a sym b o l of t im e less beauty and a rt is t ic perfection.A She conveys a sense of subtle, inaccessible beauty.5 They em body the rebe l l iousness of rock and roll.6 It encapsu la tes the West's image of the Orient.7 It rep resen ts m ob i l i ty and eff ic ient design.b Th ink of th ree exam ples of iconic th ings o r people.1 W rite sentences about them using verbs f rom 2a and 3a.2 Can o th e r s tuden ts guess w h ich icons the sentences re fe r to?U a • d You are going to choose a set of iconic im ages fo r o u r t im e . L is ten to a group of people d iscussing w h e th e r the Obama poste r shou ld be inc luded.1 What a rgum en ts do they give in favour of and against inc lud ing the image?2 W hat conc lus ion do they come to?3 Which v iewpo in t do you share?b W hat express ions did the people use to:1 push th e i r own point of view? 3 agree?2 question o r disagree? A suggest an a lternative?c Look at the sc r ip t on p156 to check.TASKTASK ' LANGUAGESaying what th ings and people represent9 .3 goals® discuss iconsta lk about what something representspresent argum ents and counter-argum entsHOPEWork in groups. Group A, look on p131. Group B, look on p137.EXPLOREAcross cultures Loan words1 The word icon is 'borrowed' from the Greek language.1 What English w ords are used in you r language? Can you th in k of any new ones?2 W hat w ords f rom o the r languages does your m o th e r tongue bo rrow from ?th is is the cutest soap that you will steal from a h°te'- enjoyJabon de manos Hand soap.chic&basicHotel room soap wrapper, SpainA lot of English is used in advertising. Why do you think this is? Look at these images. Why and how is English being used here?3 a Are any of these words used in your language? If so, what kind of people use them?t ra in ing cool su p e rm a rke t image m anage r handy em a i l m arke t ingb ♦ C U Listen to Norman and Olga talking about some English words that are used in their language.1 Where are the people from ?2 In w h ich contexts are English loan w ords m ost often found in th e i r countr ies?3 W hat is each speaker's a t t i tude to this?4 Which w ords in 3a do they ment ion?c Are there any loan words in your language which have been given a new localmeaning (like icon’ or 'handy')?d Look at this photo which shows the word 'Internet' being used in Poland.1 W hat do you th in k of th is m ix ing of languages?2 Do you th in k tha t a language should stay 'pure ' w ithou t any in f luence from o thers?McDonald's restaurant, Egypt91EXPLOREKeywordsdescribing what things represent1 a Think about the verbs rep resent, dep ic t and convey. What do they normally describe? b Choose the best verb.1 A good photograph can often convey./ rep resent fa r more than words.2 Brando portrayed / represented the cha rac te r of Kowalsk i br i l l iant ly .3 It was the f i rs t t im e the f i lm was depicted / shown on television.A She was conveyed / depicted as a w om an w hose luck had run out.5 The co lou r red com m on ly represents / po rt rays danger.c How many of the verbs in 1 b can be used to talk about the m eaning of pictures or images?Complete the gap in this sentence.• The painting the leader of the party as a lonely figure,d In which sentence in 1b could you use the verb stand fo r?2 a Complete these sentences with verbs from 1. Sometimes, there may be more than one correct answer.In which sentences could the verb sym bo l ise also be used?CND1 The in it ia ls and lo g o th e 'C a m p a ig n fo r 2 W earing t h i s my love fo r New York.N uc lea r D isa rm am en t ' .N YV oHOPE3 I t a very strong message about change. A T h i s ______ a cyclist 's campaign to f igh t cancer.b Complete these sentences with a form of depict or convey and a noun from the box.Sometimes, there may be more than one correct answer.message life the w o r ld a sense of in fo rm a tion scenes1 Two new b iographies h i s in unprecedented detail.2 The d irec to r hopes tha t the f i l m __ a more positive than at f i rs t sight.3 His unhappy background expla ins how the pa in te r came t o ______________in th is way.A It fea tures some attract ive examples of bas-re l ie fs w h ic h ______________from the Hindu Ramayana epic.5 Few n o v e l is ts__________ __ place as w e l l as Howard Frank Mosher.6 He speaks quickly, packing his sentences w ith facts, in the fewest sy l lab les possible.3 Think of an image, book, person or film that represents something important to you.Describe it using verbs on this page.EXPLORESpeaking1 a How do you think the magazine cover:1 a tt rac ts the reader 's a ttention?2 i l lu s tra tes the idea of a w eak ' currency?b Read and listen to this conversation aboutthe cover image. Who do you think the people are and what are they discussing in particular?a So what do you think of the design? b I like the basic idea, but in general I don’t think you quite capture the seriousness of the topic. a What do you mean?b Well, I think this image is a bit too light and cartoony, it doesn't really convey what the article's about. a Well, I beg to differ, I think it is clear, you know, it shows the dollar going down in flames. I didn't want to make it too boring. It seems to me that we need to grab people’s attention, so to speak, you know, make them realise it’s important.b I'm not sure ... I just think we need something that’s a bit more serious, that's all. But let’s see what the others think.C Identify expressions used to give criticism and respond to criticism.d Find examples of how the criticism is softened and then followed by an explanation.2 a Rank these examples of giv ing c ritic ism from leastto most critical.a "It 's not ac tua l ly wha t I had in m ind ."b "W hat on earth is th is? Is it yours?”c "This is to ta l ly w rong, you ' l l have to redo i t . ”d "I th in k it w ou ld have been be tte r to take ad if fe ren t approach .” e "I expected som eth ing d if fe ren t."f " I t doesn 't seem quite r ight. It's m iss ingsom eth ing , really." g "I th in k it's really nice, but there are a fewth ings tha t don 't quite w o rk . ”b Compare answers.1 Do you have d i f fe ren t opin ions?2 Which c r i t ic ism s do you th ink are too harsh? How could they be softened?3 a Rank these examples of responding to criticismaccording to how strongly the speaker rejects it.a "OK, I ' l l redo it s t ra igh t away."b " I t 's not my fau l t the b r ie f w as a bit vague."c "Could you be more specif ic?"d "Yes, I know I can do better. I've been under alot of stress." e "W hat do you th in k needs changing?"f "W hat's w rong w ith it, then?"g "OK, maybe it needs a bit m ore though t."b Compare answers.1 Which response do you th ink is too aggressive?2 Which do you th in k are good examples of deflecting c r i t ic ism ?Goals® give critic ism ® respond to critic ismU Role play.1 Together, choose one of these situations.• You w o rk fo r Food W orld magazine. Create a cover design to re f lec t the new lead art ic le : "Invasion of the Italians. Italian cooking is everywhere, f rom the hum b les t pizza to e laborate seafood dishes. We trace the way Ita lians have influenced ou r eating."• You w o rk fo r Financial M atters magazine. Sales have been declin ing. Th ink of a plan to increase readersh ip (e.g. ce lebrity in terv iews, free gifts, appealing to a younger audience, etc.).• You w o rk fo r Elegant Fashion magazine. It is going to run a series called T h e top ten style icons'. Decide on ten people who w i l l appear on th is l is t ( inc lud ing some who could be interviewed).2 W ork in groups: A, B and C. In your group, develop a few ideas and make br ie f notes.3 Form new groups so each group has one A, one B and one C. In tu rns , te l l the o thers your ideas and respond appropriate ly. Be cr i t ica l, but find ways to soften your c r i t ic ism .U Choose the ideas you th ink are the best.The City of London's tumbleA fake election in RussiaCan it get any worse for Gordon Brown?India's mobile-phone warsGerms and genesTheEconomistThe panic about X the dollarIN S ID ETm sW EEK : A 14-PAGE SPECIAL REPORT ON BUSINESS IN JAPAN93Look again OGrammar1 a Look at these examples from the unit. I t ’s no + adjective/noun can be used as a subject and be followed by tha t or by an mg form.1 It's no coincidence that in Latin, 'apple' and 'death' are almost the same word.2 If you think you're getting an apple, thenit's no use getting a tomato instead.b Complete these examples with expressions from the box. There may be more than one correct answer. What do you think the context might be for each sentence?i t ’s no good i t ’s no w onder / su rp r iseit ’s no use i t ’s no trouble / big deal / problemi t ’s no secre t i t ’s no coincidencei t ’s no d if fe ren t1 S o , tha t on the f i rs t day of trad ing,stocks of real estate inves tm ent t ru s ts surged.2 But now sh e ’s gone and _ w anting her back because she ’s not coming.3 tha t tobacco advert is ing has targeted teens.4 I t ’s how you ’ re born, a n d from beingborn short , ta l l o r anyth ing else.5 B eca u se ju s t going in the re andth row ing products at them , it doesn ’t work .6 ______ fo r me to get his phone n u m b e r - I’ l lget it ton ight.C Discuss these questions.1 Which expressions in the box are fo l lowed by:• verb + ing?• that + clause?• to + infin it ive?2 Which expressions have a s im i la r meaning?d Look at this example. To make i t ’s no good more emphatic, ju s t is added. What o therwords can add emphasis to these expressions?I've tried dieting, but it's just no good.Modifying a sentenceLook at these sentences from the unit.1 Barack Obama's image has become an icon, (for better or worse)2 They would check him out further and see his merits the way I see them.(hopefully)3 He made something that he felt was going to transcend the counterculture.(actually; maybe)4 And all is forgiven if Obama gets elected.(really)5 What you did seems well-suited for grassroots campaigning.(in a way)6 So I'm very happy people care.(in that sense)1 Where do you th in k the expressions in b rackets should go in the sentence?Could they go in more than one place?How w ou ld it a ffect the meaning?2 What does each expression 'do ’ to the sentence? Which:• adds a com m en t to the sentence?• adds em phas is to the sentence?3 a Add the expressions in brackets from 2 to these sentences. How many are possible each time?1 That was a te r r ib le m istake!2 It wou ld be be tte r to do som eth ing d ifferent.3 I don ’t th in k tha t was the r igh t decision.4 She’ l l be earn ing next year, so sh e ’ l l be more independent.b Work with a partner.1 Choose a sentence in 2 w ith the expression you added.2 Th ink of a s ituat ion w here it m igh t be said.3 Develop it into a sho rt d ialogue, adding extra sentences.4 Practise un t i l you can say it w i th o u t reading the sentences.5 Perfo rm your d ia logue to o the r students. Can they guess the s ituation?Grammar reference, p14494VocabularyUses of supposeU a Look at these exam ples . W hat does supposemean in each? W hat do you notice about the fo rm of the verb?1 I suppose the best thing is aspirin, u n it 72 The apple was supposed to have a symbolic value in Greek mythology, onic 93 What' s it supposed to mean then? onit 94 She's supposed to be an icon of pop music, but I think she'll be forgotten in about 10 years, unit 9b Replace each suppose w ith a synonym.1 Suppose / Supposing (that) it's bad weather, w ha t w i l l we do then?2 A l i t t le sa lt is supposed to be good fo r you, isn 't it?3 A W il l T im be at the party?B I suppose so, yeah.4 The p lane's supposed to be here by now.5 I suppose you w o u ld n ' t be able to pick me up, w ou ld you?6 We can only suppose tha t they made a mistake.c Match each sentence in 4b w ith m ean ings a -f .a Could you do th is? 5b That's w ha t I th ink,c People th ink th is is w ha t happened,d It says tha t on the schedule, e This m igh t happen,f People say th is is true.d Use suppose negative ly in each sentence in 4b. W hat changes are necessary?e In w h ich sentences could you use supposedly? How w ou ld the sentence need to change?5 a Look at the photos. T h ink of a re m a rk tha t couldgo w ith each. Use an express ion w ith suppose f ro m 4b.b W ork w ith a partner. Bu ild a sh o r t conversa t ion f ro m one of y o u r sentences. Use an express ion w ith suppose.c L is ten to five conversa t ions . W here arethe people and w h a t are they do ing? How s im i la r w e re the conversa t ions to yours?6 a T h ink of th ings w h ich are co m m o n ly said aboutyo u r country , i ts food, c u l tu re o r people. W r i te sentences w ith suppose.We’re supposed to be da rk and have b lack hair.b Talk about you r sentences. Do you cons ider them to be t ru e o r not?We're supposed to be da rk and have b lack hair.But actually, there are lots of blond people in Spain. _ --------------------------9510.1 goals@ describe groups and m embership @ describe feelings about belongingA sense of belongingSPEAKINGGroups1 Look at the groups of people.1 Where are they? W hat do you th ink they are doing?2 What kind of groups are they? W hat do they have in com m on?3 What connections and d ifferences are there between the images?IHiSTOtYa What different groups do people belong to? b What kinds of groups do you belong to?1 Make a list. Th ink about:• organised groups.• socia l groups.• clubs.• pro fess iona l groups.• in fo rm a l groups.2 Show you r l is t to a partner. Which group is the m ost im p o r ta n t to you?96LISTENINGLANGUAGEFOCUSBelonging to a groupLANGUAGEFOCUSTalk about m em bersh ipLISTENING and SPEAKING3 * C Z » Listen to Grover talk about his sense of belonging to a group.1 What group did Grover belong to?2 W hat exactly is esp rit de corps?3 Why d idn 't th is affect h im as persona lly as o ther people?4 W hat three positive th ings does he say about being in th is o rganisation?5 Why is there a tem p ta t ion to stay in th is group?A a Complete these extracts with the expressions in the box.a sense of loyalty part of a la rge r group bonded w ith get te r r i to r ia l belonging to1 I fe l t as if I was2 You d e ve lop to these people.3 W hat was you r experience of being in the a rm y and4 You can 't about th ings.5 There was a s trong tem p ta t ion to rejoin the army, and tha t 's how they get you, you know, because you are so your group.b * M&M Listen to check.Joining a group1 a The expressions in A are all used to talk about joining groups.1 Which expressions in B could they match w ith?2 Which expressions have a lm os t the same meaning?A B1 I jo ined ... a ... a lot of people.2 I got involved in ... b ... the Scottish N a tiona l Party.3 I team ed up w ith ... c ... a few colleagues from work.4 I got to know ... d ... a d raw ing class.5 I s igned up fo r ... e ... a tra in ing course.6 I en ro l led in ... f ... polit ics.7 I became a m e m b e r o f ...8 I co l labo ra ted w ith ...b » H D Listen to check. What is each person talking about?« £ 5 D Listen to Pilar talk about belonging to a group.1 W hat group does she re fe r to? How do you know?2 How does she fee l about belonging to it?3 Which expressions from 1a does P i la r use?3 Choose one of the groups you listed earlier.1 Don't say w ha t the group is, but te l l a pa r tne r how you jo ined it and how you feel about being a member.2 Can you r pa r tne r guess w ha t the group is?9710 .2 goals® give opinions emphatically[sl« I C^-~l t«l *- .1 iM FJ-i III* t- .ji M iM il i [«<SOUTHAFRICA20101 a How do you th in k these fo o tb a l l photos are connected to the top ic of be long ing?b You w i l l read fo u r extracts , each re la ted to a photo. W hat do you th in k they w i l l say?2 a Read the ex trac ts quickly.1 Where is each extract f rom (a magazine, a n o v e l ...)? How do you know?2 Who is speaking in each: a fan? a jou rna l is t? a foo tba lle r? an expert / academic?3 Who is being addressed?Playing football and attending football matches ... It turned you into a member o f a new community — all brothers together for an hour and a half, for not only had you escaped from the clanking machinery o f this lesser life, from work, from wages, rent, doles, sick pay, insurance cards, nagging wives, ailing children, bad bosses, idle workmen, but you had escaped with most o f your mates and your neighbours, with half the town, cheering together, thumping one another on the shoulders, swapping judgements like Lords of the Earth, having pushed your way through a turnstile into another and altogether more splendid life.Is there any cultural practice more global than football?No single world religion can match its geographical scope. The use of English and the vocabularies of science and mathematics must run football close for universality, but they remain the lingua franca of the world’s elites, not of its masses. McDonalds? MTV? Only the most anodyne products of America's cultural industries can claim to reach as wide as football’s, and then only for a fleeting moment in those parts of the world that can afford them. Football is available to anyone who can make a rag ball and find another pair of feet to pass to. Football has not merely been consumed by the world’s societies, it has been embraced, embedded and then transformed by them...oExactly when chaos comes into our life, is when we must never lose hope, we never must lose faith in holy love and wisdom. If we have faith, small that it is, one day it goes to help us to transform our life. My life is an example of this! And one of the ways to show my gratitude is to extend and to share, when I can, my luck, with those who need it. Because I believe that this way, we will be able to create a happier, more just society. As my art is in my feet and notin my hands, it is with great honour that I associate the power of sogcer to this noble, social cause.Jafar’ Panahi’s film Offside is so ensconced in the here- and-now that it was actually filmed in real time during the event it dramatises - the Iran-Bahrain qualifying match for the 2006 World Cup. And Panahi insists on using real people, too: “When I write a script I look around for people who can do the job best. For the girl supporters, they were mainly university students - and I found them through friends and colleagues and my contacts at universities. As .for their interest in football, yes, they are genuinely interested and passionate about football. They wanted to go to the matches.’’ Panahi went on: “I was very conscious of not trying to play with people’s emotions; we were not trying to create tear-jerking scenes. So it engages people’s intellectual side.”b In w h ich e x trac t is foo tb a l l seen as:123456a way to cha l lenge stereotypes? a fo rm of escape?having an im p o r ta n t socia l funct ion? a way of bonding people? a sub ject fo r an a rt is t ic project? a phenom enon of un iversa l and mass appeal?c W hat techn iques do the w r i te r s use to add va r ie ty and im m ed iacy to th e i r tex ts? Find exam ples.questions to get reader 's a ttention l is ts of nouns inversion fo r em phas is exc lam ations rhe to r ica l questions r ich ly descrip tive language use of d irect quota t ionsd W hich e x trac t w o u ld you l ike to ca rry on read ing? Why?LANGUAGEFOCUSBeing em phaticSPEAKINGNot only is foo tba l l the m ost popu la r spo rt in my country, it's also the m ost popu la r topic of conversation.v ----------------------------------3 a Look at these sentences f ro m the ex trac ts . If you read th e m aloud, w h ich w ordsw o u ld you em phasise?1 For not only had you escaped from the c lank ing m ach ine ry of th is lesser life, but you had escaped w ith m os t of your mates and neighbours.2 No s ingle w o r ld re lig ion can match its geograph ica l scope.3 Football has not m ere ly been consumed by the w o r ld 's societies, it has been embraced by them.4 Exactly when chaos comes into o u r life, is when we m us t never lose hope.5 As fo r th e i r in te rest in footba ll , yes, they are genuine ly in terested and passionate about footba ll . They w anted to go to the matches.b ♦ Li st en to check.c Look at the sentences again.1 What conventiona l word o rde r has changed in sentence 1 ?2 What w ords / expressions could replace: no, m ere ly , exactly, yes?3 Are these ways of emphasis ing more comm on in spoken o r w r it ten language? Why?4 How could you com m un ica te the sentences in a less em phat ic way?4 a W ork alone. Do you agree w ith these s ta tem en ts?1 Football is the most popu la r sport in m y country.2 Football helps break th rough ba rr ie rs and is a way of br ing ing people together.3 The same n u m b e r of w om en as men l ike football.4 Nowadays, foo tba l l is about love and money equally.b Change the s ta te m e n ts so they re f lec t yo u r opin ion. Add em phasis , if you fee l s t rong ly enough.c Ta lk about yo u r opin ions. Do o th e r people agree?99Target activityPrepare a campaign iwh'HMM10 .3 goa lspersuade others to take action1 a How do you think the photos are connected with hom elessness? b Match the summaries on p 133 with the photos.1 Which campaign w ou ld be the m ost effective? Why?2 W hat do you th ink causes people to become homeless?3 W hat do people in you r country do to prevent homelessness?2 a Imagine you wanted to support the Homeless World Cup. How could you help? b Read this campaign message from the Homeless World Cup website.1 What answ ers does it give to 2a?2 W hat is the d ifference between being a partner, a vo lun tee r and a fan?A BALL CAN CHANGE THE WORLDMake a difference.Become a partnerBecome a partner and make a profound impact, engage employees and align with a powerful positive message for the world.VolunteerWe are looking for 500 special people to help make the next Homeless World Cup the best ever. Bring your spirit of co-operation, your skills and talents and create an unforgettable event for everyone involved. Become a fanSign up for the Homeless World Cup Fan Club and unite to make the tournament happen to give thousands of players around the world the chance to stand proud, represent their country and change the world forever. Support football with the power to change the world.Make a donationHelp the Homeless World Cup Foundation grow the ambition to reach one million players with the benefits of football. Make a donation now! Thank you.Raise moneyDo something to raise money for the grass-roots projects making the benefits of football available to people who are homeless all year round.Spread the wordJoin the Homeless World Cup on Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, YouTube and Twitter to post your comments, photos and videos.TASK3 a Find examples of these features in the campaign message.1 im pera t ives 5 positive adjectives and co l locations2 the present progressive 6 s logans and catchy expressions3 exaggeration 7 pledges and c la im s4 com p l im e n ts to the reader 8 a l l i te ra t ionb Which expressions from p97 are used here?IU a Work in groups. Choose a charity which you think is worthwhile.1 Plan the campaign message. Th ink about:• w ha t you w an t to get across. • ways to get people involved.• the ta rge t audience. • expressions, s logans and visuals.2 Together, w r i te the campaign message. Include ideas fo r images and attract ive presentation and use fea tures from 3a.3 Plan how to present you r campaign, and how to persuade o thers to contr ibute .b Give your campaign message to another group and give them time to read it. c Choose one person in your group to:• p resent you r campaign and answ er any questions.• t r y to persuade o the r g roups to con tr ibu te to the campaign.d Decide which other campaigns you will support, and how. Tell the class.100EXPLOREAcross cultures Football rivalriesDo you know these rival football club shields? Match them to the team names and their cities.G a la ta s a ry / Fenerbahce River Plate / Boca Jun io rs AC Milan / In ternazionale»<ESD Listen to a radio programme about football rivalries.1 W hat is the cause of the r iva lry in each case?2 Why is the r iva lry so strong?3 W hat do a l l three r iva lr ies have in com m on?Look at the script on page 157. How many words connected with sports can you find?4 a Talk together.1 Where you live, w ha t are the greatest sport ing riva lr ies?2 Do the team s o r p layers have n icknam es?3 Why do you th in k tha t r iva lry is so strong? Was the o r ig ina l cause h is tor ica l, polit ica l, socia l or economic?U W hat are th e i r m atches like?b What do you think is happening in the photo? Write a brief caption. Then compare with other students.101EXPLOREKeyword together1 W hat does to g e th e r mean in sentences 1 -6? W hat do you th in k the people are ta lk ing about?at the sam e t im e as a who le side by sidein a re la t ionsh ip against each o the r round each o the r1 You can wait a long time and then two arrive together.2 I knew they were close but I didn't know they were together.3 Tie the two ends together well, otherwise it might break.A Put your hands together for our special guest!-5 The two together must be worth a fortune..6 All of us must fight together against this menace.2 a W hat do you th in k are the m ost com m on ve rbs th a t co l loca te w ith toge the r?C om ple te the gaps w ith a verb + together.1 I t ’s a good th ing we ton igh t. It m igh t be ou r last chance.2 We m us t begin to as a team - that way w e 're stronger.3 you r th ings now, w e 're leaving.A Do you th in k the sh ir t and tie 15 He's been he lp ing M ark _ _ a business plan.b W hat o th e r verb could you use in each sentence to express a s im i la r idea?It's a good th ing we m e t to n ig h t...3 a Put is the verb w h ich m os t com m on ly co l loca tes w ith together.Th ink of a synonym fo r each of these examples.1 Our panel of experts put together a list of top ten foods to eat.2 The movie is being put together by a group of independent film-makers.3 She had put together a proposal for a book about Thomas Jefferson's boyhood.4 I'm going to put together the best staff to improve the office.b W hat do you th in k these h igh l igh ted express ions mean?1 They won more medals at the Barcelona than the last four Olympics put together.2 We're planning a little get-together for next Saturday.3 I really admire her - she's such a together person.4 I put two and two together and saw that I wasn't welcome.5 I wanted to go to Nepal but I just didn't get it together.U a Com ple te these quest ions w ith a ve rb + together.1 Who is m a rr ied in you r fam ily? How long have they ?2 Have ever had to a report o r a proposa l fo r vou r work?W hat was it about?3 When you go on holiday, how long does it take you to the th ingsyou need to take?A Why do you th ink coun tr ies find it so hard to to f igh t g lobalw a rm ing?5 Look at the photos. Do you th in k the co lours ?Why / Why not?b Ask and a nsw er the questions.102EKPLOREWritingGoals© describe an organisation © present something in the best possible light1 a Look at th is cam pa ign pos te r fo r She lte r, a UK charity. How does the image t ra n s m i t i ts message?b W hat do you th in k the cha r i ty f igh ts for, a pa rt f ro m com ba t ing hom elessness?2 a Read the ex trac t f ro m the S h e lte r webs ite . How does it a nsw e r 1 b?b Add these subhead ings to the gaps.F ighting fo r change About us Help and advice In fo rm ing professionalsc W hat do you th in k is the best ove ra l l heading fo r th is ex trac t?Our values Who we are Equality and diversity How we make a d ifferencea How does the webpage express these ideas?Why? C onsider ind iv idua l w o rds / express ionsas w e l l as verb fo rm s .1 Homeless people are helped by Shelter.2 Confident ia l help is given to those people w ith housing prob lems.3 We f igh t the main causes of bad housing.4 The media and the public find out about us th rough o u r campaigns.5 The housing cr is is is dealt w ith using pract ica l so lu tions.ShelterShelter is a charity that works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing.We do this by giving advice, information and advocacy to people in housing need, and by campaigning for lasting political change to end the housing crisis for good.Shelter cannot house you, but we can give confidential help to people with all kinds of housing problems.Shelter tackles the root causes of bad housing by lobbying government and local authorities for new laws and policies, and more investment, to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.Our influential campaigns bring aspects of bad housing to the attention of the media and the public, who help us fight for solutions.As a leading expert on housing in Britain, we develop practical solutions to address the housing crisis.We’re proud to join forces with like-minded organisations, to share our ideas, and develop creative ways of tackling housing need.b The w ebpage w as w r i t te n to cast the organ isa t ion in the best possib le l igh t. How is th is done? Th ink about:• the genera l content.• the language i tem s chosen.c Find ve rbs in the w ebs ite ex trac t w h ich ta lk about:1 he lp ing and solving prob lems.2 f igh t ing som eth ing .d Why do you th in k the re are so m any of these verbs? Which o th e r ve rbs do you th in k could be used in tex ts of th is type?W ri te a "Who we are ' descr ip t ion of the cha r i ty o rgan isa t ion you chose on p 100.103Look again OGrammarInversion1 a Look at this example from the unit.Not only had you escaped from the clanking machinery of this lesser life, but you had escaped with most of your mates and neighbours.1 The sentence s ta r ts w ith an adverb ia l phrase. How does th is affect the word order?2 You could also say:You hadn 't only escaped ... b u t ...How wou ld tha t change the meaning?b Here are some more adverbial phrases that can start a clause or sentence.Which words in A can combine with words in B?U a No w ay is common in conversations. What do you think it means here? What are the people talking about?a No w ay w i l l United win the league. They haven 't got a chance.v --------------------No way did he w r i te tha t h imself . He copied it f ro m the In ternet.v ---------------------------------------------------A Bnot wayvery un t i lat no ra re lyin no nowonly recent lyoncet im e2 a C om ple te the gaps w ith express ions f ro m 1 b.1 I shou ld add t h a t have I, o r anyone onmy behalf , received a com pla in t.2 _ . does the c r is is th rea ten th e i r business.3 Seven years I've known h im and has helet me down.4 Usually you audit ion fo r th ings so many times._ do you get the dream call.5 have we discovered w ha t the realp rob lem was.b Which are fo rm a l and w h ich are in fo rm a l in reg is te r?c W hich w o rd s w ou ld you s tress fo r em phas is? d * I T O L is ten to check.R ewri te these sentences w ith adve rb ia l phrases.1 The business s tar ted slowly, but now we are m ak ing a profit.O n ly ...2 He d idn 't p ick up the phone to see how I was. A t...3 It hard ly ever ra ins here in July.V e ry ...4 I d idn 't realise my bag was gone un ti l we were leaving the bar.N o t...5 It's pouring w ith rain, and it's also freezing! N o t...It's great fo r a holiday, but no w ay w ou ld I w an t to live there.b ♦ Listen and mark the words where the emphasis is placed in each sentence.a Write true sentences beginning with an adverbial phrase about:• som eth ing tha t rare ly o r never happens.• som eth ing tha t only happened recently.• som eth ing you be l ievers im poss ib le o r a r id icu lous idea.b Listen to each other's sentences and ask questions to find out more.a What do these pictures show? Write a brief caption for each with no way.b Compare your captions.Grammar reference, p144104VocabularyCollective nouns fo r people7 a How many different kinds of groups can yourem em ber from the unit?b Sentences a -g talk about other groups of people.1 Who do you th in k is ta lk ing in each sentence, and about what?2 Which of the h igh ligh ted nouns describes a s m a l l group? Which describes a large group?3 Which have a negative connotation? Which could be both negative o r neutra l?4 W hat o the r words could replace the h igh ligh ted nouns?a .Well, the hordes of admirers are difficult toput up with sometimes, b The suspect's court hearing today will be ona live video link from prison, so police do not have to confront an angry mob. c While you were just "hanging out with the gang"I was wondering if you were alive or dead! d T h e H u n t i n g P a r t y - a camera crew (Gere,Howard, Eisenberg) goes looking for a Bosnian warlord in this darkly comic thriller, e They've had to learn to adjust to a highschool where, if you're not in a clique, you're nobody. f All of a sudden, they became a top-40-typegroup appealing to the younger crowd, g Aberdeen's top scorer, Stavrum, has beenlinked with a move to German team St Pauli.8 a Which nouns in 7b can alsobe used with the onesin the box? Make as many collocations as you can.Use these patterns:\ •1 noun + noun, mob ru le2 noun + of + noun, hordes o f ch ild rentou r is ts v io lence m e m b e r rule f l igh t capacity ch i ld ren leaderb Make these sentences more precise by replacinggroup with an alternative.1 He was hanging out w ith the w rong group.2 They were a profess iona l group and sorted out ou r p rob lem s easily.3 These are the towns w here they can rec ru it new group m em bers .A If you go to the beach resorts in the s u m m e ryo u ' l l find g roups of tour is ts .5 I was i l l on the f l igh t but the cabin group were very helpfu l.6 Group vio lence is a cause of inne r-c i ty cr ime.9 Writing game.1 W rite a sentence tha t could be part of a story, inc lud ing a collect ive noun fo r people. Pass you r sentence to ano the r pair.2 Continue the story w ith ano the r sentence.Pass you r sentences to ano the r pair. Continue w ith fou r o r five more sentences.3 Read out you r story.Collective adjectives10 a We can use adjectives as nouns to talk about certain groups of people:Complete these sentences with the and anadjective from the box.r ich poor e lder ly homeless needy disabled1 He knows tha t it's w rong to park in spaces fo r2 The goal is to p re v e n t f rom dying ofexposure.3 The gap b e tw e e n and __ is s teadilyincreasing.A The r isk of in fection is g rea te r in5 It's ra th e r than the greedy tha t have tobe protected.b How do you express the ideas in your language?C Talk together.1 How are these groups of people ta lked about in you r society?2 Do you th ink a tt i tudes towards them have changed over the last 50 years? If so, how?• hom eless people —> the homeless.• e lde r ly p e o p le -> the e lder ly .Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ irc le)a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.® describe groups and membership® describe feelings about belonging© give opinions emphatically® explore strategies for analysing authentic texts® persuade others to take action WKMMMM© describe an organisation© present something in the best possible light EKHH• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -» e-Portfolio• For more practice -> Self-study Pack, Unit 1010511.1 goals© ta lk about clim ate change© describe inventions and how they work© discuss proposalsLISTENINGClimateRadical ways to saue the planet1 a W hat do you know about the b i l l iona ire Richard B ranson? W hy do you th ink th is photo was taken?b « C D L isten to the news story.1 How much did Richard Branson offer, and fo r what?2 Why do you th ink he did this?W hat do you th in k of the idea?LANGUAGEFOCUSClimate changeREADING and SPEAKING2 a Thev'w ord c loud ' shows som e k e y w o rd s f ro m the broadcast.carbon dioxide1 b illion tonnes «, humQns 5 CDa5Richard Branson United Nationso■aS 90% centuryCDC LCDbillionaire LOCNglobal warmingclimate cha.ngesix degreesgreenhouse gasesC Lc/5OE1 Which are d irect ly connected w ith c l im a te change?2 W ri te sentences to show connections between the words in the word cloud. How many can you th in k of?Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse pas.3 Try to use a l l the w ords to recons truc t w ha t the repo r te r said.b »U S D L is ten again. Were any w o rd s used d i f fe ren tly?3 a These im ages show five ideas w h ich could be used to f igh t g loba l w a rm in g . W hat d i f fe ren t ideas do you th in k they show?b The a r t ic le descr ibes fo u r of the ideas. Which involves:• reducing CO2 levels?• absorb ing the sun 's heat?• deflecting the sun's rays?Climate change is being experienced everywhere in the world, and ju s t reducing carbon emissions may not be enough. Some scientists are now beginning to suggest more radical inventions tha t m ight save us from disaster by actually putting the greenhouse effect into reverse.One scientist is proposing to put a huge glass sunshade in space which would o rb it the Earth so th a t it would always face the sun. This would deflect some o f the sun's rays back into space, so the tem pera ture o f the atm osphere would be reduced.Another proposal is to fire rockets loaded w ith su lphur in to the stratosphere. The su lphur would be released and it would form a th in c loud-like layer around the Earth, which would block some o f the sun's rays.Another in teresting idea is to pump fine particles o f sea w ater in to the clouds. This would increase the thickness o f the clouds, so the sun's rays would be reflected. This could be done using rem ote-contro lled yachts, so the energy cost would be zero.Another possib ility would be to create enclosed 'p lankton fa rm s ' in the sea, where plankton could be fed huge quantities o f fertiliser. This would make the plankton grow and absorb CO2 from the air.Proposals like these may seem like science fic tion , but some experts believe we may soon be forced to take them seriously, fo r the sake o f our planet.nLANGUAGEFOCUSActive andpassiveinfin it ivesSPEAKINGArtificial treesLook at the image tha t w as not m en t ioned in the a r t ic le . W hat do you th in k it shows and how m igh t it w o rk? Read m ore about it on p 133.2 a A f te r could and wou ld , we can use an active o r a passive infin it ive. Complete the gap.Active: The appara tus w ou ld extract carbon dioxide.Passive: Carbon dioxide w o u ld .b Find m ore exam ples of each type in the a r t ic le on p 133.3 a Cover the a r t ic le above and com p le te the sentences. Choose an active o r passivein f in it ive , using the verbs in the box.release reduce fo rm feed increase re f lec t b lock absorb x le ftecr1 Giant sunshade: the sunshades wou ld de flec t a s m a l l percentage of the sun'srays back into space, so the te m pe ra tu re of the a tm osphere wou ld ...2 Sulphur rockets: the su lp h u r wou ld ... and it w ou ld ...3 Pumping sea w ater: th is wou ld ... The sun's rays wou ld ...A Plankton farm s: p lankton w ould ... The p lankton could ...b Read the a r t ic le again. Did it use the ve rbs you chose?C ons ider each of the five p roposa ls in tu rn .1 Do you th in k it is l ike ly to w ork?2 Do you th in k it w ou ld help com bat g lobal w a rm ing?3 In w h ich proposals w ou ld cost o r energy consum pt ion be a prob lem?107Glaciers11 .2 goals® describe an ongoing process..4READING What is the difference between the two photos? How many years, do you think, have elapsed between them? What could have caused the changes to take place?a Read the beginning of an article about Greenland. What does the w r ite r mean by:1 "calving season"? 2 "a f lo t i l la of icebergs"? 3 "eer i ly beauti fu l"?The Sermilik fjord in Greenland: a chilling view of a warming world- - t is calving seaso n in the Arctic. A flotilla o f icebergs, som e as jagged as fa iry tale castle s and others as sm ooth a s d inosaur __eggs, calve from the ice sheet that sm others Greenland and sa il down the fjords. The journey o f these scu lp tures o f ice from glaciers to ocean is eerily beautifu l and utterly terrifying.The w all o f ice that r ise s behind Serm ilik fjord stretches for 2,400 km from north to south and sm others 80% of th is country. It h as been frozen for three m illion years.b Why do you think the w r iter says this is "a chilling view” and that the icebergs are “utterly terrifying"?3 a Read the rest of the article quickly. What seems to be happening in Greenland?Do scientists fully understand it?Now it is m elting, fa r fa ste r than the clim ate m odels predicted and far m ore decisively than any political action to com batour changing clim ate. I f the Greenland ice sheet d isappeared , sea levels around the w orld w ould rise by seven m etres, a s 10% of the w orld 's fresh w ater is currently frozen here.Experts from around the world are landing on the ice sheet in a race aga in st tim e to discover why the ice in Greenland is vanishing so much faster than expected.Gordon Ham ilton, a Scottish-born glacio logist, hit upon the daring idea of landing on a moving glacier in a helicopter to m easure its speed. When H am ilton p rocessed h is first m easurem ents o f the glacier's speed, he found it w as m arching forw ards ata greater pace than a glacier had ever been observed to flow before. "We were blown away because we realised that the glaciers had accelerated not ju s t by a little b it but by a lot," he says. The three glaciers they studied had abruptly in creased the speed by which they were tran sm ittin g ice from the ice sheet into the ocean.Driven by the lo ss o f ice, Arctic tem peratures are warm ing more quickly than other parts o f the world: la st autum n air tem peratures in the Arctic stood at a record 5°C above normal. For centuries, the ice sheets m aintained an equilibrium : glaciers calved o ff icebergs and sent melt w ater into the oceans every summer; in winter, the ice sheet w as then replenished with more frozen snow. Scientists believe the w orld's great icesheets will not completely d isappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.R esearch is focusing on what sc ien tists call the 'dynam ic e ffec ts’ o f the Greenland ice sheet. It is not sim ply that the ice sheet is m elting steadily a s global tem peratures rise. Rather, the m elting triggers dynam ic new effects, which in turn accelerate the melt. "It's quite likely that these dynam ic effects are more im portant in generating a rap id rise in sea level than the trad itional m elt," says Hamilton. Some sc ien tists are astounded by the changes. "We can't as a scientific com m unity keep up w ith the pace o f changes, let alone explain why they are happening," say s the g laciologist.b Read the article more carefully and make notes about:1 the Greenland ice sheet. 3 a ir tem pera tu res .2 Gordon Hamilton. 4 'dynam ic effects '.108LANGUAGEFOCUSProcessesREADINGLISTENING and SPEAKINGA a The verbs in the box all describe processes. How could you use them to answer these questions?1 W hat is happening to: the ice? the g lac ie r? the ocean?2 W hat used to happen before?m e lt shed d isappear rep len ish flo w rise tra n s m it tr ig g e r acce lera te m arch m a in ta in vanishb Check in the article.c Talk about the notes you made in 3b, using the verbs in the box to talk about them. Did you make the same points?d Do you know of any other 'dynamic effects' connected to climate change?20841 a You are going to read a poem called 2084 by Carol Rumens about a future vision ofthe world. Before that, read about Phaethon on p133. What could Phaethon be a metaphor for in the poem?b 2084 echoes the year 1984. What significance does 1984 have for you, if any?2 a * C D Read and listen tothe first part of the poem.What expressions talk about climate change?tha t flood, in m otion inches from the cross-roadsb Find expressions which refer to:• bicycles.• s o la r heating.• com pu te rs .• a group of houses / fla ts .3 i Q D Read and listen to the second part of the poem.1 How m any re ferences to Phaethon can you find?2 Find expressions tha t re fe r to 'f ire '.3 Who are the 'u n fo rtu n a te ' ones in th is case?A a * d ) Listen to someone commenting on the poem.What does he say is its main message? Do you agree?b Which parts of the poem talk about:• people 's lifes ty le in 2084.• the kind of socie ty it w il l be.• w ha t the ch ild ren w ant.• w ha t th e ir pa ren ts did to the Earth.5 a » iE > Read and listen to the whole poem. What connections are there with the article on page 108?b What other visions of life in the future can you think of (films, books, etc.)?2084Paired wheels and PV panels, ponds and hives and garden-fields (citron and silvery-green samplers, stitched by hand) declare our ground. We’re scripture-safe in our examined lives; for each estate, one bin, one fridge, one screen only, daily rationing of down-loads.That ice-bar, frilling in the distant sound, that flood, in motion inches from the cross-roads where we abolished run-ways and re-wound the windmills, will be measured and contained - the government says so. And the world will sail over the carbon peak: we’ll be in free-fall the whole sweet way to paradise regained.It’s slow, of course. The children want to burn anything that burns. They say we stole the magic brand, and scraped the sun’s wheel to spark it, so shut up: it’s their turn to hit the gas, light out, ignore the brakes, as children should. Just let us be children they wail from blazing consoles. And we tell them, or try to, what it was to drive that borrowed chariot, rocketing, spiralling with its florid machinery in a thunder of gold tyres down, down the yellowing sky-waste. Oh infelix Phaethon, earth grew nothing, then, but fires.We drove death into childhood, just being children.109Target activityThe Doomsday debate11 .3 goalsTASK LISTENINGTASKLANGUAGESaying if actions are ju s tifie dTASKPREPARATION© talk about climate change© describe an ongoing processsay if actions are justified® conduct a debate1 a You are going to listen to part of a radiodiscussion about the book The Vanishing Face o f Gaia by scientist James Lovelock.1 W hat do you th in k th is tit le m eans?2 W hat do you th in k it says about Jam es Lovelock's v iew of c lim a te change? b • $ H > Listen to the discussion.1 W hich of these op in ions does the book express?• G lobal w a rm in g is irreve rs ib le .• H um ans are not respons ib le fo r causing c lim a te change.• H um ans caused c lim a te change w ith o u t rea lis ing w ha t they w ere doing.• It's now im poss ib le to s low down c lim a te change.2 Why do you th in k M oira laughs?2 a Which sentences best match James Lovelock's point of view?1 G lobal w a rm in g is now inev itab le .2 It's abso lu te ly c ru c ia l th a t we reduce CO2 em iss ions over the next 50 years.3 Using low -energy lig h t bu lbs is po in tless .U It w ou ld be qu ite feas ib le to reverse g loba l w a rm in g if we act soon.5 The am oun t of m oney w h ich we invest in w ind pow er is n 't re a lly ju s tif ie d .6 It's ce rta in ly w o rth w h ile ho ld ing conferences on c lim a te change.b Which h ig h lig h te d adjectives in 2a mean:a it has no purpose?b it's possib le to do it?c the re 's no good reason to do it?d we rea lly m us t do it?e it's ce rta in to happen?f it's a good idea?c How could you use these words in sentences 1 -6 to express the same meanings?ju s tif ic a tio n d iffe rence sense po in t no th ing achievew o rth7 There's noth ing we can do to p reven t g loba l w arm ing. 3 a Which view is closer to your own?Today's socie ty is ever m ore irre sp o n s ib le and se lfish , so the w o rld as we know it is u n like ly to survive.v --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We are b e tte r in fo rm ed than ever about the harm we do to the p lanet, so the re is rea l hope fo r hum anity.b Divide into group A or group B according to your point of view.• Group A, read about Jam es Lovelock on p 134- and answ e r the questions.• Group B, read about the 'D oom sday C lock' on p 139 and answ e r the questions.a Prepare to debate the issue. Draw on arguments used in the informatibn you read, and anyothers you can think of to support your view.b Conduct a debate with the other group.110EXPLOREAcross cultures Living oft-grid’What do you think off-grid' refers to? What clues can you find in the photo?2 a Read the first paragraph of the article to check.b Which verbs collocate with these nouns to describe what an 'off-gridder' does?e le c tr ic ity own w a te r own w aste d isposa l3 Now read a ll of the article.1 Find nouns and ad jectives w h ich describe 'o ff- g rid d e rs ' and th e ir lifes ty le .noticeable glee, s m u g ...2 W hich ones show the 'o ff-g r id d e rs ' in a positive ligh t? W hich in a negative ligh t?Discuss these questions.1 How do you th in k 'o ff-g r id d e rs ' w ould be viewed in you r coun try : as p ioneers o r d ream ers?2 How w ou ld you describe Perez's tone at the s ta r t and the end of the a rtic le ? Do you see a con trad ic tion in liv ing 'o ff-g r id ', but having a 215t-ce n tu ry lifes ty le?3 W hy do you th in k it is becom ing m ore popu lar? Do you th in k 'o ff-g r id ' liv ing could become pop u la r w here you live? W hy / W hy not?U T h ink about th ree d iffe re n t reg ions of the w o rld . How easy w ou ld 'o ff-g r id ' liv ing be in each of them ? Give reasons.U n p lu g g in g f r o m th e gr id" I haven't paid an electricity bill since 1970," says Richard Perez with noticeable glee. He can afford to be smug. He lives "off-grid"- unconnected to the power grid and the water, gas and sewerage supplies that most of us rely on. He generates his own electricity, sources his own water and manages his own waste disposal - and prefers it tha t way. "There are times when the grid blacks out," he says. " I like the security of having my own electricity company."Perez is not alone. Once the preserve of mavericks, hippies and survivalists, there are now approximately 200,000 off-grid households in the US, a figure that Perez says has been increasing by a third every year for the past decade. For people who live off- grid, self-sufficiency means guilt-free energy consumption and peace of mind. " I t feels brilliant to use clean, free energy that's not from fossil fuels," says Suzanne Galant, a w riter who lives off-grid in rural Wales. "And if something goes wrong, we can fix it ourselves." Now even urbanites are seeing the appeal of generating some if not all of the ir own power needs. So is energy freedom an eco pipe- dream or the ultimate good life?Well, there's only one way to find out: begin to explore the possibilities of solar, wind or hydro-power. But unless you live on a sunny, south-facing hillside with access to a nearby river or stream, tha t might prove prohibitively expensive!There is no doubt tha t being off-grid has its problems, and it is not always the cheapest way to get your energy. Even so, pioneers like Perez have proved tha t it can be done, and without giving up a 21st-century lifestyle: "I've got five computers, two laser scanners, two fridge-freezers, a microwave, a convection oven, vacuum cleaners - you name it," says Perez. "There's an external beam antenna on the roof fo r the phone and a satellite dish for an Internet connection. I've got 70 kWh in batteries tha t could last me five days. I have too much electricity." Too much electricity and no more bills. That's got to be worth aiming for. •111EXPLOREKeywords describing similarities and differences1 Look at these examples from the unit.1 Just like a real tree, an artificial tree would have a structure tohold it up - the equivalent of a trunk, probably a pillar.2 Unlike in a real tree, he explains, where the leaves are spread outbecause they have to see sunshine for the purpose of photosynthesis,the leaves on an artificial tree could be packed much more tightly.How could you express the same meaning using these expressions?as w ith s im ila r to w hereas ra th e r than2 a Here are some more examples. Complete the gaps with lik e or u n like . What words in the sentence helpedyou to choose the answer?1 the rugged w est coast, the east coast of the is land has w ide sandy beaches.2 The f in a l w as played m a in ly w ith o u t d isc ip lin a ry prob lem s, last F riday's s to rm y q u a rte r- f in a l.3 ____ a ll fo rm s of a rt, p o pu la r m us ic deserves to be d iscussed and analysed.U Desktop P C s ,_______ notebook com pu te rs , are p roh ib itive ly expensive to ship overseas.5 Tam arind pulp has a sou r taste, ra th e r lim e ju ice .6 He sold fru it from a s m a ll box on w hee ls w h ich looked a b i t a ch ild 's p ram .b Add information with lik e or u n like to these sentences to expand the meaning.1 The p res iden t is com m itted to find ing a d ip lo m a tic so lu tio n to the c ris is .The president, like m any o th e r w o rld leaders, is c o m m itte d ...2 Eco-cola is made only from n a tu ra l ing red ien ts .3 I live in cons tan t fe a r of being made redundant.I* Coyotes do not n o rm a lly a ttack hum ans.5 B aske tba ll p layers usua lly reach th e ir peak at about 25.3 a These examples show other ways of saying things are s imilar or dissimilar. How do you think they mightcontinue? What will the next word probably be?1 S ynthetic trees resem ble rea l tre e s in m any ways. For exam ple, they have the e q u iv a le n t...2 The DNA analysis found th a t the b loodsta ins w ere id e n t ic a l...3 One euro is now e q u iv a le n t....U T rad itions run deep here. On spec ia l occasions, people s t i l l sing tra d it io n a l fo lk songs, j u s t ...5 We believe th a t banks shou ld be regu la ted in the sam e w ay ...6 H er re fu sa l to answ er the question in co u rt w as ta n ta m o u n t...7 I'd p re fe r to cycle to w o rk , as opposed ...8 Many a n tib io tics are not ava ilab le over the co u n te r in pha rm ac ies in the US, in c o n tra s t ...b Listen to check.U a Look at these pairs of images. How many sentences can you make about their differences and similarities?<b Think about different aspects of where you live (society, people, neighbourhoods, etc.). Write about them expressing similarities and differences. Give reasons.112EKPLORESpeaking1 a * E D You will hear Pilar, Uri, Patrick and Jane reacting to James Lovelock's ideas about global warming. Cover the scripts and listen to each speaker in turn.1 Does the person agree, p a rtly agree o r d isagree w ith Jam es Lovelock?2 W hat is each speaker's view?PilarGoals® report a point of view ® react to a point of viewb Listen to the two sentences in B again. Where is the emphasis placed each time?C Look again at what the speakers say. Find three more expressions like those in B. Practise saying them.What he’s really saying is that global warming is already happening. We can't stop it, so there’s no point in doinganything. 11 (agree), I think things aren't nearly as badas he says they are. 12 (exaggerating) a bit.Uri_ (agree) when he says that there's no point in using low-energy light bulbs, I think he may be, maybe he’s right about that, it, it’s not going to make any difference. But 14 (see). I think, I think it's worth trying anything - but it would probably have to be something quite radical, like taking CO2 out of the atmosphere again.PatrickHis point really is that politicians are never going to say howbad things really are, right? 15 (a point). Politicians,yeah, OK, they're talking a lot, but what are they actually doing? That’s exactly what he’s saying. Lovelock makes the point that people don’t react to things until it’s too late.I ' (a valid point)JaneWhen he says it’s too late, I think what he really means is that we’d have to do something quite drastic, like - oh, I don’t know - invent new technology to deal with it. Something likethat. I think ‘ (spot on), . (right)b Read what the people said. What expressions do you think go in the gaps?c Listen again to check.a Compare these two ways to give the same information. How do the expressions in B change the meaning?A B1 He says tha t 1 W hat he's re a llyg loba l w a rm in g saying is th a t g loba lis a lready w a rm in g is a lreadyhappening. happening.2 He says tha t 2 His po in t re a lly ispo lit ic ia n s are th a t p o lit ic ia n s arenever going to never going to saysay how bad how bad th ingsth ings re a lly are. re a lly are.b * Listen to check. Do you agree, partly agree or disagree?c Choose one of the opinions you heard and prepare to comment on it. Note down expressions you could use.1 T h in k of ways to re p o rt the op in ion .• W hat he 's saying is ...• The po in t she 's m ak ing is ...• One exam ple she g ives is ...2 T h ink of ways to agree, p a rtly agree or disagree.• I p a rt ly agree w ith ...• I th in k he m akes a va lid po in t ...• I th in k she 's spo t on ...3 T h ink of ways to express you r own op in ion on the topic.• It seem s to m e ...• I th in k it's te r r ib le the w a y ...• I d o n 't approve o f ...d Talk about the opinion you chose. Do other people agree with you?3 a Listen to four people expressing opinions.1 W hat is each person ta lk in g about? Match th e m w ith the photos.2 W hat seem s to be th e ir po in t of view?Look again OGrammarPresent progressive active and passive1 a We can use the present progressive to describe:a g radua l ongoing processes (= it's happening a ll the tim e), b te m p o ra ry s itu a tio n s and ac tiv itie s (= it's happening around now).Look at these examples. Which use do they show? Which uses the passive?1 Climate change is being experienced everywhere in the world.2 One scientist is proposing to put a huge glass sunshade into space.3 Richard Branson is offering $25 million.4 Experts from around the world are landing on the ice sheet.5 Arctic temperatures are warming more quickly than in other parts of the world.b Look back at The S e rm ilik F jo rd in G reenland on p 108. Which examples of the present progressive can you find?2 a These sentences are from environmental news items. Continue each with a verb from the box, using the present progressive active or passive. More than one answer may be possible.erode in troduce increase dec line d isappear1 The gove rnm en t are re fus ing to a llow continued in d u s tr ia l deve lopm ent at C herry Point, a m a jo r fish -sp a w n in g ground w here the fish ...2 The low -ly ing fa rm la n d near the coast is suscep tib le to flood ing , and the coast i t s e l f ...3 In m any areas, new d ro u g h t-re s is ta n t crops ... A The nu m b e r of sea tu r t le s com ing to the is landto breed ...5 The popu la tion of foxes in the region, who bene fit fro m the presence of h u m a n s ,...b Which of these adverbs could you add to each sentence in 2a?g radua lly rap id ly no ticeab ly e xp e rim e n ta lly im p e rcep tib ly s tead ily a la rm in g ly d ra m a tica llyWhich adverbs go most naturally before the main verb? Which go after it?Write sentences about three things happening where you live. Include adverbs if appropriate.U nem ploym ent is ris in g ra p id ly ...Many people are being la id o f f ...Cleft sentencesU a Here are examples of speakers giving emphasis and focus to an idea. Are they similar to the ones on p113? How are they different?The place I'd re a lly like tolive is Vancouver, Canada.-----------/ \W hat I'd lik e m ore than anyth ing is a good, s trong cup of coffee. ^b How could you emphasise and focus on the underlined parts of these sentences?1 L igh t green re a lly w o rks w e ll fo r a bedroom .2 I th in k she's try ing to ge t a tten tion .3 I hate rude shop assis tan ts .A I re m e m b e r o u r f irs t ho liday to g e th e r clearly.5 I like liv ing here because it's c lose to the sea.c Listen and compare your answers. Did thespeakers add other words or expressions? Which words did they emphasise?5 a Look at these examples. The speakers divide their message into two parts to add emphasis.1 W hat is the person ta lk in g about in each case?2 How w ou ld you say the sentences in a non- em pha tic way?a It's people w ho have no civic re sp o n s ib ility tha t annoy me - th e y ju s t leave th is here, they don 't put it in the bins provided, b W hat E rika did have was a ra re g ift - she ’dalways have tim e fo r you, always be ready to lis ten .c The com pany they give you is spec ia l - it'ssom eth ing no o th e r a n im a l can give, they depend on you but they give you a lo t back, d The reason w hy I le ft is th a t I ju s t co u ld n 'tstand the noise any m ore - the w a lls w ere w a fe r- th in , you know, I could hear everyth ing.b Think of something that irritates or pleases you. Talk about it in an expressive way.W hat rea lly ir r ita te s me at the m om en t are the road w o rks going on outs ide my fro n t doo r - it's p ra c tica lly a ll day long. — VG ram m ar re fe re n c e , p 145114VocabularyAdverb / adjective collocations6 a Look at th is sentence fro m the un it.The journey of these sculptures of ice from glaciers to ocean is eerily beautiful and utterly terrifying.We could also describe the icebergs using these adverbs. How would they change the meaning?• s tra n g e ly b e a u tifu l• b re a th ta k in g ly b e a u tifu l• e xq u is ite ly b e a u tifu l• a s to n ish in g ly b e a u tifu l• s tu n n in g ly b e a u tifu l• h e a rt-re n d in g ly b e a u tifu lb Which expressions from 6a could describe:1 a dream ?2 a fash ion m odel?3 a ro m a n tic song?4 a m oun ta in landscape?5 a piece of je w e lle ry?Add adverbs from the box to 1-7. How do they add to the meaning?b itte r ly h igh lyno to rious ly b lis s fu lly h ideously s tif l in g ly w ild ly1 hot w e a th e r2 a cold w ind3 ugly a p a rtm e n t b locks4 an in te llig e n t person5 a dangerous road6 a happy couple7 a success fu l bookMatch each pair of adverbs with a sentence. How do the two adverbs in each pair differ in meaning?9 a T h ink of adve rbs and ad jec tives to describe these im ages fro m the 1960s. C om pare w ith a p a rtn e r and give reasons.b L is ten to these d e sc rip tio n s . How s im ila r w ere they to yours?10 a W ork a lone. Choose th re e exp ress ions fro m 7 o r 8 w h ich describe expe riences you have had.b W ork w ith a pa rtne r. L is ten to each o th e r ’s e xpe riences and ask questions to find ou t m ore .c r it ica lly / te rm ina lly dangerous ly / te rr ify in g ly reassu ring ly / s trange ly ee rily / p leasan tlyd e c e p tiv e ly / re la tive ly o b s tin a te ly / ta c tfu llyim poss ib ly / fru s tra t in g ly re so lu te ly / irre p re ss ib ly1 U n fo rtuna te ly he is c r it ic a lly / te rm in a lly i l l in hosp ita l.2 In sp ite of a ll he r p rob lem s, she rem ained ch e e rfu l.3 He re m a in e d s ile n t th ro u g h o u t them eeting.4 We w ere d r iv in g c lose to the edge of theroad.5 I h e a rd fa m ilia r voices in the next room .6 The rive r lo o k s easy to cross.7 The crossw ord w a s d iff ic u lt to solve.8 The s tree ts w e re qu ie t.Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(^ irc le )a num ber on each line. 1 = I can’t do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.® talk about climate change l » » 1® describe inventions and how they work D D D E E I® discuss proposals® describe an ongoing process 1 — M l® understand imagery in a poem K — T— 1® say if actions are justified M i l©conduct a debate E — I— a® report a pointof view W W® react to a point of view• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -» e-Portfolio• For more practice -» Self-study Pack, Unit 1111512.1 goals© ta lk about knowledge and technology® discuss how to access inform ationKnowledge and technologySPEAKINGREADINGThe end of general knowledge?1 In w h a t w ays cou ld you find ou t:• how to kayak?• b iog raph ica l data about a person fo r a research pro ject?• the ca p ita l of B u rk ina Faso?• about d isab led fa c ilit ie s at a p a rtic u la r hote l?• you r c u rre n t des tina tion w hen tra ve llin g by car?2 a Read the s ta r t o f an a rt ic le abou t tech n o lo g y and g e n e ra l know ledge .1 W hy do you th in k the m is take happened?2 W hose fa u lt do you th in k it was?One day last year a middle-aged man asked a taxi to take him to see Chelsea play Arsenal at football. He told the driver “Stamford Bridge”, the name of Chelsea’s stadium, but he delivered him instead to the village of Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire, nearly 1 5 0 miles in the opposite direction. Of course, he missed the match.b W hat po in t is the jo u rn a lis t m aking? W hat do you th in k he w il l go on to say? Read the next p a rt to check.W hat had happened? The man in th is story had handed over responsib ility fo r knowing geography to a machine. With the Sat-Nav system in place, he fe lt th a t he did not need to know where he was going. That was the m achine’s job . He confidently outsourced the job o f knowing th is inform ation, or o f finding it out, to th a t little com puter on the dashboard ... Is th a t what the fu ture holds fo r us? Using an Internet search engine (once you have keyed the words in) takes a broadband user less than a second, and the process will only ge t quicker. And soon w ith our sm artphones a t hand, a lm ost all o f us will be online a lm ost all o f the tim e.The sam e could be true o f university education. Today, the average s tudent seem s not to value general knowledge. If asked a factual question, they will usually click on a search engine w ithout a second thought. Actually knowing the fac t and com m itting it to m em ory does not seem to be an issue, i t ’s the ease w ith which we can look it up.However, general knowledge has never been som ething th a t you acquire formally. Instead, we pick it up from all so rts o f sources as we go along, often absorbing fac ts w ithout realising. The question rem ains, then: is the Internet threaten ing general knowledge? When I put th a t to Moira Jones, expert in designing IQ tes ts , she referred me to the story o f the Egyptian god Thoth. I looked it up. It was to ld by Plato 2 ,4 0 0 years ago. It goes like th is : Thoth invents w riting and proudly offers it as a g ift to the king o f Egypt, declaring it an ‘elix ir o f mem ory and w isdom ’ . But the king is horrified, and te lls him: “This invention will induce forgetfu lness in the souls o f those who have learned it, because they will not need to exercise the ir m em ories, being able to rely on w hat is w ritten. W riting is not a remedy fo r memory, bu t fo r rem inding them o f what they have discovered.”Who wants to be a m illionaire fina lis t David Swift, responding to the same question, recognises tha t there was a problem o f young people saying: “ I don ’t need to know th a t” , but he is fa r more excited about the educational potential o f the Internet. “There is so much more info ou t there, giving people fa r more opportun ities to boost the ir general knowledge.”A▼V//.116LANGUAGE _____________ FOCUSvalue look up find out co m m it (to m em ory)know acquire p ick up absorbTalk ing about in fo rm a tio n and know ledgeALook at the im age.1 W hat do you th in k it rep resents?2 W hat is the connection w ith the a rtic le?D iscuss these questions .1 W hat does the jo u rn a lis t em phasise about ob ta in ing in fo rm a tio n using newtechnology?2 W hat do you unders tand 'g e n e ra l know ledge ' to mean here?3 W hat are the p a ra lle ls between techno logy and w rit in g in the s to ry of Thoth?A W hat is the d iffe rence betw een Jones's op in ions and S w ift's?C How do you th in k the w r ite r w i l l conc lude the a rtic le ? Do you th in k he w il l agreeth a t g e n e ra l know ledge is now dead?d Read the f in a l pa rag raph on page 134. A re you s u rp r is e d by the end ing? Why? a C over the a rtic le .1 W hich of these verbs co lloca ted : w ith in fo rm a tio n o r facts? w ith know ledge?2 W hich verbs have a s im ila r m eaning?3 W hich could co lloca te w ith both in fo rm a tio n and know ledge? A Can you re m e m b e r how these o th e r verbs w ere used?h a n d o ve r key in c lic k on ou tsource boostLISTENING and SPEAKINGb Read the a r t ic le again to check.a * S E > L is ten to th re e people d iscuss ing the ideas in th e a rtic le . W hich of those top ics do they ta lk about?• going out • going on a long jo u rn e y• tra ve llin g to w o rk • know ing h is to rica l factsA re they g e n e ra lly in fa vo u r of, o r aga ins t techno logy? b M atch these op in ions w ith the speake rs .1 Technology m akes going out m ore in te res ting .2 It saves you tim e w hen tra ve llin g .3 It saves you having to m em orise useless in fo rm a tio n .A It he lps you to understand th ings in g re a te r depth.c W hich op in ions do you agree w ith ? W hy?D iscuss these questions .1 T h ink of som e in fo rm a tio n you looked up on line . Was it easy o r d iff ic u lt to find? Were you sa tis fied w ith the resu lt?2 Have you ever received u n re liab le in fo rm a tion?117LISTENINGThe Hole in the Wall1 a W hat do you th in k these pho tos show?12 .2 goals® describe technological advances© ta lk about how things developb Read p a rt of a re p o rt abou t the photos. W hat do you th in k the p ro jec t cons is ts of?iiWith a hidden video cam era, w e recorded the launch of the project, w hile a clock kept tim e dow n below. This boy had never u sed a com puter before. A fter ju st tw o m inutes, h e ’s learnt how to control the cursor. One double click and four m inutes later, h e 's opened a file. After six m inutes, h e ’s online.c Look a t the photo on page 139. W hat do you unde rs tand abou t the p ro je c t now th a tyou d id n 't before?2 a I L is ten to a TV new s re p o rt abou t th e Hole in the Wall p ro jec t.1 W hat w as the m ain conc lus ion th a t the resea rchers reached about the ch ild ren 'sbehaviour?2 How do the ch ild ren lea rn to use the com pute rs?3 W hat is ins ta lled on the com pute rs?A W hat is the re p o rte r 's fin a l po in t and m essage fo r the fu tu re ?b W hat im ages do you th in k w e re show n on screen a t these po in ts?ii The children are falling over them selves to look at som ething new.iiH e's been com ing h ere from the start, learning by w atch ing others.ii99... w hich w ould go on to inspire the hit m ovie Slumdog Millionaire99ii99giv ing the children a cce ss to a w hole new world and valuable life skills 99READING a Ta lk toge the r.1 W hat kind of on line s ites do you th in k the ch ild ren w il l access?2 W hat do you th in k they like best about com pute rs?3 How do you th in k they benefit fro m the pro ject?b Read the in te rv ie w . W ere yo u r ideas the sam e?118The project has now expanded throughout India to many different provinces. Psychologist Ritu Dangwal has observed kids using the kiosks since its inception. W ho’s looking through the Hole in the Wall and w hat are they really getting out of it?. I fPDefinitely - there has been a marked difference in how the children and com munity react to a computer, depending on the geographic location and on cultural, e thnic and racial backgrounds.In some places there is no gender difference.A t the other extreme, girls, though eager, do not com e to the kiosk. They just stop near the kiosk site and w atch. 2____________________________________________ ?I d o n ’t see the Hole in the Wall as a purely Indian phenom enon. Children are the same all across the w orld. If it can hold true in India, it can w ork as well anywhere in the w orld. Cam bodia, E thiopia and the Philippines have all shown interest in th is project.3 ?There was a study done by a professor teaching in Delhi University entitled C om puter Environm ent and Cognitive Developm ent. Shefound tha t children using the kiosk were more persistent, more to lerant tow ard am biguity - the ir aspirations were more realistic than children w ho were going to school but not using the kiosk.4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ?Clicking around the Internet may not directly lead to any kind o f improvem ent. But yes, browsing the Internet is like a child sitting w ith a book in the ir hands. W ithout know ing it, children are going to sites like tours and travels, reading news, or m aking attem pts to do so. A t the end of the day, they are doing fa r more constructive w ork than they w ould have done in a classroom.5 ?Just about everything. How intuitively these slum children have taken to com puters. How well they seem to have organised them selves to p ick up skills. Their quest fo r inform ation is the greatest wonder.LANGUAGEFOCUSD evelopm ents and advancesc Write a question for each of the answers. Then check on page 135. d Do you think the project could be criticised? Think of arguments for and against.A a Do the h ig h lig h te d verbs mean: become popular or successful? improve? increase?1 It gives people fa r m ore oppo rtun itie s to boost th e ir genera l know ledge, increase2 The idea has caugh t on across the w o rld .3 This educa tiona l p ro ject has sp read like w ild fire over the past six years.U We ask w hy DJ schoo ls are th r iv in g in a recession.5 We enhanced the help section fo r the so ftw are , added p ic tu res, etc.6 Te lecity is looking at ra is in g capacity in its data cen tres across Europe.7 The tit le of the ta lk is 'C om pu te rs and how they have advanced '.8 Apple are s t i l l ga in ing g round in co m p u te r sales.9 Rajinder's se lf-con fidence soared a fte r he taugh t h im se lf how to use a com puter. 10 The p ro jec t has now expanded th ro u g h o u t India.b Write about something that has become popular or increased.U nem ploym ent is soaring r ig h t now. It's nea rly 10%.SPEAKINGIt's soaring r ig h t now. It's nea rly 10% v r 'Read out your sentence, but don't mention the topic.Can other people guess what it is about?Talk together.1 How did you learn you r own co m p u te r sk ills? How m uch w ere you taught?How m uch have you picked up by you rse lf?2 W hat do you th in k th is te lls us about the way we acqu ire new sk ills?3 W hat im pact do you th in k com pu te r technology has had on you r life? Th ink about• ways it has im proved.• ways it has got w orse.Target activityDeliver a confident message12 .3 goals© explain an idea© deliver a positive message-mmTASKPREPARATION ̂J_Vrhow to 'W Search now!how to get richhow to find lovehow to repair your m otorbikehow to m ake the perfect cup of coffeehow to get the job of your dream show to play chess like a grandm astera Demand Media is an online company which aims to answer the general public's most burning questions on their websites. What kind of questions do you think people might ask?b Read the article on p i 37 and answer the questions.C Compare what you found surprising in the article.♦ $ED Listen to an interview with the CEO of Demand Media, Richard Rosenblatt.1 W hat in fo rm a tio n does he add about his com pany and how it w o rks?2 How is it d iffe re n t fro m the way tra d it io n a l con ten t m edia w orked?3 W hat does he mean by "We added a science to the a rt of c rea ting con ten t"?A How w ou ld you describe h is a ttitude?a Look at these statements from the interview. Which words contribute to the strength of Rosenblatt’s message and make him sound confident?b Where you would place the emphasis in each statement? Try saying them out loud.iiaWe se t out to create a whole new form of content.a99We definitely think that it’s causin g people to rethink their b u sin e ss m odels.... w e w ith surety can tell through the science and algorithm s, is going to be successfu l.9999c * G 3 Listen to check.d Which sentences in 3a could these expressions be used in? How would the sentences need to change?cu ttin g -e d g e the re 's no question to ta lly un ique innovative to flo u rish w ith o u t any doubt abso lu te ly ce rta in g round -b reak ing catch onA a Work alone.1 T h ink of an idea th a t you th in k is un ique. Use these ideas o r you r own:• an idea fo r im proving you r tow n.• a way of solv ing a soc ia l o r an e n v ironm en ta l p rob lem .• a business idea th a t w ou ld f i l l a gap in the m arke t.2 Prepare to expla in you r m essage in a c lear, deta iled way. P lan to d e live r it in a positive ligh t, so th a t you sound con fiden t and have com ple te be lie f in it.3 A n tic ipa te any questions th a t you m ig h t be asked, and how to deal w ith them .b Work in pairs.1 Take tu rn s to exp la in yo u r m essage.2 As you r p a rtn e r is speaking, th in k of d iff ic u lt questions to 'te s t' o r c r it ic is e tha t m essage. Find as m any 'h o le s ’ in th e ir a rg u m e n t as you can.120EXPLOREAcross cultures Technology1 a Look at the images. Discuss these questions.1 W hat do you th in k they show?2 W here w ere the photos taken?3 W hy have they been p laced toge the r?U W hat do they say about techno logy in the w o rld today? Do you th in k it is a fa ir rep resenta tion?b Read the captions which accompany the images. Do they make you change your mind about your answers to 1a?2 a »P H L is ten to the in tro d u c tio n of a p ro g ra m m eabout technology in different parts of the world.1 Do you agree w ith the p re se n te r’s in te rp re ta tio n of the tw o im ages?.2 W hat do you th in k the repo rt w il l go on to say . about m ob ile phone usage in the West and in the developing w o rld?b Listen to the full report. Discuss these questions.1 W hat perspective is the re p o rte r speaking from ? How do you know?2 W hat does she see as the key d iffe rence betw een the USA's a ttitu d e tow ards techno logy and th a t found in m any developing coun tries?3 Accord ing to the repo rte r, w hy has the m ob ile phone opened “ a new fro n tie r of innovation"?k W hat uses can m obile phones have in:• India?• Kenya?• Moldova?5 W hat lesson does the re p o rte r th in k developed co u n tr ie s can lea rn fro m the developing w o rld?6 W hat conc lus ion does the re p o rte r leave us w ith?Think about where you live. Discuss these questions.1 W hat percentage of people do you th in k have:• an In te rn e t connection at home?• a m ob ile phone o r ano ther, s im ila r device?2 W hat do people use th e ir m ob ile phones for?3 Do m ost people fee l any p ressure to own the m ost innovative new gadget on the m arke t? Why / W hy not?U Is it com m on to rep lace o r upgrade tech n o lo g ica l devices? W hy / Why not?Hamar, NorwayComputer nerds of the world unite!The world's largest convention of computer enthusiasts is called, simply, 'The Gathering'. Over 5,000 youngpeople come together each spring, some travelling long distances, each carrying the ir own computer equipment to the massive Vikingship sports hall in the city of Hamar. Many hardly see daylight or taste fresh air for the entire five days as they compete with the ir fellow geeks for cash prizes and the honour of being the best computer programmer.Accra, Ghana Rubbish dump 2.0Move to the recycle bin. It's an operation we perform every day on our computer desktops. But what happens when the virtual becomes real? Where do our computers go when they die? Increasingly this i-waste is finding its way to West African countries like Ghana. Their final resting place is the Agbogbloshie dump where they are broken apart, mostly by children, to salvage the copper, hard drives and other components that can be sold later on.121EXPLOREKeywords sure, certain1 a Look at these sentences. T ry rep lac ing the h ig h lig h te d w o rd s w ith ce rta in o r ce rta in ly . Does it change th e m ean ing?1 Be sure to write about something you enjoy.2 Schools are surely right to encourage them.b How could you rep lace the h ig h lig h te d w o rd s w ith the w o rds in the box?W hat o th e r changes w ou ld you need to m ake to the sentence?ensure doubt hes ita tion fu n d a m e n ta l of course unquestionab ly make2 a Sure can m od ify nouns. How do you th in k these sen tences continue?1 It w as a su re s ign th a t we h it the 'te rr ib le tw os' w hen m y dau g h te r ...2 It is a su re bet th a t no c la ss ica l m usic re lease th is season o ffe rs ...3 W hat w as once a su re th in g sudden ly becam e m uch m ore com petitive . Hong Kong now faces ...4 Being English, she th o u g h t th a t a su re w ay of g ree ting he r new fr ie n d s ...5 Ahead 7 -6 , 2 -1 , M auresm o looked like a sure w in n e r, b u t ...b L is ten to check.3 a W here cou ld you add su re ly in these exam p les? How w ou ld it a ffec t the m ean ing of each sentence?1 They're ju s t late. They w o u ld n 't have fo rgo tten , w ou ld they?2 T h e ir ach ievem ent in reach ing the fin a l m ust be viewed as a success, regard less of the outcom e.3 You’ re jo k in g w ith m e!4 It's never happened before, though.5 But th a t's no t the point.b W hich sen tences could be re p lies? W hat are they re p lie s to?c Do the sen tences in 2a and 3a sound w r it te n o r spoken? W hat does th a t say abou t how sure and su re ly are o ften used?U a How could you express these sentences in d iffe re n t ways? Use the w ords in the box to he lp you.1 It's c e rta in ly going to be successfu l.2 The D em ocra ts w il l c e rta in ly w in again.bound ce rta in chance chances undoub ted ly shadow of a doubt fo regone conclus ion inev itab le sureThe D em ocrats are su re to w in again.Chances are, the D em ocrats w ill w in again.b W hat do you th in k is happen ing o r going to happen in each photo? W rite sen tences using exp ress ions in 4a.C Read ou t yo u r sentences. Do o th e r people agree w ith you?EXPLOREWritingGoals® give w ritten advice ® w rite steps in a process ® describe how to do somethinga Read these tw o exam ples g iv ing advice on w r it in g an on line a rtic le . Add im p e ra tive s to the gaps.obear get w r ite be try choose bore use learn add your topic wisely. Be sure to write aboutsomething you enjoy as your enthusiasm will be evident in your writing. The topics that seem to be most profitable for me are related to finance, making money online, health, credit cards, and business. 2 your audience in mind. If your article isintended for beginners, then you need to cater for them. Spelling things out might be annoying for those who already know the subject, but could prove invaluable for newcomers to the subject.If your article is for experts, then similarly, don’t 3 them with needless descriptions.u the word out! Share your article withfriends and family by emailing it to them, or simply ask them to go online and check it out where they can leave comments on what theythink. Listen to their critiques and 5 fromthem. They are only trying to help you.o familiar with the topic, because you’ll want to sharewhat you know. People want to learn from the best, so you should be the best - or at least have enough experience to teach others. When coming up with the topic, think about your hobbies and interests - your best articles will come from there._ content. Starting with the title , 3 _ _ _ to use words that people will search for on the Internet. Those words will make it easier for people to find your article. Steps should be written in laymen’s terms so that anyone can follow their direction to get to the result.• Always 4 the spell check! You are the expert andexperts don’t make mistakes, right? Articles should be well written and free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Once you have checked it all, check it again!• Most of all, 6 something appealing! People can tell ifyou’re writing about a subject that bores you. You don’t have to be a comedian, but try to give your article a bit of flair. Remember, people enjoy reading something with a bit of personality to it.b W hat is the d iffe re n ce betw een A and B? W hat do they have in com m on? C ons ide r s ty le , con ten t and tone.C Can you th in k of any o th e r advice th a t w o u ld be u se fu l on th is sub jec t?2 W hat k inds of exp ress ions are ty p ic a lly used fo r g iv ing advice in the tex ts?1 im peratives and modals: Try to ...;You should ...2 linking words: i f ...; so th a t...3 a Look a t these exam p les fro m d iffe re n t a rt ic le s . C om ple te the gaps w ith poss ib le w o rds o r exp ress ions .1 Organise you r d e s k .______w ork ing , th ro w away any unused papers, rece ip ts, etc.2 W h e n _______ fo r c lo thes, always m ake sureyou look at the labe l fo r n a tu ra l fib res.3 I t m ore than ju s t w r it in g down w ords ona piece of paper to create a song.4 T h e _______ here is to use a s trong deodorant,not a cheap s u p e rm a rke t kind.5 C reating a cosy hom e w il l he lp you fee lcom fo rtab le and w a rm , can staydepressed fo r long w hen cudd ling up..6 you find ou t w ha t you 're good at, s tickw ith it!b W hat 'how to ' a r t ic le s do you th in k the e x tra c ts are fro m ?U W rite yo u r o w n 'H o w to . . . 'a rt ic le .1 W ork in groups. Choose one of these top ics or you r own.How to ...• keep you r ca r clean.• get rid of a ghost.• enjoy a party.• m eet people like you.• keep you r desk tidy.• read som eone 's palm .• apprec ia te ab s tra c t a rt.• behave w e ll on the road.• v is it a pa tien t in hosp ita l.• re m e m b e r you r d ream s.• overcom e a fe a r of sp iders.• im prove you r handw riting .2 B ra in s to rm ideas, then w rite the a rtic le together. Inc lude between th ree and six steps.5 Read out yo u r advice to o th e r c lass m em bers . Decide on the best piece of advice.123Look again OGrammarParticiple clauses b Work in pairs. Writing game.a Look at these examples from the unit, and underline the participles. Which are present and which is a past participle?When coming up with the topic, think about your hobbies and interests.Starting with the title, try to use words that people will search for on the Internet.If asked a factual question, they will usually click on a search engine without a second thought.b Express the sentences without using a participle clause. What words do you have to add in each case? Which of these examples are more common in spoken or written English?Look at this example. The underlined expression can be replaced by a participle clause.j Once you have checked it all,checkit again!Having checked i t a ll, check i t aga in!If possible, change the underlined expressions in these sentences, using a present or past participle. Why is it not always possible?1 W hen I pu t th a t to M oira Jones, she re fe rred me to the s to ry of the Egyptian god Thoth.2 Using an In te rn e t search engine, (once you have keyed the w ords in) takes a broadband use r less than a second, and the process w il l on ly get quicker.3 "I com e here every day, th a t's w hy I am happy,” says 9 -ye a r-o ld Shabanam as she plays w ith the educa tiona l gam es.4 He to ld the d rive r "S tam fo rd B ridge ", the nam e of C helsea's s tad ium , bu t he delivered h im instead to the v illage of S tam ford B ridge in Yorksh ire .5 W hen you shop fo r c lo thes, a lw ays m ake sure you look at the labe l fo r n a tu ra l fib res.3 a We o ften use p a rtic ip le s a fte r p re p o s itio n s . T h ink o f a con tex t fo r the exp ress ions below. W hat m ig h t com e before and a fte r them ?despite being injured after resigning from the job w ithout saying goodbye before opening the doorfar from apologising w ithout being searched on arriving at the airport on hearine the news1 Choose one of the expressions in 3a and expand it in to one o r tw o sentences, as if pa rt o f a story. Pass it to a n o th e r pair.2 Add one o r tw o m ore sen tences to continue the story, inc lud ing an o th e r expression from 3a. Pass it to a n o th e r pair.3 C ontinue the story, adding a n o th e r expression fro m 3a.4 Read out yo u r s to ries .a Join these sentences using participle clauses. Then write a single paragraph from all four sentences.1 I decided to take the exp e rim e n t out to a v illage ca lled M adantusi. I b u ilt an o th e r ho le - in - th e -w a ll the re .2 I le ft the co m p u te r the re w ith lo ts of CDs. I re tu rned th ree m on ths la te r and found these tw o kids w ho w ere p laying a gam e on the com puter.3 As soon as they saw me they said "we need a fa s te r p rocessor and a b e tte r m ouse" in English!4 So then I m easured th e ir pe rfo rm ance , and I rea lised they w ere using 200 E nglish w ords w ith each other. W ords like exit, stop, find, save, th a t kind of th ing , not to do w ith the com pu te rs but in th e ir day-to -day conversa tions.b Check on p 138. What are the differences? Which version sounds more formal?a We often use participle clauses in formal speeches, to sum up experiences, thoughts or feelings. Complete each sentence in a way that is true for you.1 Having lived here f o r years, I ...2 W hen asked w hy , I usua lly ...3 Having b e e n fo r , I ...4 T h ink ing back over m y life , I ...5 Looking to the fu tu re , I th in k ...b Compare sentences. Ask each other questions to find out more.G ram m ar re fe re n c e , p 14 5He left without saying goodbye...124VocabularyC om puter icons and collocations knowledge and informationa file a system the net the cu rso r an im age a p rog rama Which of these words can collocate withknow ledge or in fo rm a tio n ?new p r io r fu r th e r /a d d it io n a l background re levant / use fu l com m on co n fid e n tia l gene ra l accura teb C om ple te the gaps w ith a co llo ca tio n fro m 7a.1 Every ch ild com es to schoo l w ith d iffe re n t because of w ha t th e y ’ve been exposedto in th e ir lives.2 I t 's ______ th a t la te -o n se t d iabetes is m orecom m on in overw e igh t people.3 This is not the tim e to sub ject me to som e quiz.4 For about D r Takada and he r book, go to he r w ebs ite a t ...5 In o u r w o rld we lea rn by way o f rush ingth rough o u r b ra in every day.6 It's no t c le a r if M r Yu had any ro le in the leako f to a Hong Kong couple accused ofin s id e r trad ing .7 Labe ls shou ld h a v e w h ich w il l not scareconsum ers.8 A u th o ritie s revealed th a t they had no about the suspect's w hereabou ts .c D iscuss these questions.1 How m uch in fo rm a tio n do you take in on a da ily basis?2 How w ou ld you describe it?3 W here do you access it?4 How m uch of it do you re m em ber the next day?7b Make collocations about computing.6 a Look at these icons, commonly used in computers and mobile phones.1 How m any are fa m ilia r to you?2 Can you guess w ha t the o the rs mean?3 W hich ones now look ou t of date? Why?o1 brow se2 o p e n __3 c o n tro l.4 r u n ___5 dow nload / u p lo a d ______6 crash ______C D iscuss these questions.1 In w ha t o th e r contexts can brow se, s u r f and crash be used?2 W hat do these w ords m ean in re la tion to com pu te rs? W hat is th e ir 'n o rm a l' m eaning?• m ouse• bug• v irus• cookie• bookm ark• spam• desktop• home3 Do you know any te ch no logy-re la ted brand nam es th a t have becom e everyday w ords? google, p h o to sh o p ...Self-assessmentCan you do these things in English?(0 irc le )a num ber on each line. 1 = I can't do this, 5 = I can do this w e ll.I © talk about knowledge and technology® discuss how to access information® describe technological advances® talk about how things develop© explain an idea® deliver a positive message® give written advice© write steps in a processi ® describe how to do something• For Wordcards, reference and saving your work -» e-Portfolio• For more practice -» Self-study Pack, Unit 12125ActivitiesUnit 1, p8, Memory iaW ork w ith a pa rtne r. D iscuss ques tions 1 -3 . W ho re m e m b e rs m ost c lea rly? Now d iscuss ques tions k - 10 abou t the p ic tu re s you looked at.1 Think about your first school. 4 Think about the student.o What was it called? o What is her name?o What street was it in? o When w as the card valid?o What was your first teacher’s name? o What is her card number?2 Think about last Saturday. 5 What kind of hair has the student got?o What time did you get up? 6 What kind of university is Athabasca?o What colour clothes did you wear? 7 What images can you remember from the sign on the road?o Did you go to a shop? If so, what did you 8 What kind of trousers is the woman wearing?buy? How much was it? 9 What time of year is it? How do you know?3 Think about the children on page 6. Which 10 What colour is the pram? What about the wheels?seven countries did they come from?Unit 2, p20, Target activity 3 (student«You are an employer.1 Decide on the qualities and abilities you are looking for and how formal the interview should be. Prepare what to say and what questions to ask. Think about tone and register. Remember that you want to create a relaxed atmosphere, but have not met the candidates before.2 Welcome the first candidate. Make him / her feel at ease and ask questions. Then repeat the interview with another candidate.3 Decide who is the best candidate and why. Report back to the class.Unit 3, p33, Explore speaking malien ad] foreign; repugnant (to); from another world n foreigner; being from another worldIs unbelievable, I arriving London, ‘Heathlow Airport! Every single name very difficult remembering, because just not ‘London Airport’ simple way like we simple way call 'Beijing Airport! Everything very confuse way here, passengers is separating in two queues.Sign in front of queue say: ALIEN and NON ALIEN. I am alien, like Hollywood film Alien, I live in another planet, with funny looking and strange language.I standing in most longly and slowly queue with all aliens waiting for visa checking. I feel little criminal but I doing nothing wrong so far. My English so bad. How to do?In my text book I study back China, it says English peoples talk like this:‘H ow are you?'7 am very well. How are you?'7 am very well.’126Unit 4, p37, Maps of the world 3b (student aiThe w orld 's popu lation in th e ye a r 2 0 5 0"The choices th a t today's generation o f young people aged 1 5 -2 4 make about the size and spacing o f th e ir fam ilies are like ly to determ ine w he ther Planet Earth w ill have 8, 9 o r 11 billion people in the year 2050." (United Nations Population Fund, 2005)By 2050, the Earth's population is due to reach 9.07 billion. 52% o f people w ill be living in Africa, Southern Asia and Eastern Asia - num erica lly th is is the same as if all the world 's cu rren t population lived ju s t in these regions.In addition, another 3 ,000,000,000 are set to spread across the rest o f the world.Unit 3, p30, Target actiuity 4aC om ple te these sen tences about yo u r g ene ra ls itu a tio n .1 I s ta rted lea rn ing English ...2 I use E nglish [when? where?) ...3 I need English fo r ...4 English is h e lp fu l w hen ...Choose the best op tion abou t y o u r c u rre n ta b ilit ie s in E ng lish .1 I have no / lit t le / som e / p len ty of op p o rtu n ity to use English ou ts ide class.2 I fee l not at a ll / reasonably / very con fiden t w hen speaking in public.3 Im proving m y g ra m m a r is o fte n ./ a lw a ys /.n o . longer an issue fo r me.4 I fee l I have a lim ite d / extensive active vocabulary.5 Of the fo u r s k ills , w r jt in g /. lis te n in g / reading / speak ing rem a ins my w eak point.6 I am only s lig h tly / qu ite / n ighty m otiva ted to im prove my E nglish level.7 I've sensed a s l ig h t / som e / a g rea t deal of im provem en t recently.Unit 6, P57, Fake photos 2 (Student A)This nearly iconic p o rtra it of US P resident A braham Lincoln, taken around 1860, is a com posite of L inco ln 's head and the Southern po litic ian John Calhoun's body, carried out w ith the aim of enhancing the P resident's s ta ture. No 'h e ro ic '-s ty le photos of L incoln had been taken by tha t point. This com posite may have been created so as to address that. Putting the date of th is image into context, note tha t the firs t pe rm anent photograph ic image w as created in 1826 and the Eastman Dry P late Company (la te r to become Eastman Kodak) was created in 1881.Are these statem ents true for you? Rank them1-10(10 = very true / important).□ I need to socialise more with English speakers.D I want to become familiar with differentworld ‘Englishes’.□ English remains just another ‘subject’ that I study.□ I’d like to immerse myself in an English- speaking environment.□ Reading more in English is how I can best pick up new vocabulary.□ A knowledge of colloquial / informal expressions is what I need right now.□ I get a lot of benefit from classroom work.□ I still tend to translate from my mother tongue - I need to learn how to think in English.□ Learning another language may help me with my English.□ I have a set way of saying things - I need to vary that and move on.127Unit 4, p39. Nutrition transition 4 (student a>You are the successful owner of a large farm and use modern methods of intensive farming.You think developments to food production are beneficial to everyone. Prepare some ideas to support your point of view. Think about: o the transport of food, o multinationals, o GM foods.o pesticides and artificial fertilisers, o intensive farming.o developing new crops and types of food, o hygiene.o processed and packaged food.Talk about your ideas with Student B.Unit 4, p43, Explore writing 4Choose a photo. W rite a cap tion of tw o o r th re e sentences.1 Im agine the place, its a tm osphere and w ha t w ou ld be w o rth saying about it.2 Look at w ha t you have w ritte n . Can you:• m ake you r caption m ore econom ica l and m ore vivid?• th ink of o the r adjectives, verbs o r expressions which w ould be tte r capture the a tm osphere you w ant to describe?3 Read out you r fin ished captions to o th e r s tuden ts .Unit 6, p58, Genuine fakes 2xMaisons su r La Colline is a genuine Picasso, painted du ring .his Cubist period in 1909.It can be seen at the M useum of M odern A rt, New York. Cadaques is the fake, painted by John Myatt.128Unit 5, p48, Surveillance 3But that, say the critics of CCTV, is the problem: the House of Lords constitutional committee recently noted that there was no regulatory framework for adequate protections against invasion of privacy by CCTV. No-one even knows how many cameras there are in Britain. The best guess is over four million. CCTV is reckoned to operate in around 500 British towns and cities, as against 50 in Italy, 11 in Austria, and one in Norway. Professor Clive Norris, head of the department of sociological studies at Sheffield University, thinks public funding explains much of the difference. During the 1990s, roughly 75% of the Home Office crime-preventionbudget is said to have been spent on installing CCTV, even though no-one can be sure that it works: "The primary justification for CCTV is the reduction of crime. There has been a singular failure to produce evidence that it has achieved that."Norris quotes case studies in Australia and the United States showing CCTV's paltry success in leading to prosecutions. Police hours spent going through the tapes must also be considered. It has also been shown that improving street lighting "is a rather more effective form of prevention". Meanwhile, the hunt for all the identified Manchester hooligans is still continuing, a year later.1 Does the w r ite r of the a rtic le th in k su rve illance cam eras have helped to reduce crim e?2 W hat do you th in k m ig h t be the reasons fo r th is?Unit 5, p50, Target activity 4aRole play. Work in groups of four to find a solution for the square at Harras.Student AYou work in the town council.Your priority is that the traffic flow should not be blocked on the three access roads leading to the square. The square should be attractive to pedestrians, but also consider the needs of drivers, buses and cyclists. There is money available, but you should not agree to any solution which would involve unnecessary expense.Student BYou are a landscape architect.Your main contribution is to suggest creative ideas for using the space. You would like to create an attractive area that will be used by people, including children and old people.Student CYou own a shop on the square.Your main interest is in making it easier and safer for people to use the shops around the square, but you will agree to any solution that makes the square an attractive place for people to come to.Student DYou live on the square.You want the square to be a quieter, more pleasant place to live, and a place where it is safe for children to play. You will agree to any solution that gives priority to pedestrians and cyclists rather than cars.T h ink about:• the layout of the roads.• tra ff ic lig h ts and pedestrian crossings.• pavem ents and pedestrian areas.• car parks, cycle paths and bus stops.• m aking the square accessib le to people.• the appearance of the square (trees, flow e rs , paving stones, g rass ...).• o th e r fea tu res [seats, w a te r fea tu res, p lay areas, scu lp tu re s ...).W hen you reach ag reem ent, d raw you r so lu tion on the plan and m ake notes fo r a p resen ta tion . Inc lude:• an ana lys is of the m ain p rob lem s.• how you propose to solve them .• the advantages of yo u r so lu tion .BU SSTAT IO N129Unit 4, p38, What the world eats 3a (Group a>1 W hat are the m ain th in g s the Casales fa m ily seem to eat and d rink?2 How m uch of th e ir food is:• fresh?• processed?• packaged?3 Do you th in k they have a hea lthy d iet?U W hat seem s to be th e ir m ain source of:• v itam ins?• ca rbohydra tes?• p rote in?Unit 6, p59, Genuine fakes s (student aiYou are an art dealer.You want to sellB this painting. Although you know it’s a fake (painted by John Myatt), try to convince B that it’s genuine, and be prepared to bluff. Tell B that: o it’s typical of Anton Mauve’s early style. He often painted people on horseback by the sea during this period.o you have documents stating that it was painted in 1851 when Anton Mauve was living on the Dutch coast.Morning ride on the beach (Anton Mauve 1838-1888)Unit 6, p64, look again 4b1 He lay on the beach, gazing up at the M ilky Way and lis ten ing to the d is tan t sounds of m usic floa ting across the water.2 She cantered along the path, the w ind s tream ing th rough her h a ir and the m ud fly ing up fro m under the horse 's hooves.3 He w as s ittin g on a pa rk bench, look ing nervous ly up and down the path. From tim e to tim e , he w ou ld g lance anx ious ly at h is w atch .U He paused, his fin g e rs d ru m m in g on the desk as he considered how best to b reak the news.5 She stood by the w indow , w a tch ing as tw o m en in th e ir la te 20s got out of the ca r and w a lked tow ards the house.Mexico: the Casales family of Cuernavaca Food expenditure for one week: $189.09130Unit 7, p70, Target activity 2Malaria is a serious disease which can affect anyone. It is an infection spread by m osquito bites. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle ache and fatigue. These problems can appear at any tim e between one and fourteen days after being bitten. If not treated, malaria can become fatal.An estim ated 3 0 0 -5 0 0 million cases o f malaria occur every year, with more than one million fa ta lities. It is a risk for nearly half the w orld ’s population, and provides a constant challenge for a lm ost 100 governments.Malaria is one o f the m ost severe health problems worldwide, especially in developing countries. Most v ictim s are young African children. Every minute, two African children die of the disease.Treatment is available. So are methods of prevention. M osquito repellent and mosquito nets are often enough to prevent the one, small bite which would transm it the disease. It is necessary to spread knowledge and resources to those regions m ost in need.But those regions are increasing. Malaria causes a negative cycle. People w ithout access to preventative resources or health care are among those m ost at risk. The spread o f malaria to countries with fragile governments and social services reduces those countries’ economic growth. This leads to more widespread poverty, and thus increases the number o f vulnerable people.Unit 9, p86, Apples 5Expla in the re la tio n sh ip w ith app les in each im age.Unit 9, p90, Target activity 5 (Group A)GM food David Beckham the iPhone123oChoose the im ages you th in k are m ost su itab le as icons fo r ou r tim e . Then agree on an icon to add in the em pty space.T h ink of a rgum en ts to defend you r choice.Look at Group B ’s im ages on p 137. T h ink of a rgum en ts against th e m being chosen a s ic o n s fo ro u r t im e .GULF*A N D B E G F O R M O R EUnit 8, p77, Brand images 3bW ork in A /B /C g roups. Group A, look at adve rts1 and 2. Group B, look at adve rts 3 and 4.Group C, look at adve rts 5 and 6 .1 W hat e ffect do the adverts suggest the d rin k has on people?2 W hat q u a lit ie s do you th in k they prom ote? W hat do the people represent?3 How old do you th in k the adverts are? How do you know?W ork w ith s tu d e n ts fro m th e o th e r g roups. Lookat a ll th e a d ve rts toge the r.1 Put the adverts in ch ro no log ica l order. W hat he lped you decide? W hich advert is c lea rly linked to a p a rtic u la r tim e?2 Match these q u a lit ie s to the adverts.energy v ic to ry fr ie n d sh ip p o pu la rity taste hea lth youth re fre sh m e n t a ttrac tiveness m ode rn ityW hich advert is associa ted w ith a p a rticu la r: m om en t o r fee ling? p leasure o r le isu re activ ity? country?fo rm of w ordp lay?How are w om en presented in adverts 4 and 5? W hat does th is say about how the presentation of w om en in advertis ing has changed?W hich adve rt do you th in k is m ost e ffective? Why?One of these adverts becam e very w e ll-kn o w n . Can you guess w h ich one and why?oLipsm ackinthirst quenchinacetast inm otivatingood buzzincooltalkin highwalkinfastliv inevergivin r ~ . c o o lf iz z in L v JUnit 8, p80, Target activity 4a (student aiThe AIRpod is powered by compressed air, which is stored at high pressure in shatter-proof thermoplastic tanks surrounded by a carbon-fibre shell (the same tanks used to contain the fuel in gas-powered buses). The air is released through pistons in the engine, which drive the wheels.Unlike conventional internal combustion engines, air-powered engines run very cold and thick ice quickly forms on the engine. This means tha t the engine can be used to cool the inside o f the car, but not to heat it.Each car has an onboard pump tha t can refill the tank overnight. But Negre has also developed a high-pressure air pump - like a version o f the tyre pumps found on a garage forecourt - tha t can fill the tanks in less than a minute. These could be powered by clean electricity - hydro, w ind or solar - making the air car completely pollution-free. Even if carbon-generated electricity is used, CO2 emissions are still only 10% o f a petrol engine's.The car has a range o f more than 112 miles, and it takes less than tw o minutes to refill the 210-litre air tank.It can reach speeds o f just less than 45mph, although the air-powered engine produces only 8 horsepower, so acceleration is slow.now its Peosi-for those who think mune —•nti (Wti « » • too ui.tr, 9r i i n * Mthtg Inrtbrt j*w IHrtl132Unit 10, p100, TargetoThis annual, international event brings together homeless people fo r a once-in-a-life tim e chance to represent the ir cobntry in the name o f football! Grass-roots football projects have been kicked o ff in more than 60 countries, working w ith 25,000 homeless and excluded people around the year.activity ib eIn cities around France, homeless people and middle-class home owners come together in this open-air event, raising public awareness of the fragility of the housing market, and growing homelessness.Unit 11, p107, Artificial trees iRead the p roposa l and a n sw e r th e questions.Professor Klaus Lackner has invented an ingenious way o f counteracting C02 emissions, which he believes could solve global warming. His invention is an artificial tree. It's made o f metal but works in the same way as a real tree by extracting C02 from the air as it flows over its 'leaves'. Large quantities o f C02 could be removed from the atmosphere, and could be stored deep beneath the earth's surface in a solid form which would be stable and safe.Just like a real tree, an artificial tree would have a structure to support it - a steel pillar (like a trunk) and tw o steel 'branches' which would hold the 'leaves'. The synthetic tree would stand more than 100 metres tall and 60 metres wide and would look like a huge upright tuning fork w ith slats between its uprights. Unlike in a real tree, where the leaves are spread outas much as possible because they need to catch sunlight, the leaves on an artificial tree could be packed much more closely together and be parallel w ith each other, like a Venetian blind. So an artificia l tree could extractfar more C02 than a natural tree; and o f course, unlike a real tree, they could be 'planted' anywhere, even atthe North Pole or in the Sahara Desert.The apparatus would work by using a series o f simple chemical reactions. The slats would be coated in liquidsodium hydroxide, so as the air passed over them the C02 would be extracted and converted into sodiumcarbonate. A series o f further chemical reactionswould extract the carbon from the sodium carbonate and turn it into a concentrated, solid form o f C02 tha t could be buried deep underground.It would be quite feasible to produce thousands o f artificial trees and put them in any available space. Each tree would collect 90,000 tonnes o f C02 a year from the atmosphere - as much as is produced by 20,000 cars.1 In w ha t ways are the 'tre e s ’ like rea l trees? In w ha t ways are they d iffe ren t?2 How do they absorb C 02?3 W hat happens to the C 0 2 a fte r it has been extracted?Unit 11, P109, 2084 laArticle Discussion Log in/create accountIn Ancient Greek mythology, Phaethon was the son of Helios, the sun god. His father allowed him to drive the sun chariot for a day, but Phaethon couldn’t control it and the chariot fell out of the sky and threatened to burn up the Earth. To prevent disaster, Zeus killed Phaethon with a thunderbolt.The story was retold by the Roman poet Ovid, who referred to Phaethon in Latin as ‘infelix Phaethon’ (= unfortunate Phaethon).133Unit 11, p110, Target activity 3b (Group uLovelock's prophecyAt nearly 90 years old, James Lovelock has arrived at a worrying conclusion: we are doomed. Like tourists enjoying a boat ride at the top of Niagara Falls, we have no idea that the engines are about to break down. Lovelock believes drought and other extreme weather will become normal by 2020.By 2040, Europe will be a desert, and Paris will be as hot as Cairo. Beijing, Miami and London will suffer drought, rising seas, or floods. Millions will go north looking for food and water. By 2100, he believes, more than 6 billion people will have died. The survivors will mostly be in Canada,Scandinavia and the Arctic.Here, simplified, is how Lovelock views this doomsday scenario. Increasing temperatures melt the ice at the poles. This means more water. This increases the temperature (ice reflects sunlight but open land and water absorb it), and more ice melts. Methane (a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2) is released from the previously frozen areas of the north. The seas rise. There will be intense rainfall in some places, drought in others. The rainforests will collapse. And so on ...This nightmare vision of a 'tipping point' has been rejected by many climate researchers. However, Lovelock stands by his opinions. Let's assume he's right. What can we do?Well, not much. We've already passed the moment, he believes, where cutting greenhouse gas emissions would help us. What about using biofuels, renewable energies? It won't make a difference. Sustainable development, he says, is entirely the wrong approach. At this point, we should be concentrating on a sustainable retreat.1 W hat does Lovelock th in k w il l happen to: m ost m a jo r c ities? people in tro p ic a l coun tries? people in n o rth e rn coun tries?2 W hy does he th in k th is w il l happen?3 W hat does he th in k we shou ld and shou ld not do?4 M ark any po in ts you agree and d isagree w ith .Unit 12, P117, The end of general knowledge? 3dFools will always be here. And their foolishness will always make the news headlines. But on the other hand, there will always be teachers and parents who see the real value in possessing and sharing knowledge. The Internet, however, changes everything. We can’t help but use it to check what's happening (or has happened) in the world.Schools are probably right to encourage young people to use the Internet to find out about the world.It may be right tha t such a tool will ju s t help us to forget more and more. But at the same time, the continuing popularity of quizzes and game-shows shows us tha t general knowledge - shared knowledge among a mass of people all part o f the same culture and time - is strong enough to remain.Unit 2, p20, Target activity 3 (student b)You are a candidate.1 Think of skills and abilities which might be suitable for the job. Remember to present yourself in a positive light: how can you appear confident, but not arrogant? How will you sell yourself? What will you ask the employer? Use strategies from p20.2 Introduce yourself appropriately. Describe your skills and abilities in line with what the interviewer asks. Then move to another interview.3 Listen to the evaluation. Do you think it is fair? What comments do you have about the employers and the interviews?134Unit 4, p39, Nutrition transition 4 (student b>You work for an environmental organisation.You think developments to food production have mainly had a negative effect on the environment and on people’s diet. Prepare some ideas to support your point of view. Think about: o the transport of food, o multinationals, o GM foods.o pesticides and artificial fertilisers, o intensive farming.o developing new crops and types of food, o hygiene.o processed and packaged food.Talk about your ideas with Student A.Unit 12, p119, The Hole in the Wall 3c1 Have you observed any d iffe rences between urban and ru ra l areas in how ch ild ren in te ra c t w ith the Hole in the W all k iosks?2 Are the re e lem en ts of the Hole in the W all p ro jec t th a t m ake it un ique ly Indian? Do you see a Hole in the W a ll p rog ram ca tch ing on in o th e r coun tries?3 Have you seen any d iffe rences in p rob lem -so lv ing behaviors and academ ic ach ievem ent betw een the k ids w ho re g u la rly use the Hole in the W all co m p u te r k iosks and the kids w ho don 't?U Some argue th a t ju s t le tting k ids c lick a round the In te rn e t w il l not im prove th e irp e rfo rm ance in educa tiona l dom a ins like reading and science. W hat do you say to tha t?5 W hat has su rp rise d you the m ost over these past few years as you've observed howch ild ren use the Hole in the W a ll co m p u te r k iosks?Unit 8, p80, Target activity 4a (student b>The AIRpod is small, holding just three passengers, w ith a single seat facing forwards fo r the driver and a bench facing backward fo r tw o more people. The car is designed to be exceptionally light, weighing in at 220kg.Because the air tank and engine don 't take up much room, most o f the car is devoted to passenger space. The car is a three-wheeler, and the driver uses a joystick to turn, rather than a conventional steering wheel.In spite o f its flimsy appearance, the car is actually very safe, as it has airbags outside the car which inflate when a crash is imminent. The Pod itself is made o f strong composite materials tha t make a safe cell protecting the passengers.The technology of air-powered engines is relatively cheap and simple, so the car w ould probably cost about £3,500.A lthough air power means the car drives emission-free, some energy is required to compress air into its tank. But the cost o f a tank refill w ould probably only be about £1!135Unit 6, P57, Fake photos 2 (Student B>G reat w h ite s h a rk a tta c k !Two com p le te ly d iffe re n t photos have been jo ined to g e th e r to give the im press ion of a sh a rk a ttack in fro n t of San F rancisco 's fam ous la ndm ark , the Golden Gate B ridge.This fake photo w as c ircu la ted by em a il in 2001, accom panied by a m essage saying th a t it had won "N ationa l Geographic Photo of the Year".It w as not c le a r w h e th e r the em a il was hoping to convince people th a t the photo w as rea l, o r w h e th e r it w as in tended as a joke.The o rig in a l im age of the sh a rk was ac tua lly taken by a c o n tr ib u to r to N a tiona l G eographic - it w as p resum ably chosen so th a t the c la im w ou ld seem m ore genuine.Unit 4, p37, Maps Of the world 3b (Student B>Prepare to te ll Student A about your map. The w o rld 's w e a lth in th e ye a r 1 5 0 0"S laves captured in raids and w ar grew in im portance as a com m odity. Kola nuts were also im portan t, as were the dyestuffs o f northern Nigeria. All these goodswere h ighly prized in and around the Mediterranean basin." (Richard Effland, 2003)In the year 1500, European te rrito ries were some o f the w ea lth iest on earth , when measured by GDP per person. The regions w ith the largest to ta l GDPs were Eastern Asia and Southern Asia. These were also the m ost populous regions a t th a t tim e . The regions w ith the lowest GDP in 1500 were central and south­east Africa. These regions also had the lowest GDP per person.Unit 4, p38, What the world eats 3a (Group b>1 W hat are the m ain th in g s the B a tsuu ri fa m ily seem to eat and d rink?2 How m uch of th e ir food is:• processed?• packaged?• fresh?3 Do you th in k they have a hea lthy d iet?4 W hat seem s to be th e ir m ain source of:• v itam ins?• ca rbohydra tes?• p rote in?Mongolia: the Batsuuri family of Ulaanbaatar Food expenditure for one week: $40.02136Unit 12, P120, Target activity «If Christian Munoz-Donoso is going to make this job pay, he’s got to move quickly. He has a list of 10 videos to shoot on this warm June morning, for which he’ll earn just $200. To get anything close to his usual rate, he’ll have to do it all in two hours. Today’s topic is kayaking. Munoz-Donoso has enlisted a local instructor to meet him and to bring along four of his boats. Munoz-Donoso gets most of his shots in one take. But conditions are working against him. Shifting winds and changing light require him to adjust his setup. Even so, within a few hours, he has uploaded his work to Demand Media, his employer for the day.It isn’t Scorsese, but it’s fast, cheap, and good enough.Thousands of other filmmakers and writers around the country are operating with the same loose standards, racing to produce the 4,000 videos and articles that Demand Media publishes every day. The company’s ambitions are so enormous as to be almost surreal: to predict any question anyone might ask and generate an answer that will show up at the top of Google’s search results. To get there. Demand is using an army of Munoz-Donosos to crank out articles and videos. They shoot slapdash instructional videos with titles like ‘How to draw a Greek helmet’ and ‘How to stop snoring’ . They pump out an endless stream of bulleted lists and tutorials about the most esoteric of subjects.Plenty of other companies have tried to corner the market in online advice. But none has gone about it as aggressively, scientifically, and single-mindedly as Demand. Pieces are not dreamed up by trained editors nor commissioned based on submitted questions. Instead they are assigned by an algorithm, which mines nearly a terabyte of search data, Internet traffic patterns, and keyword rates to determine what users want to know and how much advertisers will pay to appear next to the answers.The process is automatic, random, and endless. It is a database of human needs, and if you haven’t stumbled on a Demand video or article yet on sites like ehow or livestrong, you soon will. By next summer, according to founder and CEO Richard Rosenblatt, Demand will be publishing a million items a month, the equivalent of four English-language Wikipedias a year.In an era overwhelmed by FlickrYouTubeWikipediaBloggerFacebookTwitter-borne logorrhea, it’s hard to argue that the world needs another massive online content company. But what Demand has realized is that the Internet gets only half of the simplest economic formula right: It has the supply part down but ignores demand. Give a million monkeys a million WordPress accounts and you still might never get a seven-point tutorial on how to keep wasps away from a swimming pool. Yet, tha t’s what people want to know.1 Are these sentences tru e o r fa lse?a C hris tian M unoz-D onoso w o rks fo r Dem and Media, b There are thousands of people doing s im ila r w o rk , c They a ll w o rk to a high p ro fess iona l standard .d Demand Media finds out w ha t people w an t to know by tra ck in g In te rn e t search data, e Demand Media em ploys h igh ly tra ined s ta ff to in te rp re t the data.f Demand Media are success fu l because they can find ou t w ha t people rea lly w an t to know.2 W hat does the w r ite r th in k of Dem and M edia 's approach? W hat ad jectives reveal his a ttitude?3 How does the w r ite r provide hum an in te re s t and h u m o u r in th is story? W hat do you th in k is his op in ion of the genera l pub lic and th e ir in te res ts?Unit 9, p90, Target activity 5 (Group b>1 Choose the im ages you th in k are m ost su itab le as icons fo r o u r tim e . Then agree on an icon to add in the em pty box.2 T h ink of a rgum en ts to defend you r choice.3 Look at Group A's im ages on p131. T h ink of a rgum en ts against them being chosen as icons fo r o u r tim e .9Burj At Arab hotel, Dubai137NelsonMandelaUnit 5, p50, Target activity 4cUnit 6, p59, Genuine fakes s (student b>You are an art collector.You have seen this painting and you want to buy it, but you’re not convinced it’s genuine. Other Anton Mauve paintings you know have similar themes, but they are darker and the figures aren’t so sharply defined. You have seen no information about where or when it was painted. Decide:o how much you are prepared to pay for it. o what questions you will ask A.Morning ride on the beach lAnton Mauve 1838-18881Unit 12, p124, Look again 4bHaving decided to take the experiment out to a village called Madantusi, I built another hole-in-the-wall. I left the computer there with lots of CDs, returning three months later to find two kids playing a game on the computer. On seeing me they said “we need a faster processor and a better mouse” in English! So then I measured their performance, realising that they were using 200 English words with each other like exit, stop, find, save, not to do with the computers but in their day- to-day conversations.138ionUnit 11, p110, Targe! activity 3b (student b>It's six minutes to m idnight...The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been updating its 'Doomsday Clock' since 1947. The clock conveys how close we are to destruction (or midnight) and identifies the ways that humans could obliterate themselves. One of the main reasons since the late 1940s has been a possible nuclear war. However, climate change and new life-science technologies have become important new factors.The clock was re-adjusted on 14 January 2010, moving from five minutes to midnight to six minutes to midnight. The reasons for this? World leaders are showing a stronger commitment to reducing their arsenals of nuclear weapons and other nations' means to make them. Also, developed and developing countries alike are making promises to limit the climate-changing gas emissions that would make our planet uninhabitable. According to the Bulletin, there are positive signs that tackling the two greatest threats to civilisation - nuclear war and climate change - are at last receiving worldwide political attention.1 W here is the c lock and w ha t is its purpose?2 W hat areas of r is k a ffect the tim e shown on the clock?3 A ccord ing to the B u lle tin o f the A tom ic Scientists, w ha t reasons do people have to be op tim is tic?U M ark any po in ts you agree and d isagree w ith .Unit 12, P118, The hole in the wall ic139will and would Verb tenses in narrationw ill and would fo r habitual actionWe often use will and would for a habitual [or repeated) action in the present or past:Present (equivalent to present simple):People will usually keep to the same brand unless they have a good reason to change.Past (equivalent to past simple or used fo):/4s a student, I would often work through the night and then sleep in the afternoon.O ther uses of will1 to make predictions:From tomorrow morning, flights will operate normally.When acid is added, the impurities in the liquid will gradually dissolve.2 to make decisions,offers, promises and threats:Don't worry, I'll talk to him.I'll carry that.3 to make requests or give orders:Will you please stop talking?4 to make deductions:That will be the postman now. 1= I ’m sure it isjOther uses of would1 past of will, in reported speech or thought:I told you they wouldn't agree.He knew that only one person would get the job.2 to mean wanted to or was willing to-.They would always keep an eye on our flat while we were away. Sorry I'm late. The car wouldn't start.3 conditional would, for hypothetical ('unreal') situations:I didn't know you were in town, or I would have called you.I like the job, but it would be nice to have a bit more free time.4 to make requests:Would you help me with these bags?5 to 'soften' assertions and suggestions:I ’d suggest getting a new printer, (less direct than 'I suggest') I would think she’s probably in her mid 40s. (more cautious than 'I think')When relating events in the past, we often use these verb tenses:Past sim pleTo relate the main events of a story:In 1990 we moved to London and I got a job in an engineering company.Past progressive: was + -ingTo give the background to events (what was going on at the time):At that time I was living in London and working in an engineering company. One day...If we use 'state' verbs (e.g. know, be, have], they w ill be in the simple form:It was the weekend and I had a free afternoon, so I decided to ... (not I was having a free afternoon}Past perfect sim ple: had + past participleTo go back from the past and relate events that happened earlier:It was already 8.30 and I was still 10 kilometres from the airport. I'd left the house in good time, but the traffic out of town had been very slow.Past perfect progressive: had been + -ingTo go back from the past and describe earlier activities:I felt very relieved when we finally found a flat. We'd been looking for months, but there hadn't been anything suitable.w o u ld /w a s going to (‘fu ture in the past*!To express a future idea which is set in the past:When she joined Sony, she was 22 and had only a year's experience. It would be Iwas going to bel an enormous challenge for her.We often use the above tenses in:1 reported speech and thought:They were lucky to find a flat. He told me they’d been looking for months.She knew that it would be an enormous challenge.2 relative clauses:I rented the flat to a young couple who had been looking for somewhere to live for months.140Adverbs Talking about changeWe can use adverbs to modify:1 a verb:She sang beautifully.I enjoyed the performance immensely.2 an adjective:He seems reasonably happy with his progress. It's extremely difficult to follow what he’s saying.3 a noun or prepositional phrase:It's really a form of baseball.The car was completely out of control.4 another adverb:We've read your proposal extremely carefully.Common adverb / adjective collocationshighlyperfectlyfullydeeplycompetitiveeffectiveintelligentunlikelysignificantquestionableacceptableclearnormalaware (of)bookedinformed (of)disturbedshockedmovedCommon adverb / verb collocationsdeeply / profoundly regret vividly/clearly remember strongly support highly / strongly recommend thoroughly enjoy entirely/ totally agree fully recognise strongly/ firmly believeShort responsesWe often use adverbs as single-word responses in conversation:A I think she did the right thing, don't you?B Absolutely.A Are the classes worth going to?B Oh yes, definitely.Adverbs that can be used in this way: absolutely definitely precisely probablycompletely certainly exactly possiblytotally not really hardlyTime comparison structuresMost people eat more meat than they used to.Problems associated with obesity are more widespread than they were a generation ago.Fifty years ago, most people in Europe had a much more restricted diet than they do today.In comparison structures, auxiliaries are usually repeated (are... than they were). Main verbs are omitted or replaced by a form of do le a f... than they used to-, had... than they do).get / become + adjectiveThe differences between rich and poor have got bigger over the last few decades.Access to information has become more freely available to everyone.Other verbsincreaseevolvecollapsedeterioratedecreasedevelopimprovefallimproverisedeclinespreadOther expressionsundergo a Irapid, gradual1 transformation make a (rapidl transition undergo a (complete] revolution go into Igradual, rapid, terminalI decline show a Imarked, noticeable) improvementCause / effect expressionsA causes Bgive rise to lead to result in trigger bring aboutB is caused by Aresult frombe a (direct) consequence of stem from have its orig in ls) in originate fromA influences Bhave an effect on have an influence on have an impact on affecthave consequences for141Passive reporting verbsPassive structures are often used in reporting what people say or believe, especially in news reports or in academic writing. This enables the w rite r to distance him /herself from the facts or opinions being reported. Compare:Inform al, less 'distanced'Many people think that the expression 'OK' is of French origin. More form al and ’distanced’It is thought that the expression 'OK' is of French origin.There are two ways of using passive reporting verbs:1 It + passive verb + that...It is generally believed that pasta originated in China.It has been shown that better street lighting reduces crime.It is reported that the number of teachers retiring early has risen dramatically.2 Passive verb + fo + infinitivePasta is generally believed to have originated in China.Better street lighting has been shown to reduce crime.The number of teachers retiring early is reported to have risen dramatically.Infinitives after passive reporting verbsPassive reporting verbs can be followed by:1 the simple infinitive:Better street lighting has been shown to reduce crime.(= it reduces crime)2 the continuous infinitive:They are supposed to be living in the Bahamas.(= they are living)3 the past simple infinitive:More than 50 people are reported to have been killed in the blaze. (= they were killed)4 the past progressive infinitive:They are believed to have been conducting informal negotiations. (= they have been conducting)Common passive reporting verbssayconsideracknowledgeunderstandbelievecalculatesupposeshowreportknowthinkreckonestimatefeelpresumePresent perfectPresent perfect sim pleTo refer to events in a period 'up to now':The country has experienced three major earthquakes this year. (= so far)You may have to help me. This is the first time I've used this software. |= in my life up to now)The present perfect simple is often used for announcing news, where the focus is on the fact that something has happened, not on when it happened. The event is connected with the present Iwe can see the result now).There has been a serious train crash on the main London to Glasgow line. (The line is s till out of action)I ’ve bought some strawberries. (Here they are)Present perfect progressiveTo refer to activities or feelings that started in the past and are s till going on:I ’ve been trying to contact her for days, but I don't know where she is. (= I'm s till trying).I've been meaning to email you, but I never seem to find the time. (= I s till intend to write)We also use it to refer to activities that have been continuing up to now, but have now stopped.Where have you been? I ’ve been trying to contact you for days.(= now I've succeeded in contacting you)Look - it's been raining. (= now it has stopped, but the ground is wet)’S tate’ verbsSome verbs are not normally used in the progressive form. These include:• verbs describing mental states and feelings: think, believe, know; love, respect, admire;need, want• verbs describing permanent qualities and states: consist, contain, include, involve, be, have 1= possess!, own.With these verbs, we use the present perfect simple instead of the progressive:Fashion photography has always involved manipulating images. We’ve had this sofa for years.Some verbs can be used in the simple or progressive with no difference in meaning:They've lived / They've been living in London ever since the war.142Referencing and substitution whateverSubstituting nounsTo avoid repeating a countable noun, we can use one (singular) or some/any (plural);Notepads are really useful. You should get one. (= a notepad)We need to buy some more paperclips. We haven't got any.To avoid repeating an uncountable noun, we can use some / any.A Do you want coffee?B Yes, I'd love some.After an adjective, we can use one (singular) or ones (plural] to replace the noun:I don't need a window envelope. An ordinary one will be fine.They replaced their beautiful old wooden windows with cheap metal ones.We can also use other pronouns to avoid repeating a noun:I spend time in London and New York.I like them both in different ways.I ’ve heard Shanghai is an exciting city, but I've never been there.Substituting verbsTo avoid repeating a main verb, we can use a form of the auxiliary do:Malaria doesn't k ill as many people as it once did.He s till smokes, but not as much as he did a year ago.A Who wants tea?Bldo.We usually repeat auxiliary verbs, or (if the meaning is clear) we can omit them:Malaria isn't as dangerous as it once was.Fortunately, the accident wasn't nearly as serious asit could have been.She’s more fluent in Russian than Ishe isl in English.R eferring to e a r lie r ideasTo refer back to an earlier idea, we can use this or which:They used detergent to try to disperse the oil slick. This caused further damage to the marine ecosystem.They used detergent to try to disperse the oil slick, which caused further damage to the marine ecosystem.[this / which = the fact that they used detergent)We can add -ever to pronouns to make the following words:whateverwheneverwhereverwhoeverhoweverThey are used in various ways.1 = it doesn’t matter, regardlessWhenever you want to arrive, let us know and we'll meet you at the station.Whatever people may say about her, I think she's an excellent leader.We'll get the job done, however long it takes.2 = I don’t mind, you’re free to chooseYou can sit wherever you like. (= anywhere)There’s no dress code - just wear whatever you want. (= anything)3 to give emphasis to a question.Wherever did you get that tie? It’s awful!Whatever did you say that for? (= What on earth ...?)Whatever can also be followed by a noun phrase:Whatever the time, feel free to call me. (= Whatever time it is ...) Whatever the reason, he's not speaking to me.In conversation, whatever can also be used on its own, to mean 'I don't care' or 'It doesn't matter':A Shall we take them flowers or chocolates?B Whatever. /= whatever you like1Whenever can also be used to mean 'every time':We go walking in the mountains whenever we get the chance.However is also used to express contrast (= but):Schumacher started the race well ahead. However, engine failure forced him to drop out in the third lap.143Modifying a sentence InversionWe can use adverbs and expressions to modify a complete sentence. They can come at the beginning or the end of the sentence, or as a parenthesis within the sentence (usually with a comma before and after].She didn't get into Oxford, unfortunately.Naturally, we’re very disappointed with the result.We are, of course, delighted to hear that the family are safe and well.Signalling attitudeSentence adverbs and expressions are often used to comment on the sentence or signal the speaker's attitude.1 = it's understood: naturally, of course, obviously2 positive comment: fortunately, luckily, I'm glad to say3 negative comment: unfortunately, sadly, I'm sorry to sayU expressing surprise:surprisingly, astonishingly, incredibly, amazingly, oddly, strangely Ienough15 expressing time or duration: suddenly, gradually, eventually, in the end6 expressing contrast:however, nevertheless, all the sameSofteningThey can be used to 'soften' what we are saying or make it lessdefinite.maybepresumablyI thinkprobablyperhapssort ofpossiblyin a wayto some extentAdding emphasisThey can be used to reinforce or add emphasis to what we are saying.reallydefinitelyactuallyindeedclearlyin factcertainlyliterallyas a matter of factA dverbial phrasesCertain adverbial phrases can be moved to the beginning of a sentence to give special emphasis. After these phrases, the subject and verb change position ('inversion').Compare:He not only evaded tax, but he then lied about it.Not only did he evade tax, but he then lied about it.I didn't realise my wallet was missing until I got home.Not until I got home did I realise that my wallet was missing.The following adverbial phrases can be used in this way:not onlyonly rarelyat no timevery rarelyin no wayonly recentlynot oncenot until InowlThese phrases can be used with different tenses:Not once did they get in touch to ask how I was.At no time have I claimed money from the company for personal expenses.Only very rarely was / consulted about managerial decisions.The main sentence stress shifts onto the adverb phrase:• •Not only did he evade tax, but he then lied about it.• •Not once did they get in touch to ask how I was.Only very rarely was I consulted about managerial decisions.The expression no way is common in conversation, meaning 'in no way' or 'not at all'. It is followed by inversion:No way would I want to do a job like that. (= I certainly wouldn't want to do it]We also use inversion after time expressions: no sooner, hardly, scarcely. These are usually followed by the past perfect. No sooner had we taken off than the plane started shaking. Hardly had I started reading when Jane came in and started telling me about her homework.144Cleft sentences Participle clausesTo g ive e m p h a s is to o n e p a r t o f a s e n te n c e , w e can d iv id e it in to tw o c la u s e s . T h is is c a l le d a 'c le f t ' s e n te n c e .Cleft sentences w ith W hat...C o m p a re :We need a new car.—> What we need is a new car.I'd really like to give up my job.—» What I ’d really like to do is give up my job.S ta r t in g w ith a c la u s e w ith What... g iv e s a d d e d e m p h a s is to th e s e c o n d p a r t o f th e s e n te n c e (a new car. give up my job)W e can a ls o b e g in th e s e n te n c e w ith a g e n e r a l e x p re s s io n r e fe r r in g to t im e , p la c e , re a so n , e tc.:the thing the timethe person / people the place the way the reasonWhat / The thing I need now is some money.The time I like best is just before sunset.The first thing I ’ll do when I get home is have a hot shower.The reason it didn't work was Ithatl it wasn't plugged in.The people I really admire are traffic wardens.Cleft sentences w ith I t ...W e can a ls o b e g in a c le f t s e n te n c e w ith It fo l lo w e d by ac la u s e w ith who o r that. C o m p a re :My aunt first got me interested in politics.—> It was my aunt who first got me interested in politics.We only heard he was ill yesterday.—> It was only yesterday that we heard he was ill.S ta r t in g w ith a c la u s e w ith It ... g iv e s a d d e d e m p h a s is to th e f ir s t p a r t o f th e s e n te n c e [my aunt, yesterday].W e o fte n u s e c le f t s e n te n c e s w ith It ... to c o r r e c t p e o p le :It w as actually London that I flew to, not Manchester.It wasn 't my husband you spoke to, it was my brother.T h e re a re th re e k in d s o f p a r t ic ip le c lau s e in E n g lis h .Present partic ip le clauses(fo rm : v e rb + -ing]We lay on the beach, gazing up at the night sky.When shopping for clothes, always check the label.P r e s e n t p a r t ic ip le c la u s e s can be u se d to s h o r te n a s e n te n c e w ith an a c t iv e ve rb :We lay on the beach and gazed up at the night sky.—> We lay on the beach, gazing up at the night sky.P r e s e n t p a r t ic ip le c la u s e s o fte n s ta r t w ith p re p o s it io n s :after closing the door...before going to bed...without saying anything...on hearing the news (= w h e n I h ea rd )while walking through the park...Past particip le clauses( fo rm : v e rb + -ed]Although badly wounded, I managed to crawl back into the building.If asked his opinion, he usually remained silent.P a s t p a r t ic ip le c la u s e s can be u s e d to s h o r te n a s e n te n c e w ith a p a s s iv e ve rb :Although I was badly wounded,...Although badly wounded,...Perfect partic ip le clauses( fo rm : having + v e rb + -ed)Having lived in London all my life, I couldn't imagine moving. Having finished the shopping, we went to a cafe for lunch.P e r fe c t p a r t ic ip le c la u s e s c a n be u se d to s h o w th e s e q u e n c e of tw o eve n ts :We finished the shopping. Then we went to a cafe.—» Having finished the shopping, we went to a cafe.P a r t ic ip le c la u s e s m u s t h a ve th e s a m e s u b je c t a s th e m a in c la u s e . S o w e can say:After going online, type a word into Google.B u t not:After going online, Google will appear on the screen.145Unit 1 »c o1 s a r a h Yeah, I found it really d ifficu ltat firs t because I d idn 't speak the language very well, but it was pretty easy to fit in a fte r a while because people are very friendly. I also was lucky to meet a lot of expats here. I really miss my friends at home but the people that I've m et here are really, really nice. I've also made a real e ffort to learn the language, but to be honest most of the expats that I've met here speak English, so it's easier jus t to ta lk in English to them. And yeah, I feel that I've adapted to the country and I'm enjoying it and I probably w ill stay here fo ra long tim e.2 d a n ie l When I firs t arrived hereeveryone was really welcom ing, even though I d idn 't speak the language,I d idn 't speak a word. I found that hard to get used to, not living in an English-speaking country. There were lots of th ings I m issed from back home - food, pubs, my friends. And although I fe lt accepted and welcomed at the beginning, the more I learn about the cu ltu re here, the more I fee l like an outsider. I th ink I 'l l never be accepted really un til I can speak the language fluently. Yeah, I 'l l always feel like an outsider, really.• o1 l ia m I th ink I do have a good v isua lm em ory and a good spa tia l memory.I, I th in k I've a m em ory fo r places, fo r th ings tha t I’ve seen, erm , as long as I'm paying a ttention . If I'm going back to a place tha t I've been to before, when I get there,I ' l l see som eth ing th a t 'l l jog my memory. I t ' l l make me reca ll w here som eth ing else was in the scene, even if I cou ldn 't have visualised the place before going back there . When I get there, it a ll comes back to me.2 j a n e I'm really bad, I, I can't, I ju s talways leave the house and forget at least som ething w he ther it's like my phone or, e rm , my bank card or my keys. It's usually my keys. I’ve got a mental block about keys. I th ink I'm going to have to s ta rt w riting notes and leaving them on the fron t door to remind me to pick them up. But yeah, now I've given, erm , lots of friends who live nearby, they a ll have sets of keys now so I tend not to get stuck outside in the cold any more.3 o l g a I don’t have a very good memory,especia lly fo r num bers. So, I used to have one password fo r everything. Quite an easy one as w e ll, and then a friend to ld me tha t's not w hat a password is about. So, I got d iffe ren t passwords fo r online banking, erm , fo r Facebook, fo r w o rk ... a ll the d iffe ren t ones. And at the tim e I though t of some associations tha t w ould rem ind me of those words,but then I fo rgot them a ll, so I had to use a d iffe ren t strategy. I had to jo t them a ll down in an address book as rem inders. So, I don 't fo rge t them !A uri As I got o lder, my ... my m em ory started to fade a bit, but one th ing I can, I can always rem em ber are num bers - people's num bers, te lephone num bers but from years ago, and b irthdays ... I've no problem w ith rem em bering pin num bers, bank account num bers, lo tte ry num bers, tha t kind of th ing.5 tina I can rem em ber a ll k inds ofth ings, but I'm rea lly hopeless w ith people's names and faces. I know th e ir faces look fam iliar but I can 't rem em ber w here I know them from , th a t so rt of th ing. I'm OK w ith names of th ings and objects and place names, but when I see someone I find it rea lly hard to know w here I rem em ber them from . And I get into a rea l panic, my mind goes blank and I know it's rea lly easy to offend people when you do that, so I have to pretend to know th e ir name. And som etim es the name's on the tip of my tongue but I ju s t can 't rem em ber it. I t ’s very em barrass ing.• Oandrew I rem em ber when I was little , when I was young. I particu larly rem em ber when I was about five or six, that kind of period, going to the beach and we'd stay in a cottage in the New Forest and we'd pack a ll our th ings up and set off fo r the beach and the excitement of that journey, of the preparation, w ith the buckets and the spades and checking everybody was ready and getting in the car, but the most ... the thing I really rem em ber is that as we would drive towards the coast, the trees - we were staying in a kind of forested area - and as we got towards the coast, the trees would th in out and you'd get g lim pses of the sea as you arrived and when we firs t got the little glimpse of the w ater reflecting in the distance we'd a ll open the w indows and see if we could sm e ll that pa rticu la r sm e ll of the beach. So, by the tim e we arrived at the beach, we were at such a high level of excitement, we'd a ll spin out and s ta rt digging sandcastles and stuff. But I just rem em ber loving that, the firs t glimpse, the firs t reflection of ligh t on the horizon - that the beach was nearby - and the firs t sm e ll of the rotting seaweed was jus t something that's stayed w ith me forever, really.j u l ia One of my earliest m em ories is the day that we went to wash my aunt's wool. She was getting m arried and beforehand, she had to do th is preparing of the m attresses fo r her fu tu re wedding. So, a ll the fam ily got together, we went down to a sm a ll rive r nearby where we live, near the village. And it was a ll the fam ily together, a ll the cousins, my grandparents, my m um, my sisters, mybrothers and it was such good fun to go down there and have a picnic ... there w eren 't any cars at the tim e. We w ent down w ith horses. And looking back now on th is occasion rem inds me of how beautifu l the village childhood was.b e n Yes, I guess if I th ink about it, I do have a very early m em ory from my childhood.I was at school, I th ink I'd ju s t started prim ary school. I m ust have been about fou r years old. And in my class, w e ll there were a lot of o ther kids as you can imagine, but the thing I rem em ber which made me feel very unhappy at the tim e was that I d idn 't have a partner. So there were 28 o ther kids, 1A partners, whatever, and I d idn 't have one and so I had to w ork and play w ith the teacher. So, it
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.